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I've got something that will change the clock, but it changes a crap load more. It's a replacement shell, but you don't have to replace it to try it out. You can have it running over Explorer if you so desire. It is called BBLean and is a variant of Black Box for Windows. It allows much more customization of the clock. open the readme page and find where it shows the clock formatting. Now, ctrl+right click on the task bar. Select Edit Settings or something similar. Find where it shows clock format like things. Edit that, save, right click, restart black box, done.

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Is there a way to take the clock you have on the taskbar and make it look cool like the one on Linux or something better?

Hey X-Cannon , try [L=ClocX][/L].

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but I've been using ClocX for almost a year and like it very much. It's got many skins to choose from and other features I'm sure you'll find interesting. Enjoy!


Oops!....don't know what happened to the link. Anyway just go to:

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Hey JSKY do you have to always open the TClock program? And pueo38 is it a digital clock or the one like the pic?

No, you can set it to starts with windows. R-click on the clock and open up "TCLOCK Properties" On the "Misc" tab, Go to the bottom and click on the "Creat a shortcut in the Startup folder". Then choose "Yes"

That will get it to start up with windows.

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Hey JSKY do you have to always open the TClock program? And pueo38 is it a digital clock or the one likeĀ  the pic?

ClocX is analog with "Hour", "Minute", and "Second" hands. It opens to the desk top on bootup, has a good number of skins to choose from, you can size it and place it anywhere on your desktop. The date can be placed on the clock face too!


It's free so it won't cost you anything but time to try.

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