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Everything posted by robroy

  1. effect of the flash
  2. hi bozo , I was hoping you would have some news about Liz
  3. robroy

    Modded The Cell

    Hehe Liz, I'm over 50 and kids seem surprised that I can and do use texting on my cell. Heck I may be a little slower than most but it isn't hard. Have to set stuff on speed dial for the wife on hers, otherwise she would be misdialing all the time
  4. nice job there, glad that you ar at least breaking even. The new ad will surely be a big help Good luck
  5. thanks everyone It must have been time to quit because although I did it cold turkey after the first week I really didn't have bad cravings. The worst time was driving, yep Barb grabbing the cigs before the car keys, so I did absolute minimal driving for the first two weeks. 40 years worth of smoking is gonna take a while toget it allout of the system. I have started doing forms again after 25 years. Still remember the moves. and surprised a friend when I showed him the sole of my shoe 6" in font of his face. He had bet that I couldn't still do that. Nice steak dinner coming up for that one he
  6. He everyone last Friday (September 1) made two years since I quit cigarettes Feel so much better even though at first I gained 10#, losing it slowly. More energy, so it was worth the effort It can be done
  7. I missed her too, thought we might have to send out a search party. glad its nothing more serious than computer setup problems. I have the cold brews ready Barb, glad you got through earnesto ok, it stayed well east of me, running up the coast to Jeff's. I guess it and Mandy got there about the same time