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Here's something odd that's been going on for a while, but I've never payed much attention to it. If I ever select to reboot my computer, upon the startup I get an error reading disk read error on a black screen, and I have to power down. Once I turn it back on, its fine. So, shutting down, and then truning it back on is ok; but 'rebooting' causes this error.

I recall that this started after the first time I removed Linux and I performed a fixmbr and fixboot (to get GRUB off). Anyway, I don't pay much heed to it, rarely 'reboot' anyway. would b nice to know how to fix it though.



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Hiya TT. I should probably mention I don't have any Linux distro currently installed.

Check your Bios setings to see if the hard drive is correctly reconized (Autodetect & LBA).

It is

Did you run fixboot or fixboot C:?

I did fixboot, and then it asked if I was sure I wanted to apply it to C: and I said yes.

Have you tried chkdsk c: /f /r to see if there are any errors?

There were none.

What does your Boot.ini look like?

Here it is:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

Thanks for the help.


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This is my boot.ini. I use the whole drive. If your drive has 2 partitions I see no problem with your boot.ini.

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /safeboot:minimal

Have you ran the diagnostic software from your hard drive manufacturer? While you're at it run Memtest. That error could be due to a failing hard drive, bad memory stick or motherboard problem.

Edited by TheTerrorist_75
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Ya, Dell shipped the computer with a small partition in the C:. I also have a 2nd HDD that I added, but it doesn't boot to that, unless I have Linux installed, which runns from the 2nd HDD. I'm not sure if I have any diagnostic software with the original hard drive. Could this have been cause when I added the 2nd hard drive; making it a hardware issue?

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As long as the hard drives were properly set up as Master and Slave that shouldn't cause any problems. You don't have any errors in Device Manager? The only other thing might be the power supply is too weak to run with 2 hard drives. As for manufacturer diagnostic software you will need to know what make the hard drive is. I can't remember what Dell throws in their PCs.

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I'm almost positive the master/slave setup is alright. No errors in Device Manager. I don't believe it is a power supply issue either, as I have had no other issues indicating there being a problem. The disk is a Western Digital.

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