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Everything posted by sultan_emerr

  1. A Kentucky horse breeder had a filly that won every race. But as she aged, she became temperamental. When he raced her in the evening, she won handily. But in day races, she finished last. He consulted the top veterinarians and horse psychologists, to no avail. He finally gave up, because she had become a real night mare.
  2. We all know Keith around here, and he has not been around a lot lately because he was living with his Dad to help take care of him during his illness. I received a message from Keith that his Dad passed away at 5 am today. Please pass on your condolences and thoughts to him during this time of hardship for him. Thank you everyone !
  3. Good Luck, Nerelda! It is obvious from your previous posts that you are well qualified for the position, and I am glad that you have the support of those around you. Best wishes.
  4. sultan_emerr

    About U?

    You might be surprised at who you find!
  5. Thanks handplane, And I also wish a Happy 4th To All. Photographing fireworks
  6. Happy Belated Birthday, Jimbob1989
  7. Another old hippie still hanging on, eh? hehehehe Happy Birthday TheTerrorist_75
  8. Welcome to Besttechie, diaperbaby.
  9. sultan_emerr

    Me To

    Hahahahahahaha That's a good one, macmarauder
  10. sultan_emerr

    Me To

    No Marty, not my birthday, but thanks for the thought. Hope that you are doing well and that your upcoming trip to Canada goes well. Just watch out for the wolves and polar bears.
  11. sultan_emerr


    Hello friends, Not really missing, just kind of slow geting around these days, for various reasons. It's nice to see you all again.
  12. Howdy hitest, glad yo see you back.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ...Whitewolf4!!!!
  14. sultan_emerr

    About U?

    I'm debating over whether to make this a humorous reply or a serious one. I'll have to think about it.
  15. Welcome aboard, rezinator!
  16. Hi LCplMurphy. Happy Birthday
  17. Hi Robroy, Very Well Said. We usually don't realize how much we have to be thankful for untill we have a set-back. I just heard from KeithLDick who has spent this Holiday weekend in the hospital attending to his father, who had suddenly became seriouly ill, and it will probably be ai least a few more days before Keith can return ti the forum.