P2p File Sharing

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I dont know about ya'll but I for one aint paying a grand for some software I've only read about or seen on tv. I see nothing wrong with trial version software (even if trial is streched a bit) as long your not profiting off of it. You know what they say about I'll gotten gains....

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Yes I know !!,,you should ALWAYS paye for any software you use !

But !!,,if you can not afford it (software) and it will help your children!!,,,aka learn more,,whatever.

is it that bad to D/L it for free,,, I'm not meaning Games . <_<

I've just always felt that there are always alternatives to the expensive suites of programs that kids may need - like MS Office (Open Office as an alternative) or Photoshop (a slew of them that I can't call to mind right now). Just putting in my thoughts on the subject...I'm not willing to run the risks of P2P software (bugs, viruses, legal action) when there are alternatives available. What kind of software are you looking for WhiteWolf4?

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Well it's like for the college that I go to, there are some classes that they EXPECT you to go out and buy this $300+ software........software that you'll only need for that class that is required for your degree. I, for one don't agree with them making us purchase that expensive software since we already pay them so much for the classes.

In a situation such as that, well I think some exeptions should be made.

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There are exeptions to anything one does, But if you use P2P. Save it to a folder and do a complete virus scan on it first. Have heard of some bad situations with opening P2P files.

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There are exeptions to anything one does, But if you use P2P. Save it to a folder and do a complete virus scan on it first. Have heard of some bad situations with opening P2P files.

That's kind of what I'm referring to when I say it isn't worth the risks...I just hate having to worry about what a program whose source I don't know much about is going to do to my system. This being said, I HAVE downloaded files off of P2P before just fine without problems. But, I did worry about it...

I agree with you Nerelda - colleges don't take into account the plight of the students' wallet very often, it seems. I guess they figure you'll make it up on the other end, what with your $2 savings at movie theatres and such... :rolleyes: Just kiddin' dear....it really sucks having to dish out all that money at the start of the semester, I fully agree. And in that case...hey...you do whatcha gotta do. ;)

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I would like to add two separate points to this thread. I do not want to give the impression that because I make the first point that I condone the second.

1) As far as obtaining software for free for strictly educational purposes. Have you ever wondered why Microsoft sells versions of Office for students and teachers at greatly discounted rates? TITLE 17, CHAPTER 1, Sec. 107 Answer: Because for educational purposes, you can use it for free.

2) If you feel that you need to download software, I would suggest making use of Usenet and stay away from P2P file sharing sources.

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OK since I'm a heavy p2p user I guess I should put in my two cents.

(reaches into pocket and pulls out two pennies) (inserts the pennies into the post machine)

The reason I use p2p is because I'm on a Mac. I do a huge amount of multimedia, graphic arts, video for commercials, ect. ect. ect. and it has to be stable. Now before this becomes a little commercial of it's own I have absolutely no problem with PCs and being on a Mac is where my problem lies. I'm also a heavy gamer. No I don't have the money to build a Gaming PC I have a heavily modified Mac that uses all my money. Yes I need that big of a system. Most of the best games are on Mac now but the prices are still larger than the PC version and until so I refuse to buy a game at $50 when it's already been out for a while and it's down to $30 for PC. All my programs like Photoshop and Director I pay for. But I refuse to support the game industry when they gouge me like that. Yes I have made hybrids of games and programs. It's not that darn hard. It doesn't take two years to do. They're just gouging the Mac Community.

As far as safety goes it totally depends on where you go and how you do it. It can be as safe as regular internet downloading. Going to the largest and most popular p2p places aren't always the best.

Sorry for the rant guys, it just burns my up. (makes his burning up face) :angry:

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Oh I'm not looking for any sofware people.

Just know of some that have told me this was interest in your thoughts

Tho I also use p2p ,,an example (ok will use a game) UT 2004 its about $30 odd USD in New Zealand its $100 plus.

Not that i agree with stealing software

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My only real problem is that if I download a music cd from a p2p network and get caught I would have to pay a fine even if I own that same music legally on another medium (vynil or tape. Don't agree with that. Why should I have to pay twice for the same music. I understand copyright laws and in the majority of cases have no problem with them but what is the difference from making a backup for personal use from whatever source is available. Some of my albums are from the 60's and sound scratchy when I try to burn them.

Well there is my rant for today


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There is no such thing as consumer property any more. Your just leasing it from the record label. :huh:<_<

What I hate is when I do buy games or movies I burn a copy of them. Stick the original in my drawer and just use the copy intil it gets scratched up acouple of months later. They call me a criminal for this. And now they're trying to make self distructing CDs and DVDs. Aparently they haven't gouged us enough. :angry:

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There is no such thing as consumer property any more. Your just leasing it from the record label. :huh:<_<

What I hate is when I do buy games or movies I burn a copy of them. Stick the original in my drawer and just use the copy intil it gets scratched up acouple of months later. They call me a criminal for this. And now they're trying to make self distructing CDs and DVDs. Aparently they haven't gouged us enough. :angry:


It should be legal to make copies of software that you've purchased for your own personal use.

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It should be legal to make copies of software that you've purchased for your own personal use.

It is legal if you're making backups. One of the several exceptions the law makes for software.

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