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Posts posted by spirittoo

  1. Like I said I use it at work, and for work I want something super stable, simple to use, and don't want to always worry about viruses and spyware. Linux does all this for me.

    What I don't like is although you can install and do most anything right away. You still have to spend a few weeks figuring out how to install plugins and many apps. I used a version of Linux called Ark Linux that is still in Beta that was incredibility simple but the new version won't install for me. So I tried Ububtu and although not as user frindly anyone with a 6th grade education and some spare time can be happy with it.

    I would also like to say I'm a Mac user 90% of the time so I did get use to having everything just work right with little user input.

    Windows Box = computer running windows


    Installing plugins would be a big deal for me ... I use a lot of them. Is Linux working on a way to make them easier to install?

  2. ... Corporate profits are out weighing individuals rights and freedoms. ...


    Well that actually clears things up then, doesn't it? ;)

    A different point of view (mine) is that some people (not you of course) have come to expect non-essential amenities like computers (us old farts call them 'spoiled'), do not believe they should have to pay for them (us old farts call them 'irresponsible'), and do not accept the way the world works (us old farts call them 'immature').

    Some people (not you of course) justify stealing, claiming "evil corporations" make "evil profits" by "taking advantage of us" and "charging exhorbitant prices," but in reality the way the world works is if someone (not you of course) doesn't have enough money for something they can go without until they do have enough, and if they steal it instead then they are criminals. No amount of blaming others for their actions can or ever will change that reality.

    I realize it won't stop them (not you of course) from crying about it (us old farts call them 'babies') but at least it supplies plenty of fodder for discussion. :)


    This is not the fourm to really do a discussion on this (us old farts call it political and corporate courrption) issue. If you like to we can discuss it at Randi Rhondes board. This is a bigger problem than (not you of course) people realize. B)

  3. Like I said he legally purchase the keys and no he does not have installed copies on XP using the key he gave me.  He got a special license with MS because he works on computers.  He was given several keys with his license,  and give one key per computer ... so my key is not being used on another computer.

    I don't think anyone had a just reason to call you a thief, but this isn't going to be completely legit and MS will likely not reactivate your license. The licenses issued through MSDN, Partner Program, Actions Packs, and most volume license programs are not transferable. You have to use them on company hardware for company purposes. You can't pass them out to your friends and family. Some of these license agreements are very strict.

    If your friend is a reseller then it's legit, but if he's just "in the biz" with a Partner Program or some other volume license agreement he can't pass out licenses to people.

    Ask your friend what type of license he has. If it's Partner Program/Action Pack you're out of luck. If it's "handouts" from MS you can probably twist MSs arm to reactivate.


    I didn't know that ..... I still haven't heard from him. I don't know his schedule and I don't know what kind of license he has. It might be the OEM deal he told me he had 10 keys. Hopefully I will hear from him today. Thanks for the info. :thumbsup:

  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux

    It's good to know what "Linux" is before you jump in.  Wikipedia gives an excelent overview.

    Pay particular attention to the bits on "distributions" and "desktop environments".

    If you want, you could try OpenOffice.org on Windows, along with a number of other applications that you may end up using on GNU/Linux.  Making a "pre-switch" may help you, and even if you decide GNU/Linux isn't for you, you may end up liking some of the software you try as a result.

    Besides OOo some popular cross platform FOSS includes

    Firefox (Web Browser)

    Thunderbird (Email/Usenet/RSS/Atom)

    The GIMP (Raster Image editor, like Adobe Photoshop)

    Inkscape (Vector Image editor, like Corel DRAW! or Adobe Illustrator)

    Gaim (Multiprotocol IMP/Chat client)

    Abiword (Lightweight Word Processor)


    Thanks ..... will it give me an idea of what programs work with it. Can I play games with it?

  5. I'm at work right now and using Unbuntu. I do almost all my work with this computer and have never had a problem opening .doc files or other people reading mine. I would check with a publisher about using open office. Also you may need to keep a windows box around just for your book.


    How do you like it? What do you like about it and what don't you like about it?

    Windows box?

    OpenOffice can save in M$word format

    There are program to allow the use of some window based apps. I use Xandro Desktop 3.0 Deluxe (debian base Linux Distro) it came with Crossover Office

    So I can install Many adobe (photoshop etc., etc.) Macromedia, and M$ Office

    But I have found no reason to do so (except Photoshop and Illustrator).

    OpenOffice work just as good as M$ office.

    Useless info: Adobe is in the process (if they have not already) of buying the rights to Macromedia's web design tools (dreamweaver, flash, and fireworks)


    A friend of mine does all the book editing .... I know nothing about writing ..... he has word .... can he still use word if I use OpenOffice?

