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hi all i want to post in refence, to

this bird flue which now is circulating the globe.

the national goverment

has passed a law banning people who dont declare

having the flue.

a term of imprisionment

or if they are immergrants

deport them

new zealand has had a huge influx of asian


in the last ten years

and they come and go to and fro from there countries

which is affected by this flue

it has already crept into many countries

i see scotland is the latest

we are at a dangerous stage. it can kill millions

and i might add it is natures way of culling

the explosion of the population

in asian countrys in particular.

india has increased their population

by ten fold in the last ten years

that is an example

i blame the religious bodys for this

they didnt believe in abortion

nor birth control

i know im a catholic

and now we are reaping the downside of this stupid


of course the only other way is vasectomy

for both men and woman

the last pandemic flue

was after the great war

and it killed millions

and in the bargain

it didnt make any distingtions

rich poor doctors nurses you name it

no one is immune to it.

the point of this post is

i believe the our gov did the right thing

any opinions?


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no we didnt have an anthrax scare

but we were on the alert once the usa

discovered it

it must have been

very trying for the population


all the population sufferes at a time like this

after a while every one becomes suspicious

of each other

but remember you can legislate for an anthrax attack

but you cant legislate nature

it is very interesting times

unfortunately there are many skeptics

im not sure about the usa

but we have them here in bucket fulls

i recall one doctor. came on telly and said it is a load of rubbish

we are so far removed from this scare that it wont bother us

my god i felt like jumping through the telly and throttling the b----d

i saw a bulliton

saying even if we dont get it

we must still be prepared

i pray that many people roung the world

dont perish because of statements like that



Edited by martymas
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It does no good to be worrying about something that may or may not happen like this bird flu becoming a pandemic. So far it has only hit a very very tiny percentage of the people in the countries that have had any sign of it.

As for trying to keep people out of any country by trying to get them to tell truth about whether they have been sick or not...well I don't think that will be very effective because some people who have been sick with this or anything else may end up lying in order to get past the customs office to get somewhere they think would take care of them better than own country. Both your country and Australia for instance do have a better chance of containing people mainly because of your relative geographic isolation from rest of world, say by shutting down all airports and seaports, than countries like ours with long unprotected land borders, that even if our ports were shutdown, the land borders and unprotected coastline would still be hard to police...especially if those who were in charge were sick or had sick family to care for, or were scared of 'catching' it from someone sneaking in. So enforcing any laws we could come with up to stop people carrying it in would not be easy.

But at the moment people aren't the carrier problem, it is the migratory birds carrying various strains of bird flu, whether this potentially pandemic one, or other older versions of bird flu, birds are the carriers of it, along with being carriers of the mosquito borne West Nile Virus which by the way I think is the bigger threat in the immediate future for people.

Perhaps by the time the bird flu is more widespread, the scientists may have found a vaccine for it that works to prevent it, or have found something to lessen the seriousness of the disease if they do get it. Medicine has advanced a long ways since the 1918 pandemic. Even then though many people lived through it with good immune systems and good care while sick. It was the younger people who hadn't been exposed to as many things to become immune to they often were among those hit hardest, and of course those with compromised immune systems of all ages. Also in those days homes with sick folks were quarantined with door signs (with penalities for violating the health department quarantines too) and only Drs and Nurses were allowed in or out.

My Dad was a teenager then and had only a light case of that flu as did the rest of the family including his baby sister who was such a sickly baby from the time she was born that no one thought she would live up to and including this flu time so it wasn't easy to predict who would make it and who wouldn't. He said his mother used herbs and good old fashioned home nursing care for many people in their community in Indiana to rebuild up their systems in order for them to get over it. Only one person she cared for died, and that was because she was called in to late. So if good old fashioned healing herbs, chicken soup or whatever it took to keep people from dehydrating etc. worked then, along with good home nursing care it should work again, along with whatever the health system comes up with for us all. The only trouble I see is many people no longer know how to do that kind of care of sick people due to transferring all their medical problems to Drs and hospitals, instead of learning how to do things for themselves like people had to do especially in rural areas in those days.

