No More Gas For Texas

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Well atleast the metroplex area and surrounding cities near lousianna border. The massive amount of refugees running here has caused a possible closure of all gas pumps within a certain radius of the Louisianna border for people in texas. This is rumor talk, but if it is true and my sources are correct we will have no gas for a while.This is to keep ppl from buying it all since Louisianna cant really get any.

The situation in Lousiianna in my opinion is being over exagerated. No not the travesty, but the gas. The refinergy is there and none of the gas was lost. Worst case, Louisianna borrows gas ( sort of a loan), and is to pay back in gas to the states it borrowed from when its supply is reachable.

Well thats is for here. I am going to mexico...I am going to have to stock up on gas just in case they close it...Cant get stranded.

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Whats the gas like in mexico? Ever thought of buying a propane tank and filling it with gas? :)


..that sounds like a good way to get "homeland Security's" attention...might be a bit dicey getting back across the border... :wacko:

on another note...rumors will be very prevalent for quite a while...take most of what you hear with a grain of salt...and always confirm the source..

there's no exaggeration in any of's going to get worst before it gets better..

God bless the victims

Edited by screi
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Then wat are you implying? I am inferring the same as screi!

Gas in mexico kills your is dilutted in water from what i hear.

We always cross border ( to DEL RIO TEXAS to fill up )


Not always, lots of mexico is hot and dry. But last I checked they were still using lead in their gasoline. One tank and you are buying a new Catalytic converter if you ever want to get another emissions inspection sticker. Also , lots of their pumps have the oversize nozzels which require you to punch out the fill hole and then you need a new filler neck to pass a safety inspection.

What all this points out is that after all the BS about forming a Department of Homeland Security to coordinate things and be ready for a major terrorist attack , we just have a bunch of beaurocracy , not a functioning system. If this had been a terrorist dirty bomb or biological attack and it took this long to react we would be in a lot worse position than this. We have leadership more interested in coordinating a photo op (look at how the relief supplies showed up just when President Bush did) than in giving timely relief.

Everyone knows that hurricanes knock out power and thus water supplies.

So even a moron should have known that the day after all those folks in the superdome would be without power and water . Although they may have been able to flush by bringing in buckets of water from outside initially (did anyone even try this or did they just let things clog up when the water cut off) it should have been obvious that there would be a need for immeadiate provisioning.

Yes, I know the National Guard is so severely depleted by Bush's use of them in Iraq, that they cannot serve their original purpose. So there should have been a call out for porta potties ready and waiting to go to affected areas and trucks to service them. Likewise water and soda bottling facilities should have been contacted with a contingency to provide drinking water. Emergency generators should have been standing by ready to roll even if they had to be rented, along with fuel trucks even if they had to be hired .

Again, national guard supplies of emergency food are depleted, so other arrangements for emergency rations should have been ready.

Finally, they should have ordered a pre evacuation of busses , including school busses from potentially affected areas. These should have been standing by inland ready and waiting to roll in and evacuate survivors. Anywhere would have been better than sitting in a flooded disaster area with no food and no water.

Looting should have been anticipated in an evacuated and devastated area, and a zero tolerance approach would have been possible if there were a viable evacuation means so that only those who did not want to leave had stayed behind.

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Everyone knows that hurricanes knock out power and thus water supplies.

So even a moron should have known that the day after all those folks in the superdome would be without power and water

That was the local administration's responsibilty. All that mayor did was run around yelling "the sky is falling!" (with his hand out) No cots or blankets on hand, no food or water. What's up with that? He's a leader? NOT! Did you notice the parking lot full of flooded school buses? Why? When folks needed a way out of town? The cities, then the state are the first responders of an emegency. Not Washington.

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Then wat are you implying? I am inferring the same as screi!

Gas in mexico kills your is dilutted in water from what i hear.

