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About tjet

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/29/2003

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  1. Try running live updates. I just did a reload and it is on the optional menu not the express. It offers the base 1.1 plus the full 3.5 overlay for .net. use IE, it seems to work better.
  2. hmm, sounds just like the same things poor white southerners eat.
  3. A command-line interface (CLI) is a mechanism for interacting with a computer operating system or software by typing commands to perform specific tasks. This text-only interface contrasts with the use of a mouse pointer with a graphical user interface (GUI) to click on options, or menus on a text user interface (TUI) to select options.
  4. Just teasing about the color. Thet will see you coming hopefully.
  5. I use a Celeron D 2.4 everyday. Good chip so far.
  6. Glad it is working out for you Brian, but I dunno about that color. Puke green?
  7. Now that it made the critical list I'm gonna upgrade.
  8. Minor children, like other taxpayers, have a choice between claiming itemized deductions or the standard deduction. Children usually have a small amount of itemized deductions or none at all, so in most cases they claim the standard deduction. A taxpayer that isn't a dependent of any other taxpayer gets a standard deduction in a fixed amount, depending on filing status. (It's adjusted each year for inflation.) For a dependent child, the size of the standard deduction depends on how much earned income the child has (as opposed to investment income, which is considered unearned income for this
  9. I joined in 1978 I think every good liberal should own a shotgun and an assault rifle.
  10. You just jogged my memory. The same independent contractor that used to manage the Texas system took over up here.
  11. More than 200,000 Hoosiers draw benefits through a debit card. Those whose weekly deposits were supposed to be made Monday ran into a problem. "We're usually pretty prompt in our payment schedules, usually by ten or eleven o'clock in the morning, folks can go to their debit cards and receive their money," said Marc Lotter, Indiana Department of Workforce Development. It was around that time the Indiana Department of Workforce Development started getting calls from other people experiencing the same problem. An investigation found problems with communication between the state's computer network
  12. On the bright side I saw a 1GB stick for $9 at the walgreens yesterday. Last ditch on yours would be to try a format but the data's gone.
  13. Ok, It seems like someone in Milton, Queensland thinks it is important for me to have one of those this morning. Last night an Amsterdam mirror also seemed to think I needed it.
  14. I keep getting possible SQL Slammer attempts on my ZA firewall log. Would it do any good to report the origin IPs to someone?
  15. tjet

    Earth Hour

    I suggested on another forum that instead of sitting around in the dark for the hour they might head down to the store (which I am sure will not be observing it) and buy the new fluorescent bulbs to replace the incandescent ones and reduce lighting costs by 90%.