What really worries me is the news that there are countries so scared of this that they are planning on or already killing off flocks of migratory birds of all kinds even if none have tested positive for it. And what happens if a large number of people do get sick in certain areas of the world where life is not valued? Will there be an outcry to kill all in say a village or province to try to stop it? You know fear of something can be more deadly than the actual thing that people are scared of!!! Panic will not do anyone any good and will only lead to doing foolish things.

My advice is to learn about some good protective herbal supplements, stock up on them and on any medicines you need in case of a large amount of people in various businesses such as pharmacies, clinics, hospitals etc being away from their jobs for whatever reason. Also have, as everyone should anyway, a good emergency supply of necessities such as kleenex, toilet paper, food that is nutritious but easy to prepare, water, etc... all kinds of backups of all the things you absolutely need to survive, no matter whether the emergency is from hurricanes, or earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions, or pandemics, or a terrorist disaster. That is just common sense to have a backup in case of any natural or man-made emergency.

I know it is worrisome to hear the news about this bird flu or any other type of global threat, but remember the news outlets always seem to put things in the worst possible negative light in order to get people to stay tuned in order to up their ratings. Things aren't as bad on anything as the news stories portray them to be.


God bless everyone.

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hi pat

one of the delimas for any goverment

is if the flue did hit our shores

who woud be to blame

them or the population.

any goverment tries to make sure

they are right at all costs.

and many times they arnt.

i agree the more populated

countrys would have bigger percentages

of cases.

because i have chest troubles,

i have had a flue shot every year for the last 12 yrs.

and so far i havent had the flue.[ touch wood]

but this bird flue is some thing else.

one of the problems

is it can be passed on from domestic fowl

to wild birds

and as you know wild birds embrace the entire world

and once it gets into the human sys

who knows what will happen

and because of this no country is immune

already it has entered the human sys

i read where two children died because they were playing

with fowls that were infected but didnt know it

so where do we go from here


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I think it's been covered, but the bird flu is NOT a pandemic, it has not mutated to a virulent human strain, it has not, considering the populations at risk and the spread of the disease among bird populations the world over, affected many people yet (a few serious cases out of millions of people exposed to it).

Malaria, to pick one widespread disease, kills MILLIONS of people every year, decade after decade after decade.

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americans may be complacent about this flue

but i see australia and uk are now puting things in place

in case

because americia is the all powerful country

dosent stop

germs from devistating the population

guns and bullets wont stop those little buggers


yes ime like you any thing asian

i subconciously take a second look

that must be human nature


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I think Americans will be hesitant to recognize another "possible pandemic" since everyone freaked out about SARS a few years ago.

Also, the prospect of Malaryia freaks me out - there was a book "The Hot Zone" with a pretty realistic look at it, and it is just overwhelming

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I don't think there's any complacency here, they're spending millions preparing for it. But I think we have our hands full with things that ARE KNOWN to be serious and things that MIGHT be serious SOME DAY aren't on the top of our to-do list. ;)

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This article might be of interest to you all. Read further down the article. Also the side bar articles are of interest too.

We are not complacent about the issue here, in fact our labs and others around the world are trying to develop faster tests for this strain of bird flu, and come up with vaccines.

I just don't see the need to be panicking over this as a pandemic (about 109 people have died from this so far so definitely doesn't qualify as a pandemic. It sure doesn't do any good, and the fear/anxiety may in fact lower your body's immune system as does any major stress.

US News and World Report Britain rolls out Bird Flu plan

Marty, I will say this in the kindest possible way I can, but here is something that does upset me that I feel I need to speak out about.

I for one do not appreciate any racist remarks (they are not to be excused as 'must be human nature' or other such remarks excusing it, they are just plain old ugly racist attitudes) against any nationality, or against the ethnic origin of people. I also do not like political swipes at the USA such as your:

"because americia is the all powerful country

dosent stop

germs from devistating the population

guns and bullets wont stop those little buggers" (I assume you meant against flu bugs)

Since we do not do those remarks against your country or your nationality, I would appreciate it if you could refrain from doing them about us please. I hope you will do some thinking about how it would hurt you if done to you or your country, and thereby realize it hurts us too when you do it to us. Thanks and I hope you will take this in a spirit of love, and peace, from one board member of our great BestTechie Worldwide board family to another. You see I did say family...and that is what I consider us all to be and hope you do too, so lets drop the stuff that hurts each other and just be a loving part of a big family. :wub: Thanks Marty for reconsidering those things.


