Mpaa Goon Squad....

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Tonight while in my favorite coffee shop I noticed a pile of "free invitations" to view an upcoming screening of "The Lucky Ones" at a local movie theater. So I took one.

Later, upon reading the fine print, I noticed the following disclaimer: "Arrive AT LEAST ONE HOUR EARLY. These screenings are monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you AGREE not to bring in any audio or video recording devices AND you consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Please allow additional time for HEIGHTENED SECURITY."

HUH? I very reluctantly agree to the heightened security BS when I'm flying on an international flight! And you think I'm going to show up an hour early to have the "privilege" of submitting to a body search, paying for parking, buying a $5.00 child size small popcorn and a $5.00 small diet coke just to see a movie that probably won't see the light of day after the release? I don't think so.

I found this humorous short video on the web that explores this invasion of privacy. ......( I listened to it, it's very funny, but it does contain one X rated word. So consider yourselves warned)


Edited by irregularjoe
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Tonight while in my favorite coffee shop I noticed a pile of "free invitations" to view an upcoming screening of "The Lucky Ones" at a local movie theater. So I took one.

Later, upon reading the fine print, I noticed the following disclaimer: "Arrive AT LEAST ONE HOUR EARLY. These screenings are monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you AGREE not to bring in any audio or video recording devices AND you consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Please allow additional time for HEIGHTENED SECURITY."

HUH? I very reluctantly agree to the heightened security BS when I'm flying on an international flight! And you think I'm going to show up an hour early to have the "privilege" of submitting to a body search, paying for parking, buying a $5.00 child size small popcorn and a $5.00 small diet coke just to see a movie that probably won't see the light of day after the release? I don't think so.

I found this humorous short video on the web that explores this invasion of privacy. ......( I listened to it, it's very funny, but it does contain one X rated word. So consider yourselves warned)


I question the need for heightened security. I mean, you PAY fior the privelige of seeing a movie, and if you are willing to PAY for it, why would it be necessary to have someone there running security checks to make sure you do not record the movie? Movies recorded with cameras rarely come out well, and for the price you pay to get in, which seems to INCREASE as much as $5.00 for a night show every year or so, it is NOT worth videotaping the movie on a camera, when you can go to the local store and BUY a DVD copy for $15-25 a few months after the movie comes out.

This isn't like a federal building with the President in attendance, so I see no reason to have increased security over a movie. I have seen this happen when you have a high profile movie (such as the Simpsons movie) that premiered in Springfield, VT. You may want security increased, but not to the level where you are physically searched. You want security so that the people in town can be protected from strange people or actions, or so that traffic can move normally through the area.

Just My .02


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When they go too far, do exactly what you did by following the sage advice of Nancy Reagan, "Just Say No."

I stopped going to music concerts after my first "search." Not that that had any effect on the music industry. :rolleyes:

I guess the proper thing to do would be to contact whoever's in charge of the event and explain why you won't be attending any such events now or in the future, but the person you'd be talking to wouldn't have any authority or responsibility and would probably just dismiss you as a paranoid crackpot.

... let them drown in their own stupity, I say.

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I think the reason that they think they can get away with this is that it's a "free" movie ticket. Hence my original post: "What's the price of dignity"

Obviously I will not be attending.


"let them drown in their own stupity, I say"

I could not have said it any better. :thumbsup:

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I usually stick to the discount theater. They offer $1.75 on weekends and after 6pm most shows with weekdays before 6 for $1 and all day (including after 6 ) on Tuesday for fifty cents.

Sure, the movies are nearing the end of their run and will be out on DVD in a month; but it is still a full size theater. Personally I can go all day without eating or drinking (except when it is so hot you have to drink to avoid overheating) so I have no problem not ordering popcorn etc while there for a couple hours to view the show.

Special show, I have two neighborhood theaters which have restaurant bar accommodations.

Watch a movie seated in a curved half booth or at a table (seats on one side only) and order from the full menu and have a waitress bring you your steak , pizza, beer , burgers, fries, wine, bourbon.......

Best for concerts and shows though

Then of course there is Studio movie grill which just opened several branches

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