Merry Xmas!

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Had trouble sleepin (like I do every Christmas) so I'm already up and it is 5:15 A.M. here in Middle Tennessee. I'll wait till 6:00 or 6:30 to start making noise to wake the rest up. As usual traditions go my parents leave my brother and I one present out and I have so far a 1:32 Scale German Jagdtiger Diecast Tank (or as WWII people know a Tank Killer ). I am starting a Diecast WWII tank collection. I already have a SHerman and a Panzer III. I also know from my sneaky ways that I am also recieving a King Tiger.....and an MX518 mouse and a Foxconn wireless network card for my dual boot box.

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope ya'll have a goodun.

Merry Christmas from Tennessee.

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Merry Christmas Everyone

Aw man what a great day so far....Our 2 daughters arrived home safe last night. This morning we all exchanged our gifts and now we are heading out for Christmas dinner at my wife's sisters and family (it's thier turn this year :P ).

Got a real cool gift from my oldest daughter.....a ball cap with Gibson on how cool is that!!!! :D

Youngest daughter got me a (now hang on to your chair!!)....Jimi Hendrix...T-shirt...wOOt...wOOt

Any way....I'm off...have a great day everyone... :D


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Merry Christmas!

Die cast tanks, Hondaboy, very cool thing to collect! Hope you can find some antique ones someday. My Dad collects Diecast...anything (and pencil sharpeners and kerosene lamps and coins and)

Wow, RV, sounds like your daughters hit the nail on the head with your goodies! Best of all, they made it home safely

My day started at 8am with Son hollering, "It's 8 o'clock, get up, get up." I did get an accessory pack for my Dremel, though :thumbsup: (puffs chest, yes I have my own dremel! But my cordless drill is handier) New toys to dull!


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I've picked up some more sweet shwag. I got a new DVD player from my bro ( already have a DVD drive in my bedroom computer but 17 inch monitor and possible choppy playback vs. smooth playback and 19 inch TV...yeah) , I got the Mouse and the WiFi card, i'm using the WiFi right now in my room, i got the King Tiger, some fleece jackets an AC/DC Shirt and hoodie and Queensryche's first album. Awesome stuff. i think my favorites are the DVD player and the WiFi card. Now when someone else is usin the Sidewinder I can at least still surf the net on Moo. (i call it Moo cause it's a Gateway)

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