God bless everyone.

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hi pat

when i posted that statement

i didnt meant the usa in particular

i mean countrys that become powerfull

become complacent

it has happened in the past

the aztecz ,mayans,britain. france .russia.


and this power makes the population think they

they are immune.

just by reading the answers to my post can explain that

probably the usa is best equipped for that sort of trouble

but how do you make the PEOPLE aware of that.

so i appoligise if ive havent made my statement clear.

the one thing i dont want is to be on the

wrong side of the posters on the board

i posted that artice not thinking of the hostile feedback i was getting

it was a statement of my gov taking steps

to combat the flue if it hit our shores.

and i see it made world headlines cnn bbc reuters

all featured it

weather it makes an impact remains to be seen

so once again

i appoligise

if it looks as to i meant one particular country

at the moment

the asians

are the least worried

and it started there

you know pat

some years ago

there was an up roar over batterys hens

by the animal rights groups

and it has come to mind the statement of the head of the world org

keeping hens

couped up like that will cause


in the future

i actually thought he was having head troubles

but now i wonder.

again sorry

as you know

im not very good with words

and at times i get them in the wrong context

take care


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Thanks Marty,

Apology accepted.

Yes sometimes I get myself upset over things that are said, and then go out on a limb about it. So I am sorry too.

I just wanted to make some things clear of how I felt and when I do that I often make them as 'clear as mud instead". So I am glad you cleared up your views, and I hope mine didn't offend you either. When you mentioned Asians, it sort of became personal to me as my deceased half brother married a Korean lady while he was stationed in Korea then brought her back to the US, eventually he retired and they moved to Colorado. She and their two grown children still live in Denver area. I am sure they have had some discrimination problems because of their race from what I have heard in phone calls and read from their letters to my folks. The only one I have met (besides seeing my half brother a few times when I was a kid and he had furlough time from Army) is my niece who came to Portland for a very short visit this summer. She is a lawyer for the Social Security Administration. A lovely sweet lady with two teenagers.

As for anyone of any country being complacent about things such as this flu, I think most take it as a potentially serious threat, but the world is full of what are we supposed to do...worry ourselves to death over possibilities of one thing or another happening? I don't see how any individual can do much about any of these things other than an emergency kit, some basic home survival stuff, some basic first aid and home nonprofessional nursing general knowledge, some basic common sense etc. And may I say again, putting things in perspective helps too. Right now we lose many thousands of people to 'ordinary' flu/colds or their after-effects of pneumonia etc, and the big killers such as tobacco related diseases, cancers of all types, heart disease, and many others. Also drunk/drugged driving takes a mighty toll every year. That alone should be called a "pandemic" of irresponsibility killing people. Murder/Sucide/Abortion also take a huge amount of lives. So there are many many things that kill people, and I haven't even mentioned famine and starvation, and poverty so severe as to be beyond most people's imagination, genocide, and all the other diseases, such as malaria that someone mentioned earlier, tuberculosis, Ebola, and HIV/Aids, and so many many others including ones that in modern countries people are vaccinated for but not in third world ones.

The list of things to 'worry about' is mighty long, but what good does it do? So we do what we can for ourselves, our family, neighbors, community, and then reach out across our country, and then around the world with whatever we can do to help others in this struggle called life. And may I add, that another thing I do is to pray daily.

I do think that individuals or cultures that are in close proximity to domestic fowl, or other animals, need to be extra cautious over this bird flu. I read an article recently about the large indoor chicken/turkey farming setup (which has always troubled me on behalf of the cooped up birds) but it turns out that type of bird farming operation has been dealing successfully with various strains of bird flu for many years, and is well equipped to kill and dispose of any sick birds, and to sanitize equipment and buildings thoroughly. They test daily for disease and act immediately if any found. I wish our beef slaughter houses were that efficient to test every animal. So due to that type of raising birds (and much of the pork farming too), we are more protected for most of our chicken supply than buying birds from the small backyard farmer, or raising our own or even buying from the usually preferred organic operation that lets chickens free range where they could come in contact with wild birds or their feces. So something that has been seen as a bad thing may turn out to be a good one in long run?

