"HELP" microsoft windows have all changed

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did you upgrade to windows 7? or did you get a win7 pc and transfer files? win7 does not come with an email program or an office program.

have you installed and ran malwarebytes anti malware program and ran it?

if not, that may be the first thing that flash or pete will ask for. download the free version and run it from desktop, then post the log you get after it runs.

flash4 or petec will be able to help if you have an infection.

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Hi Kim, was you able to open your email before ? Or did this just start recently ? As the chief stated above windows does not come with an email program you have to sign up for those ! What have you done if any to start this problem ?

Let me know more if you can describe it better !

We can run some scans if you want just let me know !



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Kim the problem is with Microsoft and their update from IE 9 to IE 10 !!!!! There are a lot of people having this problem I will look for a solution to the problem !! I will get back as soon as i find a solution !



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Kim, which version do You Have Windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit ?? You can try downloading which ever is for your system !

Download IE10 [32-bit Windows 7]
Download IE10 [64-bit Windows 7]


You should install any recommended updates in Windows Update before updating to IE10.


Let me know if this helps ??



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