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Level 3

Posts: 573

Joined: May 2004

Wednesday August 17, 2005 5:57 PM (NEW!)

Just wanted to say hi to all after my short departure and want to thank all who sent their thoughts and prayers.

The quick of the update is that I am doing better after my triple bypass. Physical therapy has been a challenge as far as stretching the stitches. Have had to move from my place closer to town and to an environment that does not rely on firewood for heat. The bad thing is until I sell my place and find a new place of my own, I have to stay with my mom. The good thing is it will pull the two of us closer. A person can never really tell their mother how much they mean to them, especially even when they are in need of their help.

Have to still take it easy on certain things for a while, but all will be fine. Thanks to you all for your thoughts, words of encouragement, blessings and prayers.




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I'm going to move this one into Open Chat for you Dan.

I really wish I could post at G4 ONLY to say Hi to my buddy CabDad, and wish him the Best as he recovers.

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hi cabdad hope all is well now

i to have had a bypass ok it was only a double .

but im praying for you

i havent heard from you for some time

but the main thing is your up and about

i wondered where youd got to

you used to post regular

as well you know what you were talking about as well

so please get well

and keep us in touch.


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  LCplMurphy said:
Hey gang-I got a email from cabdad this morning. He is doing good, and said that his old isp would give him problems getting on besttechie. He has a new one now and said he will be stopping by.


Hello all. It is I , CabDad. First I want to pay a special thanks to LCplMurphy and to moderator Jeff for their help in me being able to log in at Besttechie as I was having some problems and they were able to correct the problem for me.

I hope to be here more often now. I see that a lot of old friends are here from TTV boards and look forward in conversing with many in the future.

This last summer has been a big bang experience for me that has changed everything for me. As many know I had a sudden Triple bypass that has had it's share of complications. I am currently well on the way to recovery, and even though I have to make a lot of changes, I plan to try and stay my same old self, hopefully for the good. As some know, when I had my heart attack, I was going to college for computer networking and computer security. Luckily even though my medical interruption took place the week of finals, I passed the semester courses successfully. Under doctors orders and permission I will be continuing school this semester, but only being allowed to take two classes instead of the full load and have to check with the doctor each week for observation to make sure I will be OK.

I look forward to it especially since my summer consisted of lying in bed or going to therapy four times a week.

To all here and from TTV I want to express my sincere thanks to all your thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all.

Edited because I don't want my last name out on the open forums. Hope you understand - Jeff

Edited by Besttechie
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Hi CabDad, and WELCOME BACK!!

Its great to see you back in shape and posting once more. I lost your email addy somehow during my last reinstall, otherwise I would have stayed in contact, but it sure is good to see you on the road to recovery!

I wonder what the problem was with your ISP...glad you guys got it sorted out.

Looking forward to seeing you around the boards!

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  CabDad said:
  LCplMurphy said:
Hey gang-I got a email from cabdad this morning. He is doing good, and said that his old isp would give him problems getting on besttechie. He has a new one now and said he will be stopping by.


Hello all. It is I , CabDad. First I want to pay a special thanks to LCplMurphy and to moderator Jeff for their help in me being able to log in at Besttechie as I was having some problems and they were able to correct the problem for me.

I hope to be here more often now. I see that a lot of old friends are here from TTV boards and look forward in conversing with many in the future.

This last summer has been a big bang experience for me that has changed everything for me. As many know I had a sudden Triple bypass that has had it's share of complications. I am currently well on the way to recovery, and even though I have to make a lot of changes, I plan to try and stay my same old self, hopefully for the good. As some know, when I had my heart attack, I was going to college for computer networking and computer security. Luckily even though my medical interruption took place the week of finals, I passed the semester courses successfully. Under doctors orders and permission I will be continuing school this semester, but only being allowed to take two classes instead of the full load and have to check with the doctor each week for observation to make sure I will be OK.

I look forward to it especially since my summer consisted of lying in bed or going to therapy four times a week.

To all here and from TTV I want to express my sincere thanks to all your thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all.

Edited because I don't want my last name out on the open forums. Hope you understand - Jeff


Thanks Terrorist- for helping me out as I didn't know who was who yet on the mod team. :thumbsup:

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  DanTheCompaqMan said:


Level 3

Posts: 573

Joined: May 2004

Wednesday August 17, 2005 5:57 PM (NEW!)

Just wanted to say hi to all after my short departure and want to thank all who sent their thoughts and prayers.

The quick of the update is that I am doing better after my triple bypass. Physical therapy has been a challenge as far as stretching the stitches. Have had to move from my place closer to town and to an environment that does not rely on firewood for heat. The bad thing is until I sell my place and find a new place of my own, I have to stay with my mom. The good thing is it will pull the two of us closer. A person can never really tell their mother how much they mean to them, especially even when they are in need of their help.

Have to still take it easy on certain things for a while, but all will be fine. Thanks to you all for your thoughts, words of encouragement, blessings and prayers.





Glad things went well for you. My uncle had that surgery and it took him awhile to get back but he is very glad he did it. Says he feels better now that when he was 40............again glad to see you on the mend my friend.....

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Sure good to see you back again CabDad!!!

And welcome to the best boards around!!!

Hope to see you post more now you know where we all hang out, that is when you feel up to it.

Take care. And thank your Mom for all of us, for taking care of you so we'd have you back with us. :rolleyes:


God bless everyone.

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