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hi i have a wee querry

the pm notices at the top of the page

my pm notices says -2 new messages

what does that mean the minus sign has me puzzled

how it got there

im not sure i was in there making sure all my friends

werent blocked

and when i came out that sign has been there for a

coupla days

what have i done wrong


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hi i have a wee querry

the pm notices at the top of the page

my pm notices says -2 new messages

what does that mean the minus sign has me puzzled

how it got there

im not sure i was in there making sure all my friends

werent blocked

and when i came out that sign has been there for a

coupla days

what have i done wrong


Minus two? That's odd. Not sure why that would happen.

Perhaps one of the mods can help.

Btw, I sent you one about a week ago.


Edited by irregularjoe
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hi TT how do i fix it

i havent recived a pm for a week and a half

as well i havent recieved joes

but ile send one now


Edited by martymas
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hi TT how do i fix it

i havent recived a pm for a week and a half

as well i havent recieved joes

but ile send one now


I sent you one back Marty. Did you get it?

Btw, I LOVE the stick figure in your sig! Can I use it?

Edited by irregularjoe
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ile try that now

jeez your worth your weight in gold on the board

you seem to be able to come up with solutions

ive read many of your posts

helping others

most of them i copy and paste them into




the stick figure

go for it

how i got it my son wanted to learn animation

as i have internet news on my compt

i went there and

accessed the sight

and found an animation


and that stick figure was an example

of some of the work

i emailed the doner

and asked if i could use it

and the donar happened to be a lady

and in her words

that what it is for

so people can use it

and that way people can get familair with my work

and the more people see it

the better

not exactly those words

but that is what she meant

i really

put it in my sig for handplanes benifit

he is a brilliant animater

and has made many for me

yes use it if you want to


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ok i emailed joe

and it got through

as he answered my pm

the heading now reads

-1 new message

and that dosent go away like it normally does

how ever im off to

try TT"S fix thanks all


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