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Hey Everyone!

This is my first as you know!

I found out about this when Jeff was covering for Chris Pirillo, which was an awesome show dude!

So I thought I would join the forums, as they seem very active and helpful,


WizzKid -_-

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Wow that was an amazing response!

I will need help Jeff with Wordpress I think, just tried moving my blog to a different URL and wow, its gone bust!

Thanking fully I have a few back-ups, will battle it tonight and if I dont get very far, I will post here :)

Thanks again guys,


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Thanks Carnevil!

Hey Jeff, Wordpress is not giving me wonders, infact I think I have really mucked it up! I have been trying to fix it since 11pm and now its 1am, still no joy!

I will post a topic on this once i have tried all my thoughts :(



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Hey Guys,

Thanks all for the warm welcome!

I have finally fixed Wordpress after trying to fix it for 4 hours! The problem was my new host, they said the MQL Database was set up, and everything was ready, but clearly it wasn't :P ,

Ohwell :) ,

Seems like a very friendly community!



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Throwing my "Welcome Hat" into the ring as well!!

Hiya Wizz, and Wecome aboard!

Relax and enjoy your time with us, invite some friends and tell them to bring a few brew's to the mix so they can bribe us Admin's with (if they're old enough that is..). Never hurts to suck up to the Big Boys on the block eh..;)

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