Thanks for your gracious reply to me Marty, it made me feel alot better!!! Hugs...! :wub:


God bless everyone.

Edited by thesidekickcat
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you mention asians

i have very two good friend who are chinese

and call them selves kiwis

and they know so much about compts

they did say they will have a version of vista

what ever that means

at half the price of what we have to buy it for

microsoft made a deal if they bought all the win 98-95-me

operating sys

which microsoft willnot maintain in the future

they could develope vista to suit there needs

i cant verify this as it isnt in a written article

so i will keep close contact with my friends thanks


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Interesting thread, marty:-)

I am also very concerned about the bird flu even though it has not mutated into a lethal human form capable of person to person transmission. The potential for a global pandemic is perhaps there. I'm very interested in this story.

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hi hitest

i see 25 countrys are taking steps to

try and be prepared

what ever that means

here in NZ the gov is taking it

measures in case

and to be honest i didnt give it a

thought until i read the news

that is what prompted me to post

and get the feeling of other posters


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Well, back when they first had the West Nile Virus spreading through bird populations in the US ; I said there was a simple solution.

Allow and encourage the total extermination of migratory birds. In fact, this could be used as a reason to exterminate such economic problems as the the Spotted Owl and all those wood grouse and sparrow birds which are hindering developement.

Tackle the problem at its roots, eliminate the vectors of transmission.

Or just wait; the wild populations will die off on their own and eventually develope immunity and recover (the west nile at first seemed to have killed of just about everything but European Starlings and Grackels).

In the meantime; well ban sale of "Free Range" chickens and turkeys etc which could spread it to humans.

The poultry industry already has pretty stringent measures in place to combat transmission of infectious disease. It costs money when something like Newcastle virus devestates a flock; so they take great care to prevent disease from getting inside facilities and to keep the flocks from having exposure to the outside here in the US ; at least on commercial production facilities (the bane of all those animal rights advocates- well how about worrying about human beings for a change.

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yes pete that was the point of my post

what happens if it gets to the population

as in some cases it has ok not in big numbers yet

but once it manifests it self

ide hate to think of the.

devistation it will cause on

people not prepared.

just think wars. storms.911.eruptions

is devistating enough

but this silent killer could wipe out billions

even neuclear weapons

are childs play to this bugger


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yes pete that was the point of my post

what happens if it gets to the population

as in some cases it has ok not in big numbers yet

but once it manifests it self

ide hate to think of the.

devistation it will cause on

people not prepared.

just think wars. storms.911.eruptions

is devistating enough

but this silent killer could wipe out billions

even neuclear weapons

are childs play to this bugger


Well, every year hereabouts they whine about West Nile virus, and make a big hoopla about a couple people dying of it. Then they get a big appropriation for testing mosquitoes and dead birds and finally spray "hotspots" only later does the media bring up that only one in 10,000 people exposed to it even gets a headache from it and that it is close to a million to one against getting "West Nile Virus Encephalitis" and dying from it.

I suspect the same with bird flu ; that it is a media darling used by politicians to draw off attention from something else they are up to. (Kind of like Bush approving the leaking of the CIA "Palme" info to draw attention away from the war and discredit antiwar advocates and now claiming he had "declassified" it because it was known to be outdated and false ). The reality is that so far bird flu in humans is primarily in those who come in direct contact with contaminated blood and get it into their respiratory tract. And the chief danger is not its virulence but the immune response mounted against it because it is so foreign and unlike other flu strains. Chances are that if it mutated sufficiently to infect humans ; it would loose much of this over response by the immune system.

Remember, that the 1918 flu pandemic was most likely the result of three seperate strains; human , avian , and swine mixing in a British replacement camp in France. Some genius thought it would be a better idea if soldiers raised their own food , so they had a camp in France with a million new arrivals waiting deployment to the front. While waiting there they raised pigs and chickens, and then once infected were deployed to the front where they encountered malnourished over stressed and heavily fatigued soldiers.

