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Posts posted by jamaicaman

  1. I voted no. My parents are the ones that buy the computers, i just use them. I know for sure they wont be buying a vista any time soon. I only got this XP im using here in 2005, and its still nice and stable, ill be just fine without Vista.

    Frankly, we still use the old 98, but theres no internet on it.


    P.S. Im thinking about saving up money for a nice mac, but ima wait till i get a job first, since theyre so much money.

  2. Why must people condone music like this,

    Slamming on your instruments doesn't = good.

    In fact any nobly born drummer can slam on the double bass and snare drum like that.

    Real metal = BlackLabel, Zeppelin. Maiden ect.

    But...Whatever floats your boat =P.

    Because we like it, and the band does too. Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean others dont. Frankly, I would say the same about rap/hip hop, and pop. And just because they p[lay like that(which isnt allways the case) doesnt mean they are bad at playing music.

    Take Slipknot for example:

    Joey Jordison is super amazing, here is a link to something he did i think for a dvd (its a sound check though, so its not a song, really im just saying, hes extremely fast and can hold a beat nice):

    Then Sid Wilson(theres a guy that talks every once in a while, thats not his mix):


    and etc.


  3. We didn't haveCall Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it!

    And we didn't have fancy Caller ID Boxes either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your mom, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, a collections agent, you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

    and we didn't have microwaves, if we wanted to heat something up. we had to use the stove or go build a fire ... imagine that! If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop thing and shake it over the stove forever like an idiot.

    whats call waiting? Obviously i havent got it either...............

    i dont have caller ID, kinda annoying though when people are like "k, just call drew back when your done, im at his house" "i dont know drews number" "look it up on your ID!" "dont have it"

    i love jiffy pop over microwave.................but the best id from popcorn poppers! my dad just got us one a couple weeks back, it was fun watching the popcorn pop and then it tasted better too. (not the air poppers, the ones like a dome)

    thats was a cool thread though, some of it i didnt know, like the movie theatre one

  4. Kind of goes along the same line as the Pringles can WIFI antenna


    Yes, or maybe somewhat along the line of

    haha, i tryed that...............

    it doesnt work, at least it didnt for me...........

  5. does any one think the weather patterns

    have changed in your area

    it sure has here down under

    very cold weather for this time of the year


    yeah, it has been pretty warm here recently, but only now its getting cold.


  6. So, what is a THM file? I get some videos for my PSP on psp.connect.com. you download, extract, and click/drag the MPG4 file and the THM file into a certain folder. I have another video that doesnt have a THM file, and works perfectly on it. so i was wondering what the THM file was for? will i be ok with taking the THM file out and still be able to play the video/not mess up my PSP?

    PS. wasnt sure if i should put this here or in electronics, but i figured THM files might have something to do with the computer too, so i thought id put it here..........................

    Thank You and sorry if this is in the wrong Board,
