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I accidently formatted a 200gb usb drive. It had one fat, and one ntfs paritition on it. I did not actually format it, but I ersased the partition table so it apears all as unallocated. I have been looking at some different recovery software, but am not sure what might be a good choice. I would appreciate some input. In this particular case, I am looking to recover jpeg files.

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I think Knoppix will still read the drive. You can then use the burning software contained in Knoppix to save the photos or transfer them. qparted amy rebuild the partion. You will need to ask the Linux gang.

Edited by TheTerrorist_75
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being part of the linux gang, i am pretty certain knoppix can't read a drive if the partition table is corrupt, no better then windows. Knoppix may contain tools that allow me to fix the partition table.

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