Just Installed A Dvd Burner

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I bought a sony burner for a good price, but I'm not sure what to do with it. I know I can burn cd's but I'm not sure what kind of DVD's I can burn. :huh:

I would like to be able to make backup copies of my DVD movies, what kind of program would I need to do that?

It there a site that give info on DVD burners? :unsure:

Thank you for your time. :thumbsup:

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DVD Shrink can be used to backup your dvd's if you have a copy of NERO (a DVD burning software)

I believe you can use DVD Shrink with the demo version of the latest version of NEO - I know it works with the full version of NERO 6 (it came with my burner)

You can watch DVD's with a program such as Power DVD or Interactual Player

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DVD Shrink can be used to backup your dvd's if you have a copy of NERO (a DVD burning software)

I believe you can use DVD Shrink with the demo version of the latest version of NEO - I know it works with the full version of NERO 6 (it came with my burner)

You can watch DVD's with a program such as Power DVD or Interactual Player

Here is the link to DVD shrink. Another program I use and find VERY simple to use after setup is Shrink to 5. Here is the link to it, but if your burning copyright protected files, you have to add the machinist.dll file. I also donater $1 to add the burning sofyware to the Shrink to 5 so that I never have to even open my NERO software. Hope that helps.

Edited by thbjr
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I bought a sony burner for a good price, but I'm not sure what to do with it. I know I can burn cd's but I'm not sure what kind of DVD's I can burn. :huh:

I would like to be able to make backup copies of my DVD movies, what kind of program would I need to do that?

It there a site that give info on DVD burners? :unsure:

Thank you for your time. :thumbsup:

what is the model of the DVD burner.. (the only way to tell what type of dvd's it can burn??)

I can help with this...

I would like to be able to make backup copies of my DVD movies

according to the DMCA (in the US only, but comming to a WTO country near you) and as a BT Staff member (remeber the sites rules on posting), I can only say .. you can not. unless the dvd does not contain DRM (tough luck finding that one)

if you think I am wrong.. look up the 321 studios case...


The studios argued that 321's software bypassed CSS, the digital locks that protect the content. Any mechanism that circumvents these locks is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In response, 321 countered that its customers have a right to make personal copies. Illston sided with the studios.

but in that vain, watching DVDs that your own with a Linux system is also aginst the DMCA..

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