How's About An Arts Board

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This just came to me. How about a board where you can post anything of the arts. Say artwork of anykind you have found that you would like to share. It Could be a painting, a poem, lyrics to a song, or even an audio clip of some music. Anything of the sort. If you can find it in an art museum or if it pertains to anything art let it be posted in that board. What do ya'll think?

Edited by Honda_Boy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm.. interesting. Maybe like a sub forum of Open Chat called something like "The Cafe"? I know at least a music area would grab the attention of many members. I certainly would like to post about CDs, music, bands etc I find interesting.

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Great idea, but Matt, we have a Cafe! :D BUT, a subforum in OC would be a good idea, just needs a different name...I was thinking "The Gallery", but that seems like it would limit postings to strictly visual art....needs a title that would encompass everything artsy. Hmmm, "Inspiration Corner", "Humanities 101", "The BT Music/Writing/Art Gallery" perhaps?? (I know we probably can't use my term, Artsiefart :D ) Come on folks, put your thinking caps on for a great name!

For now, Hondaboy, if you find something inspiring, post it in "Open Chat" or "On the Web"--they seem like good spots. I want to see what your muses are :)


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mines mostly music stuff, songs and lyrics, some of which could even bethought of as peotry. take my last few signature quotes. none were poems. they were all lyrics from a Norweigan Progressive metal band's, Pagan's Mind, songs. This whole idea just came to me one day for an arts board. I don't really have anything I'm dying to post but others may really like it. How about the board just be called The Arts. * note this is a joke and not to be taken seriously. For the love of god do not name it this. The Euro Beret board. :)

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Hey Guys,

Sorry I took so long to get to this one, I've been really busy with school and its still not over. :(

I have my exams this week and then I don't need to go back seeing as I don't need to be there unless I have an exam. Anyway! I do like the idea. I personally love music myself. Lets see if we can think of a cool name for this section and I'll put it up as soon as I can. B)


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Sounds like a good idea to me for all the talented people on board.


Arts and Crafts (a play on the historic house type design name)

Creative Juice(s)

Talent Showcase

As you can see from my anemic ideas, I am not too talented myself. :rolleyes:

Just trying to start the name ball rolling here.


God bless everyone

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well I don't neccessarily mean artwork members have created themselves but they can display it if they want.

I still like "The Arts" Cause it seems to be the only decent name that encompasses all things art.

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Personally, I like the idea; I am most definately an art lover. But I do have a concern. Art is subjective and as such there will eventually be a member who is offended by a work. I don't believe in censorship of art in anyway and feel we should be careful not to do so. Overly offensive pieces can be handled democraticly with (for example) a mod/staff poll with majority rule.

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Agreed with Naraku that there needs to be a sticky, reminding folks that submissions must be family friendly.

How about "The Studio"? I like Pat's "Talent Showcase", too. Or just plain "Showcase"? And Hondaboy's "The Arts", although if you were to tweak one of your suggestions to "The Beatnick Euro Beret board"..... :D

Good luck with your exams, Jeff! Crack those books, make us proud! And remember, school comes before Boards!


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I was thinking more along the lines of explicit warnings (very visible) of possible objectionable material in forum subtitle. IMO a "family friendly" policy in regards to art wont work, who decides what fits the criterea? I'de rather be more selective on what gets pulled then what gets posted, ie: everything stays except blatently pornographic, racist, and sexually graphic material. Either way it would be nice to see members' tastes in art.

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I was thinking more along the lines of explicit warnings (very visible) of possible objectionable material in forum subtitle. IMO a "family friendly" policy in regards to art wont work, who decides what fits the criterea? I'de rather be more selective on what gets pulled then what gets posted, ie: everything stays except blatently pornographic, racist, and sexually graphic material. Either way it would be nice to see members' tastes in art.

... difficult.

Yes, even "family friendly" is subjective. What might not be objectionable material for me might be objectionable material to another, and vice versa; i.e.: politics, religion, family values, love of one's country... to name a few. I doubt if the writings of Ginsberg... be it Allen, Asher, Lewis, or Morris would fail to raise someone's ire... even in this family oriented forum.

I'd be interested in seeing what might actually shake out - purely on sociological curiosity. At worst it might be a noble experiment worthy of learning a lesson from.

Perhaps a links page to those who might wish to show off their own arts pages (doesn't everybody have their own already???) that might explain what the link actually might link to in terms of taste, etc.

For instance: I have 9, or more, depending on when this is read, pages of what I call 'poetry-like stuff' that runs from: my faith, to depression, to up-lifting, political, to the non-sensical (was that redundant?), to the sensual, to the personal, outdoors, and 'out there'. My poetry might offend many Christians with regards to my faith, which is a devout Christian faith; and of course non-Christians.

Below is a collection of 9 pages of my poetry with #10 soon to be published on the web:... (Please view at your own risk and respect common copyright...

© 2003/2004/2005/& 2006 Bobby Nichols ... all rights reserved.)

A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #1


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #2


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #3


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #4


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #5


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #6


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #7


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #8


A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #9


Not yet published... but soon: A collection of poems by Bobby Nichols #10

I respect the wishes of this fine community and will accept the pulling of this post if needs be.

"At worst it might be a noble experiment worthy of learning a lesson from."


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well folks, I'm going to also post example material, Music. Progressive Metal to be exact. How can it be offensive to anyone. It's called Throush Osiris' Eyes and is by Pagan's Mind. It sounds really metalish in certain parts but the lyrics are purely progressive and non-offensive (or so I think). It does mention Heaven but thats about it. An all it says Eyes of heavens reign. Note it isn't christian music rather saying there is actually another origin of man in the 2nd and 3rd album by this band. The third album is almost a concept album having a man that has discovered that humans were a genetically engineered race placed on this planet by the"Cyanide Aliens". It's kinda Sci-Fi.

Pagan's Mind Website

There are 4 mp3's including the one I have posted, and 2 working videos and a third witha broken link. Watch the Through Osiris Eyes Video. It's a little interesting. (Take into account they are Norweigan so their website is kinda wonky)

Through Osiris' Eyes by Pagan's Mind

This is the mp3

Lyrics to the song

These are the lyrics though not entirely correct I don't think.

Edited by Honda_Boy
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Okay, the art forum has been created. It's called 'The Arts' and is a sub-forum of Open Chat. Depending how popular it becomes will determine if it becomes its own forum. B)

Enjoy the forum, I'm sure I will. I love music. I am now learning to play guitar and have been working on lyrics and stuff. B)

The Arts Forum


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