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Everything posted by Andy_veal

  1. I have XP connected to a LAN wirelessly. I then want to try to connect my Fedora to my XP for internet and etc..... At the moment I have it connected to a spare LAN port so I'm on the net via my router.... But this cant be long term...... is there such a program? Thanks for all your help
  2. ok.... Does anybody know of a program that will allow me to connect my linux machine to my existing WinXP box? So the WinXP box can allow the internet to my Fedora box? A program like WinGate?
  3. Andy_veal


    Wow.... well that was easy..... easier than I have expected. I have just installed Linux Fedora.... it seems great... now I just need to connect it to the internet....
  4. The best thing is none other than Webhelper found this!
  5. Otherwise there is another way involving the motherboard and a jumper.... Off the top of my head I cant remember, but I'll look into it if you need so.
  6. Have you tried scanning with Ad-aware SE?
  7. "Host File Viewer" by Option^Explicit. It is a 65K program which will allow you to find/view/open/read/edit/restore to default settings your HOST file. Instructions are on the display screen of the program. Another program
  8. Some more information about Messenger Plus is found here: Webhelpers Alert Spyware Warrior's topic
  9. Don't feel bad, John, I'm learning a TON from this thread! Thanks, Liz Exactly Liz, I just wanted you all to know, that the program itself is not malware, but a sponser program is! Just to be careful of what your agreeing to when installing things. Take Care Andy
  10. The Lop infestation is due to a sponser program being installed. I personally have Messenger Plus installed without the sponser program installed. My computer is LOP free! Messenger Plus is not bad, its the sponser program that is malware. How do I install Messenger Plus! without the sponser program How do I remove Messenger Plus! or the adware sponser?
  11. I have never been a fan of AOL, as a company. They seem to make computing more advanced by AOL this and AOL that! And I dont like that woman from the adverts!