P&r Forum Vote Results

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The membership has spoken (barely...), and the answer to the poll question is, No...we do not want a P&R topics forum here.

Only 36 votes on this subject, I would've thought we'd get more than that, but as we promised from the start, whatever side got the most votes was the winner. Looks like it's 20 - 16 for the No's...close.

So here we are again, we have to say that NO political or religious topics will be allowed here at Bettechie.net. If you just have to talk about this, there are plenty of forums out there where you can argue until you're blue in the face about it, but we're not one of them...sorry. Just make sure you come back home here after you get your opinions out, and relax with all your friends & family who accept you all for who/what you are, and not what political party you support.

I'd like to thank all of those who took the time to vote on the subject, and I'm sorry for the folks who were hoping to have this forum available to them here, but we promised that we'ld let democracy decide, and it has.

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Sorta pathetic that only 4% of the elgible voting population took part. 990 members - 87 forum personnel = 903 elgible to vote. I would have thought more people were interested in this forum. Why are they always around when a fight breaks out?

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  sethook said:
Sorta pathetic that only 4% of the elgible voting population took part. 990 members - 87 forum personnel = 903 elgible to vote. I would have thought more people were interested in this forum. Why are they always around when a fight breaks out?

HA! :D

Very good question.

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Hi Sethook

I was also a bit disappointed with the voter turnout, but in defence of the 87 staff you included in there, Besttechie staff were asked NOT to take part in the voting.

If the forum had been established, BT Staff would have been forbidden to take place in any topics posted in there. It would be absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to moderate with neutrality if we had participated in anything that would have gone on in there, so it made no sense to have staff vote on it either.

I can't say I'm disappointed with the final result really, while I was all for the forum at first, I had a change of heart about it recently.

I mean...we're a Tech Support Forum, and NOT affiliated with any Political entity or view, so why would we need a forum for that?? There's plenty of other places out there that folks can go to get this stuff out of their systems, so no need to have it here as well.

Just like we're probably never going to have a forum for building cars either. I'm sure we have lots of members who like to talk about that too, we just don't need it....same thing here.

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hi chappy, if i hadent been a member of this board

maybe the result would have been different

as at times ive done a bit of political stirring

at times

at one time one menber was going to resign

because of my views.

on a certain politiccal party .

if that is the reason

i would gladly resign

as i would not like me to be the reason


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No, no, no, Marty! I honestly do not think the voting was swayed by one person or another's beliefs! Especially since it was going to be designed as a "enter with permission only" forum. If anyone had a beef with a particular person, it would be easy enough just to not go into that forum.

Like Chappy said, I think folks decided that a political forum doesn't belong in a tech forum.

We need you here! Your insight and your wonderful sense of humor adds so much to the flavor of this place!

Don't you go anywhere, young man!



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Perhaps the lack of voting turnout is actually a vote against having the forum.

I know that I did not vote because I would have no interest in a P&R forum but just the fact that I don't care about it doesn't mean I should vote one way or the other.

I think that many people like myself just don't have the interest in going there and didn't vote for that reason.

There are places people can go if they want to get into discussions about politics and/or religion.

just my 2 cents worth.


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The turnout seems about right to me. Figure that the people most likely to vote are the regulars who have significant time invested in the forum -- people just stopping by to ask questions wouldn't care if we have a political forums. We don't have anywhere near 1000 regulars. The real turnout could be 30+% once you factor out the staff and passers-by.

We really should do a census before the next vote :)

Edited by jcl
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I highly doubt that's the reason, well...I'm POSITIVE that you are not the reason for the low voter turnout, or the poll results.

Just because you had a run in with one other member over political views, is not why the result is what it is, that's long been forgotten by everyone.

No, it's more the overall view of everyone towards these types of subjects that's the real reason here for the low turnout and the final results, and not due to any one member or past arguments. I actually expected it to not pass by an even larger amount than it did, but I think it's just that most of the members don't really care either way.

So Marty...put that idea that you're the reason it didn't pass, right out of your head please. That's just not the case at all here and all that you'll accomplish if you resign from Besttechie is that you'll lose touch with all your friends here.

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No Marty, you are not to blame. Don't even think that. I beleve the overall response from the get-go was against having one.

So please stay.....


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  sethook said:
Sorta pathetic that only 4% of the elgible voting population took part. 990 members - 87 forum personnel = 903 elgible to vote. I would have thought more people were interested in this forum. Why are they always around when a fight breaks out?

That's what I was predicting last week.

I won't say anymore however.

