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How do you upload a thumbnail photo image?

I have tried using Photobucket, but it is not the same type

of image I see here when someone uploads pictures or

photos that they have taken, and it says "thumbnail, click to enlarge"

I know how to upload a picture from my computer to the forum, and

add as an attachment. Is there something I have to do first before I

upload picture to make it a thumbnail image?

I hope this is in the right place, not sure where else to put it.


Barb :D

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I know how to upload a picture from my computer to the forum, and

add as an attachment. Is there something I have to do first before I

upload picture to make it a thumbnail image?

Nope, I dont think so.


That is it. How did you do that?


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Thanks. I've tried this before, but from another folder instead of my picture folder

and it would not come out like this. I have some emoticons in a folder in my documents

and it will upload, but not a thumbnail. So now I know it has to be in my pic folder.

As you can see the tree is from emoticons folder.


Thanks Bubba Bob


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None of mine are ever in a picture folder... Wierd.

Maybe Jeff can shed some light on this.

Could you try adding a larger image from your emoticons folder? Maybe the tree is too small.

Sorry I couldnt help more Barb, this puzzles me also.

Edited by Bubba Bob
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Browse file attachment, My Picture opens, then I open emoticons folder, and click on this photo, click open, add this attachment, add into post.

I tried the simple right click copy, that worked, but could not do paste (grayed out)

Ya, Bubba Bob the tree is too small to do thumbnail. Did not think of that. Duh.

I get click to enlarge as you can see, but no thumbnail attached like I see on others here.



Here ya go bearskin. Was thinking about you after I posted this.

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Hi Barb

I believe it all has to do with the original size of the image you're uploading, as to whether it says "click to enlarge" or "thumbnail attached".

I'm not sure of the size limit exactly, but if the image is under a certain size it will say click to enlarge, and if its over that size it will say thumbnail attached.

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OK Chappy. I think you may be right about size. I don't have any really big ones, but at least I know how to attach it on here in a smaller size.


I know how to do it on Photobucket also, but was looking for the words thumbnail attached and did not see it, so I thought I was doing it wrong.

Thanks for your help and ideas. Size does make sense to me. Most of the photos I got are from weather site. I just copy and paste them to my picture folder, so they are not very big. I use them for wallpaper.

Thanks again

Barb post-27-1134261852.gif

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Thanks Barb for what looks like a great weather site.

I typed in Portland Oregon in search, not only is it very detailed for weather, but even gives the latest Mt St Helens earthquakes on same page. Wow! Nice! :thumbsup:

The photos are great too! Where did you find this great site? Sure glad you shared. Interesting thread all around.


God bless everyone.

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Thanks Barb for what looks like a great weather site.

I typed in Portland Oregon in search, not only is it very detailed for weather, but even gives the latest Mt St Helens earthquakes on same page. Wow! Nice! :thumbsup:

The photos are great too! Where did you find this great site? Sure glad you shared. Interesting thread all around.


God bless everyone.

Hi Pat:

My ISP provides this as a link on my home page. I like their weather much better than the It will give you alerts about the latest storms coming.

As you can see it has thousands of photos people from all the world upload photos dailey. You can do a search for any type of weather photo you like to see. You can search for mountains, water, winter, autumn, sunsets type of pictures and it will show you those. It has a lot of catagories. I can spend an hour on that site looking at different photos.

Glad you like it. Enjoy.

Barb :D

P.S. Yea, this thread was a learning process for me. Thanks to Handplane, Bubba Bob and Chappy, I think I finally got it thru my thick head how to do it. I figured it probably was simple, but when you don't know how, it seems harder then it really is. Isn't that true with most things? :rolleyes:

Have a good evening.

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