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Something I've noticed: When I've been at the computer for a long time, my feet swell up.

One of the first things I do in the morning is slip on my 'boat' shoes (mocassin-like) to fetch the paper. Later in the day I go online and, well, waste an hour or more. When I then prepare to put something in the mailbox or fetch the mail I go to slip on those same shoes, and I can BARELY get them on!

Is it because I'm sitting for so long? Or sippin' coffee the whole time? Could it possibly be an indication of something else?

I'm on my feet at work all day, when I'm just lounging 'round the house I usually put my feet up. I've never noticed any physical swelling -- The only indication is, I have to struggle to get those darn shoes on. It just strikes me as weird.

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Hi JDoors

This is rather typical really, a persons foot changes shape constantly throughout the day, as do your hands but moreso the feet.

Many factors are involved here, age, weight, circulation, smoking...etc, and mostly it's due to age and activity levels. Some reasons can certainly be worrisome as it can be a sign of poor circulation which leads to a build up of fluids (edema) in the extremities.

I'd say it's just likely a small buildup of fluids and the normal change of the foot in your case, but if it's a significant change due to too much fluid, then it's something you should point out to your doctor next time.

I'm a Paramedic and have extensive Biology training, but certainly no authority on this subject so ask the Dr. next visit.

One quick test you can do is called Capilliary Refill and it will show how well your small caps are refilling, which shows the circulation. It's not definitive by any means but it is an indicator.

Press firmly on your big toe nail (pinch the toe between fingers) and you'll notice it turns whiteish, this is squeezing the blood from the small vessels. Now release it and count how long it takes to turn pink again, if it's any longer than 3 seconds, go see you Dr. and explain the issue.

Like I said bud, it's not unusual at all for the foot to change shape as the day goes by, so don't fret too much. Best Wishes!

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When my cirrhosis first started my ankles and feet would swell until I elevated my legs. After awhile as I got worse so did the edema. My feet would swell to the point that shoes three sizes larger would not fit. The edema traveled further up my legs. My calf size went from 24" to 30". No matter how long I elevated my legs it wouldn't reduce the swelling. I ended up going to a therapist who taught me how to massage my lymphatic channels to move the fluid up my extremities. Even though it is no longer a problem I still sit in a recliner with my legs up when I am at my computer.

Causes of Edema

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Edited by TheTerrorist_75
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