This combined with a military attitude that enlisted men complaining that they were ill were just trying to get out of battle , led to the new strain gaining virulence spreading around the world over the next two years in several "waves"

In all likelyhood, today, the virus would initially appear as a poorly transmissable strain , which was primarily deadly as it is now in those who mount an overly vigorous immune response. It then would die back for several months and resurface being slightly more virulent.

If we were to follow the growth of the 1918 pandemic (which actually started in 1916) we would have two years to develope a vaccine before it became pandemic. Since they can produce it in six months; not a big problem.

Also , by keeping your flu shots current; you will "lessen" the severity of even these unrelated strains by slowing their initial growth and thus preventing the overreaction of the preliminary immune response which is what proves deadly.

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Our Vancouver Washington, Portland Oregon, metro area has been having an outbreak of the norovirus (aka the cruise ship virus). It's already killed 3 elderly people from a nursing home and sickened at least 300 since February, nursing and retirement home patients/hospital staff/ambulance workers etc. Very potent gastrointestinal virus, and easily transmitted to others. Second page of this article explains why it is such a bad virus.

Norovirus: hardy and potent

So there are plenty of common nasty bugs that can cause us sickness, misery, and even death.

Stay healthy folks.


God bless everyone.

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I just add Bird flu to the growing list. It's up there with Mad Cow disease and a few others that have already been posted. All anyone can do is hope for the best, and a cure for it.

There are many other things going on upon this small world that could have even far greater devastating affects to the population of this planet.

Wars, comet impacts (which the ones that could hit us sometimes aren't seen until they have already passed us), Large scale earthquakes, titalwaves, volcanic eruptions, (I live in the path of Yellowstone, and they say it 's in it's prime).

And now I have seen on Discover Science, A documentary about prophets. Such as Nostradamus.

One who lived in the early part of the century, and died in the early 1940s. He stated in the very near future that the world would tip on it's axes. And it would be a sudden thing because of a very large disturbance at the north pole. Causing the ice cap to rapidly melt. And that the coastal areas would vanish. That there would be a large river running from the Great Lakes to the coast on the u.s. He said we will be giving signs of the approach by the weather patterns, and how they will seem to run amok. (Mmmm, seems to be doing that now).

And as there would be no more ice at one end of the planet. that the off-counter balance from the other end would cause the tipping of the earth.

And on the same show. (I'll try to find his name). A new person who is showing the same kind of gift. He says the same thing about the world going into a total change. He even stated that the "Fourth age" of the earth will begin on December, 21st. 2012. And everything as we know it now will be forever changed. Tho when asked. He couldn't say if this would all start on this day, or if the worst parts will just be getting over. Just that the "Forth age" will start. And that all things (the surface of the earth) will not be as we now know it.

When you sometimes look at a bigger picture of thing, somethings just don't seem as bad as it could be. Some things seem trivial. Not that there not important, not just as bad.

So, if the birds, the cows, the wars, and anything else I've missed don't get us all first. Then I'll see you all at the big end of everything-beginning of the new age party on December 21st, 2012. First rounds on me. :D

See you all there. B)

Now to just find a safe place to have it. :lol:

Edited by JSKY
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I just add Bird flu to the growing list. It's up there with Mad Cow disease and a few others that have already been posted. All anyone can do is hope for the best, and a cure for it.

There are many other things going on upon this small world that could have even far greater devastating affects to the population of this planet.

Wars, comet impacts (which the ones that could hit us sometimes aren't seen until they have already passed us), Large scale earthquakes, titalwaves, volcanic eruptions, (I live in the path of Yellowstone, and they say it 's in it's prime).

And now I have seen on Discover Science, A documentary about prophets. Such as Nostradamus.

One who lived in the early part of the century, and died in the early 1940s. He stated in the very near future that the world would tip on it's axes. And it would be a sudden thing because of a very large disturbance at the north pole. Causing the ice cap to rapidly melt. And that the coastal areas would vanish. That there would be a large river running from the Great Lakes to the coast on the u.s. He said we will be giving signs of the approach by the weather patterns, and how they will seem to run amok. (Mmmm, seems to be doing that now).

And as there would be no more ice at one end of the planet. that the off-counter balance from the other end would cause the tipping of the earth.

