Bubba Bob

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Posts posted by Bubba Bob

  1. These local pigs are useless.


    No Justice - No Peace!

    Power to the People!

    Down with The MAN!

    LoL :thumbsup:

    Got pulled over again...

    Ticketed for not using the shoulder belt...!! 72' Ford Maverick. I checked fed and state laws, shoulder belt usage isn't required. :rolleyes: Now it's just amusing...

    Did they even MAKE shoulder seatbelts in 1972?

    Maybe you should start carrying a dozen donuts in your front seat. :lol:

    I just found this post on Google regarding your local lawmen.

    The car has shoulder belts, but it's a horrible two peice design that has to be "put back together" every time you try and put it on. It's just not worth it. Im going to take em out so they can say anything.

    Yep, good find Joe, that's our wonderfull police department. Police Cheif Williams is a (edited out - forgot he has passed on...). One of his sons is a Deputy Sheriff now. He goes 35+ down the neighboorhood streets (lives down the block).

    Only has a non-running DSM

    DIdn't they come from the factory like that? :D

  2. These local pigs are useless.


    No Justice - No Peace!

    Power to the People!

    Down with The MAN!

    LoL :thumbsup:

    Got pulled over again...

    Ticketed for not using the shoulder belt...!! 72' Ford Maverick. I checked fed and state laws, shoulder belt usage isn't required. :rolleyes: Now it's just amusing...

  3. they weren't cheap and I got them from O'Reilly's.

    O'Reillys/Walmart/Auto Zone. All the same cheap crap, just at different prices. :D

    Just be warned. When those wear out get a good set of steels. :thumbsup:

    Well, I would anyhow. No need dicken around under a car with sub-par ramps.

  4. I have used a product called Fraps in the past for video games, not sure if this would work for what you are looking for.

    Howdy Rich and Welcome to BT :thumbsup:

    Unfortunaley Fraps is for recording what is on the screen, not video over a webcam. Great app though!

    Now, I found a couple simple programs that do what Im wanting, but the sound always lags a second or so. Anyway to fix this?

  5. Never heard of it untill now. Im not sure I get the point? It's purpose is to leave someone a quick message? Seems the telephone took care of that many decades ago. If not, text messaging and instant messaging sure have. Of course I could be totaly missing the point. L-rd knows that hasnt happened before :D


    I see Jeff has one on the homepage. I get it now. (sort of) So simple, yet... Usefull. How long 'till Google buys it?

  6. Ohhhh, how I know!! I finally decided I was going to write down time, date, license numbers of Cops breaking Road Rules and turn them into the Police Station.....only problem is that they are usually driving so fast that I can't get the plate number.


    Yup. That's a good idea. Ive got a small digi-cam in my car now that im going to use to start taping this crap.

    On a side note. My neighboor just did 40mph+ up the street (neighboorhood, LOTS of kids) in his shiny deputy sheriff car...


    Reminds me. This past weekend I got behind a Sheriffs car going north on the highway. I was cruizing at 85mph and he passed me. Must have been doing 95mph or so. Very entertaining. Hed work his butt off trying to get infront of people and Id just cruise at 85mph. I kept catching up to him at lights/traffic. Everytime Id make sure to position myself right behind him. Im sure it bothered his that this "low life civilian" was keeping pace with him, with out going as fast, and out of his ticket writing jurisdiction! :D :D

  7. This is a short rant about my local police department. Just so I don't get labeled as a rebellious punk, I usually have great respect for those in the law enforcement field.

    With that said, these local pigs are useless. They generally hang out on a couple roads, looking to get speeders. There's a heavily traveled highway running through town and Ive watched cops catch car after car all day long. Go from one ticket to the next. Same thing on a couple choice in-town roads. Forget patrolling the neighborhoods, (the whole reason donut eaters started patrolling in the first place), forget the "certain group" that goes down the street with their music up too loud, forget the idiot clogging up the left lane, they focus on speeders. Thats it. We PAY them to give US tickets!

    Several months ago there was a woman going door to door in my area begging for money late at night. I called the cops. 10 minutes later the woman is gone, and no cops showed up. Pity full. Id bet they were all tied up with revenue collecting.... er, writing tickets.

    Anyway, on to the more recent. The dive shop that I frequent is in the center of town. It's your typical "downtown" scene. The parking spots are angled on the road way, So you have to back up blindly, hoping no one is coming. Ive scene cops go by at 30+ mph, and on a recent trip witnessed a cop almost hit a car that was backing up because the cop was going way too fast. He slammed on the brakes and honked at the car. HE HONKED when HE was the one speeding. Am I painting a picture for you?

    So, today I was parallel parked across the street from the dive shop. I look in my mirror and see one of our finest speeding down the street. Perfect time to pull out I figure. So, I pull out and do a SAFE speed down the road, forcing him to catch up to me and slow down. Wiht out a doubt he is steaming in his car. Time to drive by the book just to make sure I give him no reaosn to pull me over... However, he proved he doesn't need a reason.

    We both get to a T intersection. I signal, stop, and turn right. He follows. We both stop for a red light. When the light turns green he signals me to pull over. I get a written warning for "Failing to use my turn signal at an intersection". Complete BS. To make things even better, he leaves the scene with his blue lights still going. Who knows how far he went before realizing that blunder...

    I can't go a day without seeing someone pulled over. I can't go a day with out seeing a stupid donut eater speeding in the left lane. It's sad really...

    Anyway, that's my rant.