Good Names For A Tech Show?

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The Screen Savers. Sorry but that was a kick-@$$ name. (Attack of the Show has to be the dumbest and most outright retarded name for a show EVER).

Bits-and Chips

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Dy-no-Bytes!... Show for those older box technologies :wub:

Google-Bytes... Show sponsored by... who else :rolleyes:

Apteno-Bytes... Show for Linux users :matrix:

Terra-Bytes... Show for those down to Earth types B)

Peta-Bytes... Show features websites like: Stuff on my cat :lol:

WIN-Bytes... well, most everyone says it does!!! :angry:

Mac-Bytes... I think that's what happened to that Apple logo... a Mac related show :matrix:

Kibble n'Bytes... maybe tie in a dog food sponsor <_<

Byte ME... another WIN tie in... perfect for that absurd G* station :angry2:

Boxes and Bytes... are you sensing a theme yet? ^_^

Shadow-Bytes... black hatter related :ph34r:

or just pain old... BYTES :thumbsup:

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The Screen Savers. Sorry but that was a kick-@$$ name. (Attack of the Show has to be the dumbest and most outright retarded name for a show EVER).

HAH i agree,

In the Chat I mentioned 'What the Tech?" and "Ryan's Untitled Tech Show"

What The Tech is what i liked the most.

Plain and simple..."Tech Help" (assuming "Tech for Dummies" is copywrited by the Dummiefolks)

heh i like it, but maybe to simple

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I too have not had any coffee, or sleep for that matter. :lol:

BTW, what's a show?....Is it one of those things that plays on that box with glass on the front...thought that was only for my kid to watch the backyardigans. :blink:

Who has time?

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