And on the same show. (I'll try to find his name). A new person who is showing the same kind of gift. He says the same thing about the world going into a total change. He even stated that the "Fourth age" of the earth will begin on December, 21st. 2012. And everything as we know it now will be forever changed. Tho when asked. He couldn't say if this would all start on this day, or if the worst parts will just be getting over. Just that the "Forth age" will start. And that all things (the surface of the earth) will not be as we now know it.

When you sometimes look at a bigger picture of thing, somethings just don't seem as bad as it could be. Some things seem trivial. Not that there not important, not just as bad.

So, if the birds, the cows, the wars, and anything else I've missed don't get us all first. Then I'll see you all at the big end of everything-beginning of the new age party on December 21st, 2012. First rounds on me. :D

See you all there. B)

Now to just find a safe place to have it. :lol:

Well, actually it is the moon that keeps the earth balanced and limits the "wobble" of the axis ; comparatively the icecaps have negligeable influence. Look at the last ice age; virtually all the glaciation was in the northern hemisphere, no significant difference between now and then in antarctica.

Prophets have the advantage that they can be very vague and believers will find perfect matches eventually.

With 20/20 hindsight we can pretty much find a match somewhere in history for any prediction; and the blatantly wrong predictions just get ignored.

I find it as hard to believe in fortelling (other than through the use of psychohistory and empiracally based predictions from statistical data) as I do in a supreme being or intelligent designer.

The universe exists as it is observed to be and can be understood and described without the need for any hocus pocus.

Earthquakes , and volcanos will continue to happen as long as the nuclear fission continues to fuel the core of the earth with heat to drive tectonic movement. Sometimes it will be sudden and catastrophic .

Storms (hurricanes and tornados) will continue to occur as long as the earth gets solar input sufficient to drive them. The weather will continue to vary as is natural in any feedback system where there are interacting components maintaining a semi stable climate.

All you can do is use your brain and make good decisions. If you fail to do so you become a candidate for the Darwin Awards.

Since most people fail to use their intelligence and instead of viewing these events as part of nature which can be dealt with choose to think of them with a religious connotation even if the interpretation they choose flys in the face of their claimed religion; it becomes encumbent on the government to impose regulations to protect the populace.

These should include building codes such as requiring homes in flood prone areas to be built on stilts / peirs of sufficient height to ensure they are above the flood waters or not be built there ; require that new buildings and retrofits in hurricane endangered areas have adequate structural integrity, especially when it comes to openings like windows; That homes in tornado prone areas include a storm shelter.

And it is essential that the government also address issues of public health. Immunization (vaccine developement, production and distribution) should be funded by the federal government. It has become woefully obvious that due to the lack of profitability; vaccine developement and production have become totally inadequate. The costs of such a program have been shown in the past to be more than balanced by increased productivity and decreased loss of wages to sick time.

Food poisoning too could become a thing of the past with irradiation of meats and produce and proper packaging. Irradiated food is safer than what we recieve today and if universally applied would become relativley cheap. Salmonella, Ecoli, and other foodborne illness would soon become very rare if food were sterilized with irradiation and properly packaged to prevent recontamination.

But until the government stops promoting religion and gets on with its duties to the citizens of this country it is up to the individual to do what they can.

If you buy a new home or have work done on yours ; insist that it is properly built and provides the needed safeguards for your area.

When you buy food, assume that it is all contaminated unless it is in sealed sterile packaging (canned) . Keep produce, meat, dairy, eggs etc seperate from each other ; both in storage and preperation.

Wash anything which is not packaged prior to placing it in your refrigerator and again before use, especially if consumed raw.

Use seperate tools and prep surfaces for Meat, dairy, produce, eggs and sterilize with chloring bleach or in a dishwasher with appropriate heat.

Get your vaccinations and keep them up to date. Do not assume that the ones you had as a child will last forever; many do not or have only limited protection after a decade.

Do not use antibiotics unnecessarily; or any other drugs. Consider recent discoveries that having allergies or asthma actually decreases your cancer risk; but that benefit is lost if you regularly take immune suppressants and antihistamines.

And above all, use your brain. Do not listen to these quacks who "know" without any education or research, who preach because it is what they "believe" and have "Faith" in things which you must not question.

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Does this mean there's not going to be a party????? :blink:

Well darn it to hooting. I was looking forward to the party of :lol:

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