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Everything posted by robroy

  1. rhesus............................factor
  2. robroy

    Drew's World

    it is either gone or moved to a different host, apparently it expired on that server, sorry I can't help more
  3. reminds me of that story earlier in the year where a cat treed a bear had to be a mean cat to do that
  4. mother........................of pearl
  5. down to $2.56 here 2 days ago. I'm sure they will find a reason for it to raise up again before too long
  6. leaves..........................................the giant palm ones used for fanning
  7. where you get that pic of my sound system from?
  8. and he prays for a large hole to open in the floor and swallow him
  9. have the same thing going on around here. two major state roads and an Interstate all being upgraded along with the double fines leads to lots of cops in those areas. I usually run the back roads to avoid them and can make just as good time most days.
  10. 67 and cloudy here this am. We had just enough rain to dampen the sidewalks last night
  11. my son plays, think he is getting addicted to it
  12. Just dropped prices again here now at $2.60
  13. robroy

    Old Fellows

    oops got them all right the fact that I had heard several before helped