    I bet OO is just as good as MSO.

    Are you using a different OS other than MS? If so how do you like it and what do you like about it?

    Thank you for your time. :mellow:

  6. It is a sad sign of the times. It gets tougher and tougher for the honest folks. I had as much to do with that as anyone else. When P2P became popular back in the day it was like Christmas little did we know that we were cutting our own throats. The consequences from back then are unreasonable copy protection,  ( I had to uninstall a legit backup program to install FarCry)  and Prices go up (I'm a graphic artist it cost to stay current). If I had known back then I never would have done it but we were all ignorant of Copyright laws back then it was sometime before I read up on it and found out I was wrong.

    Thank you for accepting My apologies and I do hope I have not soured your experience on the boards. I'm not usually so pointed but I have been layed up with a cold and the nighquil makes me edgey.



    For me it is a very disturbing and scary sign of the times. George Orwell's 1984. I am quite sensitive to it.

    Corporate profits are out weighing individuals rights and freedoms. Sometimes I feel I see that the emperor has no clothes and I'm the only one that can see.

    I heard about the P2P from my friend .... I never knew it exsisted until after the fact. In light of what corporations are doing to the working class it make it very difficult for me to sympathize. They have no problem taking advantance of us, but when it happen to them they are outraged. But like I said ..... another forum for this issue.

    Try echinacea and red clover tea for your cold .... it will clear up the symptoms quickly. :thumbsup:

  7. the best way to learn is to jump right in. I would reccomend downloading ubuntu, it is good for beginners. Linux is differnet then windows, but can do just about anything windows can, but not run programs that were desighned to run on winodows.


    What is "ubuntu'? ..... so that means MS word won't work? Does Linux use something with the same format.

    I am writing a book and the publishers want's MS word.

    Thank you for your time. :mellow:

  8. You did not make that completely clear in your other posts. And did I not apologize for my pointed remarks? (and you angry icon won't make me go away I just wanted to make sure you are not wasting our time trying to get someting illegaly) So again I offer an apology to you.


    I accept your apology .... I wouldn't ask someone to do something illegal. That's not my style. I'm just not happy with our current situation but like I said in the new thread that's another fourm .... it's obvious I have to call ..... from what shanenin posted I won't get hassled ... it's just the principle.

    I think you are right. I need to learn about another OS. I started a thread on the Linux fourm. I'm going to check into it.

    Thank you for your time. :mellow:

  9. I'm a type of person that doesn't like to be at the mercy of corporations. They are working to take away all our rights in favor of corporate profits. Anytime I can enpower myself to fight them I do. .... but that's another forum.

    I don't like what MS is doing and I think it may be a good idea to learn about another OS.

    Where do I start with Linux? I heard it isn't very user friendly but I'm not afraid to learn new computer stuff.

    Point me in the right direction and give me your feedback on Linux.

    Thank you for your time. :thumbsup:

  10. Your freind legally purchased the keys. Does he have installed copies on XP using those keys? if he does and gives it to you then it is a illegal copy (one copy one machine). Do yourself a favor and by a copy and stop trying to beat the system.


    Like I said he legally purchase the keys and no he does not have installed copies on XP using the key he gave me. He got a special license with MS because he works on computers. He was given several keys with his license, and give one key per computer ... so my key is not being used on another computer.

    No one is trying to beat anything. If you don't have any help to offer go about your own business. I'm not here to waste my time with your accusations. :angry2:

  11. I always find it quite amusing when thieves get mad because it no longer is easy to steal. In the long run it will be less of a headache to just buy a copy of XP.

    Could he not have purchased a OEM version cheaply with the new HDD?

    I like your suggestion of another OS I think it is about time to look into Linux, BeOS, or BSD. I doubt that the poster being a thief would want to expend the energy to learn any other OS; but I bet it is much easier than fending off a gang rape should he end up in the pen for Software piracy. I hope this post makes he or she mad enough to take stock in the situation and turn around and join the the civilized world (the one where you work and pay for what you need).



  12. @spirittoo

    this post was not directed at you, I just felt like ranting


    Thanks I appreciate that. I didn't come here to be accused of stealing. I came here for help.

    I don't appreciate those that know nothing of my situation accusing me of stealing.

    I don't like what MS is doing because it's further proof that our rights are being tossed to the wayside in favor of corporate profits. I know they have a right to protect their product but not at the expense of my rights.

    If I have to go to MS I will but I don't like the idea of having to do it everytime I update my machine.

    That was my rant .....

    Thank you for your time. :mellow:

  13. "I got this copy from a friend with several keys. I will call him to find out what the deal is, but I really hate the idea of having to go to microsoft to ask for more activations. No way in hell will I purchase another copy."

