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Everything posted by bar5

  1. Happy Birthday Darkestdream Have a great day
  2. Good luck Brian. Keep us updated, when you can, on your progress. Thank you for volunteering to learn about malware, so you can help others. Go get the bad guys.
  3. Happy Birthday Matt Have a great day, my friend Yea, it's Matt's birthday
  4. Cheers........(Tv show Ted Danson, as Sam Malone)
  5. Happy Birthday robroy Have a great day
  6. No problem with Google ads. The only reason I noticed them is that space is usually blank. Than I logged in, and poof gone
  7. Happy Birthday Sultan Have a great day, my friend. You don't look a day over 6 months
  8. Brian: Just click on anyone's user name in a thread, and a drop down window appears, and you click on "add as friend" That is how I did it. Did not try it in my profile. Barb