Anyone In Usa Ready To Vote?

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Anyone in USA ready to vote for props and laws???

Well, this is my first time, i dont watch a lots of commericals cuz props in those ads. i use ReplayTV and tend to skip the ads.

any advice for first-timer??

If you have any good discussion about props, please post it here, im curious about it. Since props tend to be in state, please tell put the state name.

Im talking about Proposals, not election for presidents, mayor, blah blah. not election, just proposals

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In Michigan, this time of year the Primary Elections occur (where the field of candidates are narrowed down) for Mayor, city council and school boards. My town is so small that there are no primary elections, but there are in many communities.

For "props", I betcha DarkestDream is talking about Proposals? I haven't heard of any yet in Michigan.

And DarkestDream, I'm proud of you for putting some thought into your right to vote. Many folks don't care anymore...Sad, isn't it?

What state are you in, DarkestDream?


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Ooooh, discounts for medicines is a good proposal. We have insurance (but it's lousy) but so many folks don't and medicines are so darned expensive. Some people actually do have to choose between the gas bill and their medications.


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i remember Bush made a proposal to remove closed caption

For those people who dont know Closed Caption, it for deaf people (DONT SAY HEARING IMPAIRED! VERY OFFENSIVE!) to read the words on the tv screen, it like subtitles.

Bush claimed that it wasted government money and it not giving them a education. well, i disagree, for me i am deaf and really proud of it. Closed Caption really teach me to read fast and give a good education like Discovery channel, discovery channel is education and need a closed caption to teach people about what discovery channel saying. Since Bush made that proposal, the Congress turned it down, it not really wasting money, it really teaching us

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I got my Mom one of those discount cards and her meds have gone up 40%.

Edit: That reminds me of when Reagan wanted to classify ketchup as a vegetable for school lunches.


ah man that brought me back...don't get me started on that..(...must keep mouth shut...must be quiet..shhh.....)

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DarkestDream, I didn't know about the near demise of Closed Caption. Gosh, I'm glad it got voted down. I would think that hearing people would benefit from it, too, and think it should be universal for every show, every television, every station. We can read faster than we can hear and what a tool for Elementary kids who are learning to read, the more they see the printed word, the more they'll learn.

Makai, my mother in law got a "discount card", too--and used it until the pharmacist told her regular priced generics were cheaper!!

*Hands Screi my roll of Ducttape....there.....

*Hmm, did we just elect Tenmm as Chief of Besttechie?


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DarkestDream, I didn't know about the near demise of Closed Caption.  Gosh, I'm glad it got voted down.  I would think that hearing people would benefit from it, too, and think it should be universal for every show, every television, every station.  We can read faster than we can hear and what a tool for Elementary kids who are learning to read, the more they see the printed word, the more they'll learn.

Makai, my mother in law got a "discount card", too--and used it until the pharmacist told her regular priced generics were cheaper!!



that closed caption props was a few years ago. let oyu know it really fast, you have to be quick to finish reading, it really took me finish reading whole 3 lines for 1 sec

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Oh, Hey DarkestDream, I meant to ask in an earlier post but forgot.....What's the proper term for "partial hearing loss"? That's what I have, thanks to too many ear infections as a kid. I've always said (oops!) "I'm just a little hearing impaired" (sorry!) because that explained it best when I asked folks to look at me when they spoke (I said deaf once and got shouted at, not sure want to say that again!! :wacko: Don't want shouting to wreck the hearing I still have! ).


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Ok, thanks, DarkestDream! Soooo, seeing as I only have only partial hearing loss, what phrase would be proper? I don't want to offend anyone in the deaf community when I try to explain why I want eye contact in conversation.


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There is two deaf culture. Deaf/Hearing culture and Deaf Culture

Deaf/Hearing Culture. a person who raised in hearing (public and private) school and only have deaf program (which it sucky) and not aware of Deaf Culture tend to use hearing impaired. this cause a lot of problems with Deaf Community, Deaf Community dont like the school have a lousy deaf program which limited him to their teaching and teachs them as moron (it really happens a lot, i see it)

Deaf Culture, a person who raise and awared of Deaf Culture, this happens in deaf School. deaf school is in each states, there is two or one deaf school in each states and under the goverenment, not the city. You will see school said "California School for the Deaf" "New York School for the Deaf" which it a private school for deaf only. but teachers and staff there is deaf and hearing, all of them is REQUIRED to know American Sign Language or they will not get the jobs. but in some position that dont confront deaf dont need to know ASL. that where the Deaf Community explored, fully aware of their deafness. many people who went to deaf school have prides about their deaf culture.

This is only for people who was raised as deaf. for senior citizen who happen to be deaf cuz of old age is not related to Deaf Culture.

so two culture, Deaf/Hearing Culture tends to be called Hearing Impaired cuz of school called them which they not suppose to. Deaf Culture like to be named Deaf, not hearing impaired, it will be offensive to them, it a insults to them

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Well it was not really a proposal you could vote on but here they recently deemed it necessary to ban leaf burning. With all the problems solved here and nothing left to do the city counsel sided with the one person who thought this was a good idea. Of course now to get rid of the mountain of leaves we will all get this fall the city will happly pick up thosae leaves for the modest price of 3 dollrs per bag. Of course you must use city approved bags which by some odd coincidence you can only get from the city........Hahahahahahaha.....TT you should love this one....So my response was ti buy a mulching lawm mower.....

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