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Posts posted by iccaros

  1. belongs in your .rc file for the user (/home/username/bash.rc)

    Yes, you are right.

    But the code below as link stated to be add to /etc/yum.conf,,,,did not work

    proxy=http://proxy.ewrq.au:8080,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because our ISA uses 8080 proxy
    proxy_username=zillah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fake username
    proxy_password=ad123,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fake password

    right? your first Error stated that it could not find the REPO, I am suggesting that its because the ones that come with FC5 are wrong.

    try taking out the one listing legacy and see if that fixes it.

    your second error is a parsing error of the scripts, so I think it does not like the shell settings.

  2. File.move(original_name, new_name)


    System.IO.File.Move(FileToMove, MoveLocation)

    C# is the same

    it shows up under VB6 so I assume it works, but it does in VB.net

    SharpDevelop can give you a free way to go to .net (vb and C#) and it works mostly like Visual Studio including winForms

    you need to test if the file is there first

    if (File.Exists(source))


    System.IO.File.Move(source, dest)

  3. Shanenin

    for you I would suggest C#, as its closer to plython

    with sharp develop you can have a full IDE with debuging and GUI builder (winForms)

    I find VB useless now that it compiles to the same binary as C# and C++ .net

    and I also find VB unreadable and much harder after you learn a C like language.

    here is VB

    DIM sString as String;


    String sString;

    which makes more sense to you?

  4. note

    you can not change the harddrive with out a modchip, and using a mod chip for this is not ageist the law or this board. its the illegal use of coping video games that woudl make it illegal.

    but your problem sounds like a DVD drive

    http://www.llamma.com/ has DVD's.

    the problem with replacing the harddrive is they are locked and you can not unlock them with out a modchip or special PC hardware.

    my Xboxes run Linux so I have replaced all my drives, I'll look to see if I have one sitting around.

  5. my SunRays uses the Common Desktop Environment with Trusted Solaris 8

    They also have no problem.

    I think that because these systems do not come preinstalled (except Solaris but that is not for most people's use) and they must install Linux it becomes hard or they think the entire thing is hard.

    I challenge any of them to go to the store, buy the boxed version of Windows, and install it and see how "Easy" it is to find drivers, find and install all the software you may need and them install a boxed version of SUSE or Red Hat and tell me which is harder to do.

  6. Linux is simple (kde, GNOME) it just people are tought windows, your Granddaughter knows Windows because that is all she has been tought, but there was a time she did not know windows.

    My 5 year old and my 8 year old use Linux, BSD, Mac osx, Solaris and windows

    with zero problems..

    they have no preference as they have not been tough that using windows is using computers. They use each as I don't let them install anything, I do that

    in each they click the picture and run the program

    all do that just the same.

    That said this link is not for new users or users at all, its for developers and system admins.. thats why it has so much "jargon"

  7. first


    http_proxy=" http://zillah:[email protected]:8080 "
    export http_proxy
    yum update

    belongs in your .rc file for the user (/home/username/bash.rc)

    your error from the first thing you changed is saying your repo list is bad (proxie not working could make this think it is bad), but Fedora 5 has fedora legacy links that do not exsist anymore , you may need to find an up to date repo list to fix this (or at least know that is not the problem)

    FC 6 is out, you could get the list from that distro.

  8. Customize theme and fonts



    Click "Theme Details", and fiddle away. My preferred theme is "IndustrialTango".



    My preferences are "App=Sans 10, Desktop=Sans 10, Window title=Sans 10, Terminal=FreeMono Medium 12".

  9. you have a few choices

    1) you can renew support

    2) you can point to CentOS or white Box and get updates (they build strait from the red Hat Source and just remove the Trademarked Red Had Logo's and art)

    3) you can buy Support from Oracle

    4) you can get the source RPMS from Red Hat and update your self.



    it will not turn off..

    also if you say your a collage student you can get Red Hat to renew your license for $50 a year. (no Commercial use though)

  10. ok so I'll ditch Fedora Core all together and give Ubuntu a whack sometime. All I know is Fedora Core 4 has been an extreme PITA to use. I still don't know what possessed me to ever download it. I shoulda gotten Ubuntu or whatever from the get go.

    First I gotta wait for some bandwidth to free up. As some of you may know, I've become an anime freak so I'm constantly downloading anime. I may just go to church and download it since we have a 4Mbps connection there while I only have a 640Kbps.

    I shoulden't help new people to linux as I just confuse them, but one thing to remember that Fedora is the Test version of Linux. While its very usable as a desktop its more server ordinated and with Trusted Linux extensions added, it is one of the most secure OS out their, but that makes it a little more difficult as you must do different things. Ubuntu is made for newer users and you can ask them to mail you CD's for free.