We always cross border ( to DEL RIO TEXAS to fill up )


Not always, lots of mexico is hot and dry. But last I checked they were still using lead in their gasoline. One tank and you are buying a new Catalytic converter if you ever want to get another emissions inspection sticker. Also , lots of their pumps have the oversize nozzels which require you to punch out the fill hole and then you need a new filler neck to pass a safety inspection.

What all this points out is that after all the BS about forming a Department of Homeland Security to coordinate things and be ready for a major terrorist attack , we just have a bunch of beaurocracy , not a functioning system. If this had been a terrorist dirty bomb or biological attack and it took this long to react we would be in a lot worse position than this. We have leadership more interested in coordinating a photo op (look at how the relief supplies showed up just when President Bush did) than in giving timely relief.

Everyone knows that hurricanes knock out power and thus water supplies.

So even a moron should have known that the day after all those folks in the superdome would be without power and water . Although they may have been able to flush by bringing in buckets of water from outside initially (did anyone even try this or did they just let things clog up when the water cut off) it should have been obvious that there would be a need for immeadiate provisioning.

Yes, I know the National Guard is so severely depleted by Bush's use of them in Iraq, that they cannot serve their original purpose. So there should have been a call out for porta potties ready and waiting to go to affected areas and trucks to service them. Likewise water and soda bottling facilities should have been contacted with a contingency to provide drinking water. Emergency generators should have been standing by ready to roll even if they had to be rented, along with fuel trucks even if they had to be hired .

Again, national guard supplies of emergency food are depleted, so other arrangements for emergency rations should have been ready.

Finally, they should have ordered a pre evacuation of busses , including school busses from potentially affected areas. These should have been standing by inland ready and waiting to roll in and evacuate survivors. Anywhere would have been better than sitting in a flooded disaster area with no food and no water.

Looting should have been anticipated in an evacuated and devastated area, and a zero tolerance approach would have been possible if there were a viable evacuation means so that only those who did not want to leave had stayed behind.


They saw it coming.They were TOLD it was coming. Fact is,everyone from the Mayor of New Orleans up to the President himself sat on their hands until it happened,and were slow to react after it did. National guard troops should have been in place in New Orleans from day one. Looters should have been dealt with swiftly and severely.New Orleans should have been evacuated BEFORE the hurricane struck,mandatory,no exceptions. The problem is that here in the US we are all so full of ourselves that we think bad things can't happen to us (after all,we're not some third world country) and when bad things DO happen there usually isn't someone who can give the orders to get things done fast. FEMA,like all government agencies,is top heavy with rules and red tape that they can't,by nature,act quickly.Thats why the Red Cross is usually the first one on the scene,and doing the most good.

People in the Superdome without food,water,etc...and where in the hell are all the Army and Air Force cargo helicopters? Sitting at some air base waiting for some General to give the command,with nobody wanting to take the responsibility.

Its a mess that never should have happened. Its not an earth quake,with no warning.We had several days to prepare and mobilize.

Of course,the troops and supplies that SHOULD have been there post-haste are all over in Iraq doing only God knows what. george W. has left his own country ill-prepared for things like this to satisfy whatever agenda he has. WE,as Americans,should demand that AMERICA and AMERICANS should be top priority. Nothing we can do about it now but the next ellection,use your vote to express your opinion.

Thats just my two cents worth,sitting here in a small town with no gas since Thursday and waiting to see how far the oil companies can gouge us before the government steps in and does something about it(little hope of that).

Edited by HPoirot36
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Bush is/was there as soon as the inept governor and mayor asked...(how long do you think it takes to mobilize thousands of troops and supplies?) Where was "their" preperation? Their emergency response? Their leadership getting folks outta there? I still see the picture of 30-40 school buses flooded and useless...........

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A nice little gentle humor there cherokeechief :lol:

"bozodog Posted Yesterday, 07:05 PM

Bush is/was there as soon as the inept governor and mayor asked...(how long do you think it takes to mobilize thousands of troops and supplies?) Where was "their" preperation? Their emergency response? Their leadership getting folks outta there? I still see the picture of 30-40 school buses flooded and useless........."

Good point there bozodog :thumbsup:

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