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Posts posted by tenmm

  1. I have not tried to make chili in a cast dutch oven but I know a guy who does. :)

    As for the seasoning I have use my BBQ grill for that it is outside and adds no heat to the house never mind the odor.

    We have had a lot of rain and snow this year and it has brought the desert here too life,wild flowers and such.

    Some people have a problem with the sagebrush,but I like the smell it should take off good this year.

    Down side is when it dries out this summer it will be prime range fire time :(

    An old quote"Stop and smell the flowers" if you only take the time for the flowers you still have missed way to much.

  2. BIBLE A little boy opened the big family bible. He was fascinated as he fingered through the old pages. Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible. He picked up the object and looked at it. What he saw was an old leaf that had been pressed in between the pages.

    "Mama, look what I found", the boy called out.

    " What have you got there, dear?"

    With astonishment in the young boy's voice, he answered, "I think it's Adam's underwear!"

    I all most hurt myself on this one..................... :wacko:

  3. ... the recommended method they have is four hours upside down in a slow oven with some foil to catch the dripping wax ...


    THAT can't be right ... wax is flammable, isn't it? Or at least acts as a fuel? Even the fumes can ignite under certain circumstances.

    Ya,that is what I thought... :blink:

    I understand you coat the pan with veggy oil and then turn it upside down and basically burn the oil to the pan.

    (repeat as needed to coat the whole cooking surface.)

  4. Oh my god even the Alternative does the same thing. how can that happen. In fact the alternative is even worse.

    *Ok I reinstalled real quicktime and turned quickdraw off on the main monitor and left it on the secondary monitor (still screwin around with it) and so far no green.

    Reinstalling was/is the only other choice I could suggest.

    I figured you would not be worse off with the alternative,guess that went out the window(pun)

    I see JDoors has the bug as well now :huh:

  5. I do not mind mowing the lawn this was the third time so far (once a week) just wish the weeds would slow down :angry:

    Getting harder to bend over. ^_^

    We had hail yesterday, it is still cool up here. I probably won't mow the lawn for some time yet. It must be warm in your neck of the woods, tenmm. :D


    Overnight lows are in the mid 30's dat time high is 60-65 but windy as all get out.

    If I tried to fly a kite as suggested but some,I could end up in the next county.... :rolleyes:

    Normal low is mid 50's with a high near 75.

    Well, I mowed the lawn yesterday and I can't say it smelled much. Early in the spring, fresh cut grass has a great smell here in Texas; but it has been so hot and dry not much to enjoy and it just stirs up the dust and pollen and drives my allergies crazy. So by the time I finished; no grass smell, just itchy eyes and a clogged nose

    Hi Pete

    It must take some "intestinal fortitude"{John Wayne reference}to do something that takes that kind of a toll.

    I foil wrap my veggy's when I cook them on the grill,keeps them from drying out.

    I like to use small red potato's with yellow onions two cloves of garlic,paprika,parsley and a teaspoon of butter or olive oil.

    Cut it up,mix it all up,then wrap it in foil set it on the top grill and cook slow for about 20-30 minute.


    After seeing some of the pictures of snow you get,I am suprised you can see your grass :blink:

    Pulling trees around here get done with my 4X pu :thumbsup:

  6. Holy smoke.... :o


    Sorry about the raw nerve I hit (cross's honda off list) never would have thought those would have so many defects. :o

    Hello Blim

    Ya third time could have been more but like JD posted,I would plan on getting it done only too have it rain.

    ( got to get a goat)

  7. I'd be on my third mowing too, if I hadn't put it off when I should have done it. "Oh, it could stand a mowing, I think I'll wait 'til the weekend." Bam -- Rain for a week. It'll sure be tall when I finally get the chance.

    I don't hesitate to use chemical weed-killers, though I have to admit they're not as effective as diggin' them up.

    As long as we're on the subject of lawn maintenance, I think I've mentioned this before but I feel so strongly about it, it bears repeating:

    . :angry:


    I have been looking at new mowers as the one I have need's some parts replaced,the problem is the company that made it went out of bussness two years ago :angry2:

    What is it you "hate" about your honda,the motor??

  8. I have seen a dvorak lay out before,as I hunt and peck I doubt I will change from the qwerty lay out.

    Onething I just saw is the dvorak comes in left and right hand lay outs. :o

    Gads I wish I had taken that typing course my work offered...... :poster_oops:

    I took typing in high school many moons ago. A PC keyboard is just not the same. I make much less mistakes with two fingers, but not that much less. After time I have gotten used to two finger typing and can proceed quite fast.


    The only thing I produce is errors. :blush: (one reason I stay out of chat :wacko: )

  9. I have seen a dvorak lay out before,as I hunt and peck I doubt I will change from the qwerty lay out.

    Onething I just saw is the dvorak comes in left and right hand lay outs. :o

    Gads I wish I had taken that typing course my work offered...... :poster_oops:

  10. It rained here about two hours after I got done mowing yesterday,so the fresh rain along with the other smells was a good end to the day.

    JSKY sorry to hear about the snow :blink: it snowed late in to the year here.

    More than enough water for now as long as the ACE keeps to them selfs.

    As for the BBQ weather has been a bit windy (hard to keep the grill going) so I will wait about a week and try again.

    tictoc5150 skunks are all over the place right now here so far nothing closer than a 1/4 mile.

    I understand about the well flattened,once I get to the highway it get ripe :(