  11. ok , I was wrong, there is a file firefox, that is firefox, just untar this where you want it and set up the short cut,

    I am better on the command line so I can only give directions with that way, as there are too many GUI things that each Linux distro does differently.

    but first lets make your system up2date using the red hat icon at the bottom and update the system.

    open a command prompt and assume the root role.

    coammd to type

    yum -y install firefox

    then see this site to get the plugins


  12. umm double clicking the the .sh file opened something but it didn't seem to do anything. Just a bunch of commands everywhere that appear to have accomplished nothing. Do I have to extract the stuff or something?

    in that case the file is not executable, doing a chmod +x filename would make it executable or right click and change its permissions checking the x,

    I'll test it in Vmware in a min, I'm going from memory

  13. go to a command prompt (bash shell) and move the tar.gz file to where you woudl like to open it up

    to open the file (its like a zip file)

    tar -zxvf firefox-

    (change to the directory it created)

    cd firefox


    run-mozilla.sh (note this is your install program.)

    it should ask some questions.

    another way

    double click the file it should leave you with a firefox-

    double click that and it should open the file up

    double click run-mozilla.sh

  14. we at work c++ code that is console based at teh moment. we would like to add a GUI to control it but I am haveing some problems.

    first I changed the properties (settings ) to make it a managed c++ project and added a form called MainForm

    it created the MainForm.h and MainForm.cpp and MainForm.resX

    I want to add it to my old main to test

    I tried MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();

    but that errors?

    it also doe not like my #include"MainForm";

    any hints?

  15. have you called vontage, give them the MAC address and have it listed to you. I have had no issue With them doing this for me.

    Heres the issue.

    I have vonage and use thier Voice terminal.(DEVICE A)

    But couple of months ago, I bought a better voice terminal/router (DEVICE B) from ebay.

    However, I cannot use DEVICE B as a voice terminal because the e-bay seller is a scammer and did not close his vonage account.

    So, I'm using it as a router.

    So, my current connection thing is this:

    CABLE MODEM > Voice Terminal/Router A > Voice Terminal/Router B > Computers

    Now, what I want to do is TURN OFF the router stuff in Device Voice Terminal/Router A.

    I want to do this because

    Its annoying to have to open a port twice and my voice terminal/router a only allows me to open like 10 ports.

  16. I have been working on Socket Network Connections I have a problem with the receive string not updating, but in debugger I see the values being assigned to it change.

    This is all done in sharp develop so I will attach the project, inside is socketclient.exe which is the client side for testing. (that was done by the example page,


    when I build it like the example (all one class) it works but it not teh right way as you have to throw a

    CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; so .net 2 will not throw an error about the gui being updated out side its thread.

    so I fixed that by putting the socket code in its own class, and creating a timer to look at the variables

    in lines 162 - 178 of SocketConnect.cs is the part on receive.

    here is the class

    * Created by SharpDevelop.
    * User: huskeyw
    * Date: 12/11/2006
    * Time: 4:52 PM
    * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.

    using System;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    namespace socket_server
    /// <summary>
    /// Description of SocketConnect.
    /// </summary>
    public class SocketConnect
    const int MaxClients = 10;
    Socket mainSocket;
    Socket [] workerSocket = new Socket[MaxClients];
    int clientCount = 0;
    public AsyncCallback callBack;
    string temp = "";
    errors Errors = new errors();

    List<string> IpAddress = new List<string>();
    List<string> data = new List<string>();

    string status;

    public string Status {
    get {
    return status;
    set {
    status = value;
    string recvMesg = "";

    public string RecvMesg {
    get {
    return recvMesg;
    set {
    recvMesg = value;
    string sendMesg;

    public string SendMesg {
    get {
    return sendMesg;
    set {
    sendMesg = value;

    public SocketConnect()


    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PortNumber"></param>
    public bool Listen(int PortNumber)
    mainSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp);
    //connect to ipaddress
    IPEndPoint ipLocal = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, PortNumber);
    //bind to ipaddress
    //listen on ipaddress

    //when a connection comes in invoke method OnClientConnect
    mainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback (OnClientConnect), null);
    return true;

    catch (SocketException se)
    return false;

    public void OnClientConnect(IAsyncResult asyn)
    workerSocket[clientCount] = mainSocket.EndAccept (asyn);



    string str = string.Format("Client# {0} Connected", clientCount);
    Status = str;

    mainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback (OnClientConnect),null);
    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0,"1","\n OnClientConnection: Socket has been Closed\n");

    catch(SocketException se)

    public class SocketPacket
    public System.Net.Sockets.Socket currentSocket;
    public byte[] databuffer = new byte[1];

    public void WaitForData(System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket)
    if(callBack == null)
    callBack = new AsyncCallback (OnDataReceived);

    SocketPacket socketPacket = new SocketPacket();
    socketPacket.currentSocket = socket;

    socket.BeginReceive (socketPacket.databuffer, 0,

    catch(SocketException se)


    public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
    SocketPacket socketData = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState;
    int iRx = 0;

    iRx = socketData.currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn);
    char[] recivedSocketData = new char[iRx + 1];

    System.Text.Decoder decodeText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();

    int charLen = decodeText.GetChars(socketData.databuffer, 0, iRx, recivedSocketData,0);

    System.String szData = new System.String(recivedSocketData);
    //why does not not work...
    //recvMesg is a class level variable
    this.RecvMesg += recivedSocketData;

    WaitForData( socketData.currentSocket);

    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0,"1","\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
    catch (SocketException se)


    public void send(string rtbSendMsg)
    Object objData = rtbSendMsg;
    byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(objData.ToString());

    for (int i = 0; i < clientCount; i++)
    if(workerSocket[i] != null)
    workerSocket[i].Send (byData);
    catch(SocketException se)


    public void CloseSockets()
    if(mainSocket != null)

    for(int i = 0; i < clientCount; i++)
    if(workerSocket[1] != null)
    workerSocket[i] = null;


    public string[] GetIP()
    string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();

    IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);

    foreach (IPAddress ipaddress in ipHostEntry.AddressList)


    string [] returnString = new String[IpAddress.Count];
    for (int x = 0; x < IpAddress.Count;x++)
    returnString[x] = IpAddress[x];
    return returnString;


    and here is where the problem is (I think)

    public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
    SocketPacket socketData = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState;
    int iRx = 0;

    iRx = socketData.currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn);
    char[] recivedSocketData = new char[iRx + 1];

    System.Text.Decoder decodeText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();

    int charLen = decodeText.GetChars(socketData.databuffer, 0, iRx, recivedSocketData,0);

    System.String szData = new System.String(recivedSocketData);
    //why does not not work...
    //recvMesg is a class level variable
    this.RecvMesg += recivedSocketData;

    WaitForData( socketData.currentSocket);

    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0,"1","\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
    catch (SocketException se)


    PS I just finished my degree for CIS in programing (does it show:) ) so thanks to all of you on this board for helping me when I was in need.


  17. the very first thing I did after using bsd was to change my default shell to bash, csh kind of sucks.

    I like bash as well:-)

    does BSD come with KSH?

    if so its always fun to play with this

    ksh -o vi

    this will make VI the editor for ksh and give you things like <esc> then k will walk back in history of commands. and such, basically you can use vi commands to get around the shell.

    Note Vi commands not VIM.

    happy playing

  18. you could always learn C#, its use full on Windows and With Mono is use full on Linux.

    you can use C# with the new PowerShell for Windows so its good for Admin

    I have to Program for Windows at work (also soem *Nix programing but they seem to get done and not need as much hand holding)

    so I keep it interesting by trying to make sure my C# will also run in Mono

    but I think that all ruts are just an excuse to find a new project.

    linux is not a girlfriend who gets mad when you don't use her :)

  19. I have never dual booted BSD with Linux, but here is some information


    from the FREE BSD Hand book

    The LILO Boot Manager: To install this boot manager so it will also boot FreeBSD, first start Linux and add the following to your existing /etc/lilo.conf configuration file:





    In the above, specify FreeBSD's primary partition and drive using Linux specifiers, replacing X with the Linux drive letter and Y with the Linux primary partition number. If you are using a SCSI drive, you will need to change /dev/hd to read something similar to /dev/sd. The loader=/boot/chain.b line can be omitted if you have both operating systems on the same drive. Now run /sbin/lilo -v to commit your new changes to the system; this should be verified by checking its screen messages.

  20. port forwarding is the only way through a NAT.

    can you ping the boxes (have to set up PF for that to test)

    I have VNC going through several routers, but they are all Layer 3 except the one at the house (well it is Layer 3 but is being used as a Layer 2)

    my only suggestion is to have Pf or a tunnel set up. here is RealVNC suggestions

    How do I use VNC through my firewall?

    Many organisations operate firewalls to reduce the risk of intrusion by malicious attackers via the Internet. These firewalls typically operate by only allowing connections in to machines in that organisation on specific ports. Which ports are permitted access depends upon the network protocol that uses the port and the degree of security it provides. VNC servers can accept incoming connections through firewalls in two main ways. Although the first is usually the simplest to arrange, we recommend using the SSH tunnelling method wherever VNC is to be used over an untrusted network such as the Internet.

    * Opening Ports - The simplest way to allow VNC connections in through your firewall is to configure your firewalling software to allow connections to the VNC ports. If N is the display number of a particular VNC server then it will accept connections on port 5900+N. Configuring your firewall to allow connections to this port will allow VNC to work. If you wish to use the in-built web server and Java VNC Viewer then you will also need to allow connections to port 5800+N. Unfortunately, because VNC traffic is not encrypted, this approach weakens the security provided by your firewall, and so is not advisable.

    * Secure Tunnelling - Most organisations that operate firewalls allow connections to a number of standard ports, that are in principle used only by secure or harmless protocols. While VNC in its present incarnation is not suitably secure for this to be advisable, it can be "tunnelled" through a secure protocol layer to achieve the same effect. The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is one example of such a wrapper, and is one which most firewalls allow access through. The Secure Shell client is run on the VNC client computer and is made to forward connections to a particular port on that machine to a port on the VNC server machine. The forwarded connection is encrypted by the SSH software, which can provide both encryption and authentication. For more details on how to do this, see here.