Need Some Things My Sugegstions

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I think we need a homepage! And a thing in our control pannels thats says participating topics in the past 30 days and all...something like that..maybe a tips and tricks folder for windows and or something else.... Can we start making tutorials? I dont know this is just a few things I like that I have saw on other sites.

Thanks for looking all!

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  cowsgonemadd3 said:
I think we need a homepage! And a thing in our control pannels thats says participating topics in the past 30 days and all...something like that..maybe a tips and tricks folder for windows and or something else.... Can we start making tutorials? I dont know this is just a few things I like that I have saw on other sites.

Thanks for looking all!


We already have a homepage. You can find it at

Also, B has already discussed making a "tips and tricks" forum (remember, he runs this board, not you. Thanks for the suggestion though!)

Feel free to start working on tutorials. We appreciate all the help we can get. Tutorials that work save a LOT of time when it comes to fixing logs.


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Well I know she was staring a tips and tricks but im talking about a windows version. Like windows tips and tricks,linux tips and tricks so on. I soooo sorry I didnt find the howepage I was told about this site....and gave a link. Great homepage! Sorry... Nic do you work here or....

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Hi cowsgonemadd3,

I think you made a typo, because I am a he not a she... lol...

Next yes that's exaclty the type of Tips and Tricks I was talking about. I am planning it out now. Just trying to figure out what kind of forums I should make in that category Tips and Tricks. Thanks for the suggestions though. I am working hard right now so please let me get everything the way I want it and then I will be adding new things.



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Yes, I just redid my site. I have not had the time yet to make tutorials, but I was planning on it. If you do make one then post it on my forums so that way everyone can look at it and deciede if it is one I should use on my site. Also, if you post it on my forums we can help you and also make corrections so it will come out great. That's the way I think would be best so that the tutorials come out the best they can possibly be.


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  cowsgonemadd3 said:
Nic do you work here or....

Do I work here... My answer to that is simply yes and no. Yes, I answer posts when asked, or if I feel they need a reply. Yes, I have given B some advice. No, I do not get paid. And no, I am currently not in any administrative type of position. Simply put, I do what is asked of me and what needs to be done.


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Hey Marty,

Don't worry about no one is making me do certian things I don't want to do with my boards. I run my boards they way I want to run them and if I don't like something I will be sure to do something about it. Also, I already said I was going to make a tips and tricks forum so that suggestion didn't really do anything. So please don't leave if you do you will be missed.


You haven't done anything wrong. Just make sure you check to make sure somthing wasn't said already before you make the suggestion that's all. Keep up the good work and suggestions and I hope to see you around.

I hope to see you both around and keep up the good work, both of you


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To Marty and Cowsgonemadd3,

Both of you have done the wrong thing here.

1. Marty if you want to say stuff like that then you should PM it to someone and not post it out in the open.

2. Cowsgonemadd3 you should have known better then to come back and say things. If anything that would make things worse.

3. Please no more flamming people. If you do it will result in warnings and then if need be then bans will come into play.

What I am going to do is remove both of your posts and then we will be able to move on hopefully. I hope you both can understand why I am doing this. It is to keep everyone here happy and so there is no fighting. I really don't want to have to warn people or ban people, because I'd rather have a good happy forum community. Now I know we all make mistakes sometimes even I will make a mistake and do something wrong. Why because we are all humans and humans make mistakes that's just how we are. People get angry at eachother too. That is normal, and I understand that there was some hurt feeling in these posts. That's why I am going to remove them before it gets really nasty in here.

Thanks for understanding hopefully, and lets just move on now. It's over and done with.


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I just wanted to comment on something cowsgonemadd3 said. "I was 100% new." (note to cowsgonemadd3: this is just a general comment, not directly to you, but to everyone here, but what you said made me think I should post this. :) )

B, please correct me if I am out of line here.

This is a note to everyone here, and I think we should all take it into consideration. This forum was oficially opened to us on August 23rd, which was only 8 days ago; therefore, this makes ALL of us newbies here. Many of us come from different forums and for some, this may be their first. Either way, I think we need to keep in mind that this forum is laid out a lot differently than most of us are used to. We all need to take some time to adjust to the new atmosphere, and settle in together.

And now....back to the party. ;)

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sorry B and i appoligise to cow.

ive been around these boards for some time.and i thought i was protecting B who

is the chief of this board .ok i got a bit carried away but i see B:s role

as diffecult support him and let him run the board his way.instead of stearing him in a certain direction

how ever i appoligise to all concerned.especially cow.

and B

cant say i wont do it agin. if some thing has to be said so be it

didnt want to cause B constenation as he set this thing up for us.

and ive waited 2-3 months for it

and in a week i nearly blew it

thanks B


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