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Everything posted by sultan_emerr

  1. Irish step dancing St. Patrick's Day Rap
  2. Heh-heh. Yes, that was a good one.
  3. I'll check out your site. Do me a favor though, use spellcheck when you post. Correct spelling and grammar means a lot to potential viewers. Just my opinion. Joe I endorse that idea.
  4. Happy Birthday option-shift-k
  5. Hi Pete, I guess that proves the old saying; "A Cat has 9 lives". Hahahahahahahaha
  6. First Look at Firefox 3.0 Beta 3 >>>
  7. Microsoft: Here's how to stop Vista update's endless reboot =
  8. NYT's David Pogue on Windows Vista = "I am a Microsoft Beta Tester and I have used all Vista Beta versions as well as final release and all I have to say is dont waste your time on it right is a bit complicated from some aspects...from some aspects i say it again....and most of the software are not compatible with vista yet....and other part is if you dont have a vista compatible PC or even if you have comsumes a lot of memory....I have 2 GB of memory and it consumed about 600 MB's sitting Idle...which should give you a pretty good idea about vista
  9. Is this another case of "pistol" envey?
  10. Then watch out for that blade!!!!!!
  11. One Man's sad tale of woe =
  12. I was just checking out that old favorite: "Bicycle Built For Two".