I don't want another tirade.

Edited by irregularjoe
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OK people you just simply can't go by those stats. there are not 990 regular members. there is only about 85 - 95 regular members on this forum. remember when i put up the temp forum while BestTechie was down. we had all the regular members registered there as show at the bottom. exactly 85 people.


ok so a few stragglers were out of contact at the time. so lets say another 5, maybe 10 regular members didn't make it there. heck another 15 to make it an even 100 regular members.

so now instead of the 4% voter turn out it's 36% voter turn out.

plus not all of the regular members come to the open chat section and there was no option for a maybe/undecided. so please no more of this 4% crap. the whole point is that the option is there which you would not even get at most other places. we have even had another poll already started by the members of this board asking for Modification section. look what happened. a good voter turn to show that most cared about it and so we created one. if there was enough people that showed they cared and wanted a political debate section we would have given them one. heck chappy was putting us through training for it.

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  macmarauder said:
OK people you just simply can't go by those stats. there are not 990 regular members. there is only about 85 - 95 regular members on this forum. remember when i put up the temp forum while BestTechie was down. we had all the regular members registered there as show at the bottom. exactly 85 people.


ok so a few stragglers were out of contact at the time. so lets say another 5, maybe 10 regular members didn't make it there. heck another 15 to make it an even 100 regular members.

so now instead of the 4% voter turn out it's 36% voter turn out.

plus not all of the regular members come to the open chat section and there was no option for a maybe/undecided. so please no more of this 4% crap. the whole point is that the option is there which you would not even get at most other places. we have even had another poll already started by the members of this board asking for Modification section. look what happened. a good voter turn to show that most cared about it and so we created one. if there was enough people that showed they cared and wanted a political debate section we would have given them one. heck chappy was putting us through training for it.

Aren't we on a judgmental, pompous rant today? Using your site membership and "lets say" statistics as benchmarks is questionable at best. For whatever reason 4% of the eligible voters took part in the vote. And please don't start labeling the people that visit this site. What is a "regular" defined as here and what are you defined as? So much for my rant.......

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good question sethook. most of those registered members are people that needed tech support help and stay just long enough to get their question answered and then leave for good. some come back if they need more help but stay in the tech support section.

hold on i'll look up more statistics for you right now. cause i just noticed that we've got almost 300 registered members with no posts at all.

ohhh and sethook it may be a pompous rant like you said (which i find a little insulting but ok) but it's a pompous rant backed up by facts. i intend to shell out more facts to get us a more accurate voter turn out cause it was no wheres near the 4% you guys think it was.

Edited by macmarauder
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i found this interesting and all of these can be checked by any of you through the members button at the top.

we have:

294 members with no posts

155 members with 1 post

72 members with 2 posts

and only 32 of those are members that registered in the last 20 days. i can keep going on but like i said most just ask a few questions to get help since this is after all a tech support board and then they leave. their account is still here but that's all so they are not regular contributing members that participate in the rest of the forum.

so how high of post count should some one have before we count them as a regular member?

well if your answer is (?) then these are how many members that would not qualify currently.

less than (?) posts: then # not qualify:

10 ............................... 729

20 ............................... 797

30 ............................... 816

40 ............................... 857

50 ............................... 865

now the odds and voter turn out rate change dramatically, don't they. think about it, most just come for a little help and then leave for ever. only very few stay and participate in other boards.

Edited by macmarauder
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  macmarauder said:
i found this interesting and all of these can be checked by any of you through the members button at the top.

we have:

294 members with no posts

155 members with 1 post

72 members with 2 posts

and only 32 of those are members that registered in the last 20 days. i can keep going on but like i said most just ask a few questions to get help since this is after all a tech support board and then they leave. their account is still here but that's all so they are not regular contributing members that participate in the rest of the forum.

so how high of post count should some one have before we count them as a regular member?

well if your answer is (?) then these are how many members that would not qualify currently.

less than (?) posts: then # not qualify:

10 ............................... 729

20 ............................... 797

30 ............................... 816

40 ............................... 857

50 ............................... 865

now the odds and voter turn out rate change dramatically, don't they. think about it, most just come for a little help and then leave for ever. only very few stay and participate in other boards.

4% of ELGIBLE voters, ie, members. But, enough of our banter Serves no purpose and statistacily there isn't anybody reading this.


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But, enough of our banter Serves no purpose

I agree completely.

This subject is now over, and no amount of continued debate is going to change that fact, so this post is mute now and will be closed.

Thanks to all that DID participate!

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