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Posts posted by macmarauder

  1. yeah it's probably a bad disc. try taking it to the store. if you can't and it looks clean and free of scratches you still might want to try use a CD cleaner on it anyways. i have seen a CD get stuck on a particular file every time even though it looked fine.

    the other thing is, has this game or older versions of this game been been installed on this computer before? cause i have also in a rare case seen a corrupted file need to be overwritten by the installer in order to install the game but it brings up a copy error messages because there's already a copy there and it can't overwrite. i had to forcibly remove the file and tell the HD to negate those blocks on the drive and skip them. that was also the time where the owner deleted the uninstaller and later on tried to manually delete all the connected files manually months later. boy was that a mess for me to fix.

  2. unfortunately i see this as another of the worst things to happen to Apple. one of the main reasons to go with apple is to get away from Windows and Microsoft and to have something different than PCs. well Macs have been becoming less and less different from just being another Pc. sure this makes it far easier to port things over for a Mac but that also means it's easier to port over trouble windows, the os with the most trouble following it directly on a Mac. Apple isn't even fighting it. Apple has already been having a huge dive in quality and support compared to what us Mac people have been used to in the past but i now fear that it's only going to get worse and with another flood of bandwagon users that did nothing but rag on Macs before but want one now it's getting nuts. i'm sorry but i don't want any joe blow to get and use a Mac.

    another thing is that it just feels wrong. the distinctiveness between Macs and PCs, how ever blurred it has been getting is now almost gone. i know that they haven't really been Macs since the last of the G4 towers but now they are no more.

    it just feels like us Mac people that have been loyal for a long time like myself have been abandoned. some of us have been fighting M$ for years, i fight because one of my friends businesses was one that was railroaded by M$ entirely for doing business with Apple. i've been using Macs since 1986 and now Macs are entirely just another PC for M$ to make money off of.

    for some of us this was more than just a processor brand and architecture change, this was the final nail in the coffin of a Macs individuality.

    and since i'm already in a ranting mood i absolutly tired of people ripping on Macs and games. almost every single major game is available on a Mac with in 6 months of release. Macs have not been made for games because most real Mac people actually use their computer for more than a $1,000+ dollar gaming counsel. also instead of getting free printers and what ever cheap crap to make it seem more like a good deal Mac usually come with more for your money on the inside with software and such.

  3. yeah sixpacgenius, unfortunately the world is still riddled with people like that and it's not with just one race. i've gotten the same reaction over seas and i notice it here too. i wish that some people would just grow up. an what's sad is that other times when i thought that people were ignoring me or trying to stay away from me because i was a fat sterotypical looking american it turned out that i smelt bad and didn't notice that i sat in something.

  4. bionic bozodog?!?!

    "we can rebuild her, make her faster, stronger, able to leap servers in a single bound"

    maybe we could send her into the past to Terminate the leader of the evil corporation before he became the leader.

    (cues Bionic Terminator Music)


    i'm getting a little pooped with all these delayed birthdays. boy it's out here. a little drink of cold water from this garden hose will cool me off.

    (turns the hose on and pulls some of the water out of the hose)

    (then molds the water into balls and juggles them until they fall apart over my head)

    :D :D :D :D