    So, your using this illegaly but still refuse to buy another copy?


    My friend legally purchase those keys thank you very much. .... and no I will not purchase another copy.

  14. It won't reactive again I had to format the drive a couple of times and now it tell me I can't reactivate.

    This really pisses me off to have to go through this. Since that wpa isn't valid what can I do.

    I got this copy from a friend with several keys. I will call him to find out what the deal is, but I really hate the idea of having to go to microsoft to ask for more activations. No way in hell will I purchase another copy.

    What to do? :blink::wacko::unsure::angry2:

  15. I replaced my hhd almost 60 days ago. I had to reinstall XP .... I put my old wpa.dbl and wpa. bak in while in safe mode and all was well. No activation prompt.

    Now all of a sudden XP says I need to activate in 6 days. I tried putting my old file back in while in safe mode but something keeps modifying the wpa.dbl file.

    What is going on? Where is it getting the info to modify the file? Can I get it to accept the old file again? :(


  16. Doesn't anyone know how to carry out those instructions? :(  :wacko:  :huh:  :blink:


    I would get TMPGenc and in the MPG Tools choose the simple demux. This will separate the video and audio streams. I would then recode to whatever file type you would like, mpg, avi, and etc.This should correct the sync or audio problems. Well not always but it has worked for me before.....


    Can you provide a link to this program. Will I be able to get good information on how to run it? :unsure: Thanks. :thumbsup:

  17. I used a bit torrent and got it from two different sources. The file can't be courrpted. It played with that VirtualDub software I found. I just would like to know how to do what they suggest so the audio and video are in sync again. The picture was great .... it just the sound was choppy at times and out of sync.

    Anyone knows what they are talking about in the instructions I posted? :blink:

    Thanks for your post. ^_^

  18. Thanks for the bump and the welcome :thumbsup:

    Ok ... I took part of the error message about the DirectShow and googled it.

    I found a link to a website. It was in Spanish and the translation was rough, but there was a link to some software call VirtualDub.

    I installed it then loaded up the file and got this message:

    "VirtualDub has detected an improper VBR and audio encoding in the source AVI file (audio stream1)

    The current preference is to rewrite the audio header with standard CBR values during processing for a better compatibility. This may introduce up to 3302ms of skew from the video stream. If this is unacceptable, decompress the entire audio stream to an uncompressed WAV file and recompress with a constant bitrate encoder. (bitrate:121+/- 14.0 kbps)

    Do you still want to rewrite the header?"

    I told it yes and it played the file. The picture was great, the only problem was the audio was choppy at time and out of sync (late) with the video by a few seconds.

    I looked through the help files of this program for anything on decompression, but found nothing. Does anyone know what they are talking about. It would have to be other software that does this ..... correct? :huh::blink::wacko::unsure:

  19. :( Aren't there any winamp techies on the fourm? :unsure::wacko::blink:

    Here is some added info ...

    I installed a XviD codec and Gspot sees it.

    I checked Gspot again and got these messages ....

    "The following codecs should both be capable of processing this format.

    -->XviD MPEG-4 Codec

    -->XviD MPEG-4 Video decoder

    Nonetheless, DirectShow is apparently NOT able to play this file (see "DirectShow Render" below.) No further information is available concerning the apparent discrepancy."

    "DirectShow was unable to render file. Following is the error it reported: 0x8004011:[unknown]"

    Any ideas?

    If I didn't mention it. I tried other players too, (WMP, RM, QT, and others) but still no go.


  20. Hello .... My first post :blink: ..... heard about this fourm from the old tech tv site .... may it rest in peace. :(

    I'm trying to figure out why winamp won't play Real Time with Bill Maher file I downloaded.

    I have last week's show it didn't play at first as well, then I went to winamps site and looked at the troubleshooting section and found out about software (ffdshow)that was needed. I downloaded and installed it and the video played.

    This week's show won't play ... I downloaded from two different sources and I get the same results. I load the file and nothing happens. The ffshow that opens when I click on last week's show plays fine, but it will not open when I click on the lastest file.

    I used the Gspot software listed at the site and found it was a AVI file .... I tried the DIVX player and I get a message : The file contains the following data:" Video data: FOURCC code "XVID". You may need to install a new video code on your computer to watch this video."

    I search for and found the software and installed it .... still no playback.

    When I used Gspot on the file that playes I get the same information it gives for the one that won't play.

    Is there anyone that understands winamp and how to solve this problem ..... if more information is needed I will provided it. I am running winXP. .... I have winamp 5.094.

    In the ffshow I made sure all that need to be enable was enable as per instuctions at the winamp site.

    .... Is there anyone that understands what is happening ..... please respond. ...... :wacko: