What Is "luminous Paper?"

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Okay, working on some cell phone modding at the moment and I'm trying to steal an idea I read off a British phone forum. It envolves putting "coloured luminous paper" over the white led's that light up the keys to change the color into whatever you want. I wasn't able to google up an answer so I'm hoping somebody in here could point me in the right direction.

Here is the forum - read the bottom 7 posts (specifically by X-Phantom)

Here's the picture with the paper circled in the bottom right corner

Image lnk

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  JDoors said:
Um, "cellophane," colored plastic sheets, transluscent sheets ... art stores carry it or it'd be in the art supplies section of stores that carry that sort of thing.

That's the ticket - I'll have to hit up Michael's before the new case comes in for my phone

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  TheTerrorist_75 said:
You could probably use lighting gels. I used to have a crap load of different colored sheets I got from school when I handled the sounds and lights for any performances in the auditorium.

Would they be able to fit between the surface mount led's and the keys. It's barely a mm of space and it needs to be very plyable so that my 3 key doesn't activate the 2 and 6 keys. I'll see how the celephane looks then go from there. And Blim - you're right about the Brit's, besides, from the looks of the internet I might be the only American into phone modding!

Here's somebody's phone with pink backlighting (mine will be the same case, but with orange)

Celphone image

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Gels are a good idea--because they are heat resistant, they are probably tougher than luminous paper (I'm going to go Brit and use that term! :thumbsup: )

From what I understand from Daughter the Actor, they are just barely thicker than luminous paper--thicker enough so they won't wrinkle easily like luminous paper does. Daughter said your best bet would be to go to your local Community College's theatre dept and ask to look at them (this time of year with no productions going on, they're lonely and will be very willing to show you what a gel looks like and likely to let you play with them, too!!)

Otherwise, if you can wait a couple weeks until the High Schools start, you can visit their theatres (ask for the Drama teacher).

AND if you go "theatre visiting", you can tell them what you're planning and ask where they purchase them--if you're really lucky, they might have some damaged ones that have enough usable space to use in the phone and they'll give them to you for a smile! (Backstage Geeks don't throw anything possibly useful away!)


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Hi xxkbxx

I'm going to "thumbnail" your images so it doesn't mess with the page size formatting anymore.

Please use that type of image embedding please, especially with such oversize images.


BTW - Pretty cool idea!

EDIT - I couldn't thumbnail as the images are not stored on BT, so I changed them to links instead.

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luminous Paper?"

is a well known product here in godzone

we wrap xmas present with this stuff

and place it under the xmas tree

then turn the lights off

it has

an eerie glow.

you probably have it but with a different name

those brits have a language only they understand

there are so many dialects

when britten

colonised nz and australia

they had a language unique

to the area

and today in the country areas

the dialect still lives on

and i could give many examples

but time dosent allow that


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  TheTerrorist_75 said:
You could probably use lighting gels. I used to have a crap load of different colored sheets I got from school when I handled the sounds and lights for any performances in the auditorium.

I'm just guessing, but could it be that the misleading term "gel" is used for historic reasons? Maybe they used an actual gel of some kind at one time? At that site the color wheel says "deep dyed polyester." Sounds like transluscent colored plastic to me.

I had a project before where I knew what I needed, I just didn't know what it was called or where to find it. Looks like it was a lighting gel. Darnit, wish I'd known it at the time.

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I just Googled luminous paper, and found this interesting site.

Glo-net dot com

Here is a recent ABC news article about a special new luminescent paper (found down about 10 pages on the Google search I was doing on this). Page 2 of article has strange narrow far right side verticall setup of story, but page 1 and 3 are fine. Paper sure sounds intriguing, especially for digital photography.

ABC news about Luminescent Paper created by small company

This whole thread has been interesting. Good luck with the project.


God bless everyone

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  snyper said:
Im pretty certain its nothing to do with cellophane, it is "actual" paper/card

Maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion but it looks like the project requires a transparent colored material so the colors of the light behind the buttons can be customized. Cellophane in this case is a general term for thin, transluscent or transparent plastic, which sounds like what's needed. Paper or cardstock would block the light from behind the buttons.

But then I'm also trying to translate English to American, so what do I know? :)

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