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Everything posted by DarkestDream

  1. possible that boot.ini got messed up and left you a infinite loop. it still a theory
  2. that the reason why you shouldnt give a scale to wifey
  3. "English Langauge" update is only thing is a bad checksum
  4. how much of gig that SuSe take off my hard drive? i only have 5 gig left. And i dont have DVD burner, i only have CD
  5. I like Knoppix Live CD but problem is that i have to set everything up which it a pain in the @$$!! My Neighbor have SuSe installed (He a hardcore Red Hat) and i saw what SuSe look like, and it UIs, it look interesting. many people suggesting Try SuSe for personal use. So i am planning to use SuSe. i just want a Linux that only hold less than 1.5 gig. if it is possible for SuSe, then give me a go! *AMEND* just surfed around SuSe in Torrent site, in LinuxTracker.org, found out they are 3.4 gig... For what i mean in SuSe less than 1.5 gig, i mean full installation (Partation)
  6. ummmm how i set it up. i got in the admin mode, but i dont know how to set it up (the wireless)
  7. FOund the password, got it from Knoppix site.
  8. I have this about 35 folder really TOTALLY hidden in Window, even i made all hidden folder and file to become visible. Nero 6 can see this folder, but when i use Window Explorer, it hidden. So Knoppix can see the folder The folder is found.000 (all the way to) found.035. So i have Knoppix count them how much they have in MB, Knoppix said 53 MB. Im wondering why Windoze is hiding the folders. a virus?? i just run a scan now. i will let you know the result.
  9. I just found the Wireless control in Control Panel.... problem is that i need a admin password. i didnt set one up cuz i dont need it since im a admin in Knoppix, but i need it for Wireless to use it in Admin mode. how i set up a password in Knoppix without a root?? If it need a root, then explain to me, step by step. how to set up a admin password in root
  10. YAY!! it working.... *acting like a child, dancing around the room*
  11. Thought Mandrake changed it name.....
  12. YAY!! My first time linux!! You guess it, Knoppix. Ofc im a first timer, hehehe. I noticed that Knoppix is not connecting to the internet Im very new at Linux. How i get Knoppix work with my Linksys PCI Wireless Adapter? ***AMEND*** look at my second post
  13. When i look in the CD, it a whole ISO file, but when i open the iso, there is a bunch of file around. Im suppose to unzipped the file and burn them in non-iso folder?
  14. already torrent download it, burned it to my CD with Nero 6, i told it to make it a boot ISO CD. Went TO BIOS, told it to boot CD first, restart, booting from CD, it only took me to DOS, not to Knoppix. so i switch to E:\ and it said the command line is invalid. So how i suppose to get it to run?
  15. $#%*#@!!! i found some of my old cd lying around and curious to see it what i have in there in three years ago.... So i found one of the file that i really need all of those years cuz the former web site revamped and lost the documents that i copied from the website and pasted it on the .doc. so i put a password on it in MS Words. but now i have OOo... When i open Ms Words, it all in *&^(*&($($)()(*&_%#$ (PAGE BREAK) (^(*^(*&^(*%($$ (PAGE BREAK) )(^&%(*%)*_$@#!%&U im sure you get the story. The problem is i forgot the password is... i tried to remember what the password
  16. I been looking for a HP CD Writer Plus 9300 series driver, i been looking around the Google and couldnt find one driver for the burner and Hp.com is no help... all they have is for the CD ordering... which i dont want. My XP sp2 can see the burner but didnt see it AS a burner, just a rom can you guys give me a link to the driver
  17. ROFL!!! i thought it was that, im sadly mistaken...... im now a perv *cries*
  18. hey forumer!! well yea, i know i havent visited here since 3 weeks. it because i been playing WOW and surfing WOW forum a lot. plus the newest patch just screw up Mage really bad. so taking a break *songs begin* taking a break, taking a break, i want that kit kat bar. anyway, i want a free software (spyware-free) that can moniter my network traffic. i use windows task manager to see my network traffic. just only for my computer and check how much it goes in and out. and like the software to have a graph too. i dont mind open source and closed source (as long it 100% free)
  19. HEY!!! that look like Chappy's house!! how you got the picture??