Nz Elections

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hi team

just come on to the board

at the moment we are having our

gov elections

and ive been scrutineering for the party i support.

and i didnt realise how gullable

some peple are when it comes to vote .

each party rep was there to try and influence the voter.

and it is surprising how many people change their mind at the last moment .

i wont do it again .

people should study why and how they should vote before they get to the booth.

no wonder people get manipulated.

does this happen in the respective countrys you belong to


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here we have preportional representation

where by several parties can have say a in the running of the country

what happens is the parties with the most partiy votes can make deals with the smaller parties .

to run the country

and it works because it keeps goverments


instead of radical

how ever im happy to say

the party i support

looks as tho it will be the ruling party

which is middle of the road

socialist party.

i must have some one sitting on my shoulder

as. since 1987 ive been on the winning party

i keep marbles in my pocket and i pull the right on at the right time.

ha ha ha

yes i agree thy are like it all over the world

robroy we have one off the most stable gov in the world.

some times we upset the balance by getting p----ed


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unfortunately i think every country has this problem. i compare politicians speeches to salesmen selling you their product wether you need it or not. politics vary greatly from country to country but they always sound like salesmen.


Agreed. I unfortunately have a sarcastic view of anyone willing to enter public life. Politicians will say anything to get elected and keep their job. NZ sounds just like my neck of the woods too, martymas. :D

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unfortunately i think every country has this problem. i compare politicians speeches to salesmen selling you their product wether you need it or not. politics vary greatly from country to country but they always sound like salesmen.


Agreed. I unfortunately have a sarcastic view of anyone willing to enter public life. Politicians will say anything to get elected and keep their job. NZ sounds just like my neck of the woods too, martymas. :D


and the sad part is. i really don't mind someone that has different views some of the times or a politician that screws up. but what i really want in a politician are things that i very very rarely see, or at least that they really posses. true leadership, being a stand up person like taking responsibility and standing for what themselves instead of trying to be what people think that they should and hiding anything about them or their lives that isn't. i really truly am ok with someone that screws up sometimes because no one is perfect. you can truly know alot about someone by how they act when they mess up. i'd love to have a politician that speaks from the heart instead of just reading from a pre written speech from someone else. acting is another thing that politicians do today. you just don't know what parts of them are real at all anymore. the most important that too few politicians have is a true caring for their people. i've seen so many that are just there to make money for themselves.

i'm sorry i've gone off into a rant so please just ignore it. as these are just the personal views (ramblings) of a young old man (hermit who lives in a cave under the colorado river) (aka sponge hermit big round pants) who is watching the blues brothers upside down on his head cause the TV tune is in the wrong way. :wacko:

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Does anyone here think Bush's  9/11 speech in NY was scripted after he hugged the fireman and grabbed the bullhorn? (where is my hero Chappy?)


*No comment* Flight suit, plastic turkey and etc.


LOL :lol:

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