Happy New Year!

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Well, its been a tremendous year for us here at Besttechie.net!

We've seen a good amount of growth, and we've been working very hard in the background to get the site and the moderation of it ready for the future. We are very close to having everything in place so that the site runs itself smoothly and the Staff are all prepared for anything that may arise.

We have a great team in place here, and once we've gotten all the expected wrinkles ironed out, I think we will have the undisputed BEST Moderation Team on the Internet!!

The reason we work so hard?

You guys...our members, you are the Best bunch of rag-tag, jumbled up, nutty, run-amok's I've ever met, and you're also the most considerate, compassionate group I've ever seen!!

I wouldn't trade a single one of you for all the tea in China....(what the heck does that mean anyway... :blink: )


May your new year provide you with love and happiness for you & yours!

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  KeithLDick said:
  Chappy said:

I wouldn't trade a single one of you for all the tea in China....

Yeah but would you trade one of us for a good Six-Pack of Beer??????......

hahahahaha :D

no, It would take a case hehe

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Happy New Year!!!!

I feel very fortunate to work with the best Admin/mod team on the Internet! Thanks for the kind words, Chappy! :D

The membership at BT makes moderating this forum a pleasure! I am certainly looking forward to 2006! I wouldn't trade any of you even for a flat of my favourite beer.................I like you guys a lot! :D


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  KeithLDick said:
  Chappy said:

I wouldn't trade a single one of you for all the tea in China....

Yeah but would you trade one of us for a good Six-Pack of Beer??????......

hahahahaha :D

Hmmm....make it a 12 pack, and a can of cashews and we'll talk...;)

Are you volunteering??


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