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About Suzanne
༺ Suzanne ༻
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Northeastern USA
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~ Hi, It must be really frustrating for him to be so bombarded with extra homework. Fortunately for him he has a terrific, caring older brother looking out for him! My grandson has been using myHomework Student Planner . He says he likes it and it helps him stay on tract. I'm sure there are many other options out there for your brother, but this one has our vote for its usefulness and productivity level assist. ~ Please wish him our best and I hope his workload lets up somewhat - for both your sakes!
Thank you, Chuck! It's very nice to see you're still out there as well. ~ Suzanne
~ What a lovely tribute you give each year to Sultan on the memorial of his passing, sethook. He truly had a wonderful and loyal friend in you. RIP Sultan, and my very best wishes to you, sethook. ~ Suzanne
~ I'm very sorry to hear that TT_75/Whiskeyman has passed away. He was always so kind and helpful to me. I truly hope that he has now found peace. RIP, Whiskeyman.
~ Happy Anniversary BestTechie and thanks Jeff Weisbein!! • Joined August 29, 2004 •
~ Thank you very much, Chuck, It's so nice to see that you're still here.
Hi everyone! ~ It's certainly been a long time since I've checked in here, but I recently became nostalgic about who might be still around and thought I'd just stop by and say "hello"! Oh, I'm not sure it shows up yet, but I've replaced my signature "rose" avatar with an actual photo of myself in case you didn't recognize me from either my name or avatar. Anyway, I've thought about many of you and I truly hope you're all doing well!
~ I would like to add my sincere condolences Sultan, to you and your family. You'll be in my prayers, too.
~ I thought that it was very odd that both the keyboard and mouse stopped working simultaneously. I appreciate your thoughts and insights and I'll pass your recommendations on to her later...( we're not in the same time zone. ) Thank you everyone for your help.
~ A friend called and said while she was online yesterday her keyboard and mouse stopped working. She rebooted and after the bios setup, there on the screen, along with press F1 to (whatever) it said "no keyboard" (mouse wasn't mentioned). She checked the back and inside for loose connections and cleaned out the small amout of dust ...she is now at a loss as to what she should do next. I'm sorry, but I don't know anything else about her computer. I know that it's difficult to offer suggestions with such minimal information, but if anyone has any ideas they will truly be appreciated. Thank y
~ bouillabaisse...(just made some last week-end, yum!)
~ combatant
~ I've always used Expedia and occasionally Travelocity and Orbitz If you're going to use an online booking service rather than a travel agent then using a well known one affords you a measure of security when dealing with any potential problems that may arise, because it helps stack the odds in your favor that should something go wrong it will get favorably resolved. (So far I've never had a problem, but last summer my son and his family arrived at their vacation destination tired from their trip, only to discover a problem with the accommodations, (hotels mistake). He called the Expedia #
~ demagogue