The Ranting Game

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heh heh yeah Blim, It's laughable now, but I was smokin' then! I almost managed to memorize the phone number of that gal... (good thing I forgot it before I wrote it down.) I was gonna ring her up with:

"you have just won a $2000 computer from Best Buy. We are on our way to deliver and set it up for you now, what are the directions to your house?"

Then go over and get my plate back!

*and I still want my 5 bucks!!*

confusing a cop with a UK license: priceless..........

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Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA! ), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in.AMERICA..

How the hell did this happen to our great nation?

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RANT # 1

one of the few things that are still made in america that people in other countries recognize are our custom cars and trucks. i spent most of yesterday and today watching the speed channel and the discovery channel. there's of course a ton of car and truck building shows there and i drives me nuts that almost all of them have a huge budget on their builds. then they love to talk about their skills. you know what it's easy to put together these toys when money is no object. it's amazing how many prefabbed and billet parts they buy. sure why modify the ones already on there or trace wiring to use what's already there when you can just pay an arm and a leg and have all the hard work done for you. also there's the equipment, god they have every tools at their finger tips to make the job quick and easy. i'm sure that all of us have that $50,000 milling machine in the closet somewheres. And large $100+ blocks of aluminum to mold into a bracket to replace that grease covered one that we could just clean or replace for $5. Don't get me wrong, some of hosts on these shows really know there stuff and just know their way around these high end shop toys. but can you say lack of budget shows.

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Oooh for sure Mac. But that is TV... And there is real life out here and sooo many folks do it your way. I have a 1956 Allis Chalmbers D14 tractor. It has been a labor of love restoring that ole thing. Everytime I have to fix or replace a part, it gets cleaned, primed, and painted. This old guy is one of 18,000 before a run of more then 1,250,000.... It's serial number is 8xxx. Nice thing is I can still get all the parts I need including castings.

"ole Al pulls a 4 bottom plow, a 48" brush hog, and cuts anything it's 4200 pounds can run over into toothpicks. Jeesh, I love power as much as speed.

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Agreed!! I don't watch the car shows (which I'm sure you folks figured that out already), but I do occasionally watch the home improvement shows. What amuses me is the "hosts" taking the credit when contractors to do the actual "work" :) Ever see Bob Vila actually use a tool??? Noooooo, he just talks. Eh, I'm with Tim Allen, Vila's a "lightweight" :thumbsup:

Bozodog, your tractor's named Al? Love it! I sometimes name my cars. I miss Emmet


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Have not named a car or pickup,I have called them a few choice words thou...... :P

macmarauder old saying someone told me.

"It does not matter how many tools are in the box,It's how the tools in the box are used.

I know a guy who buys wrecked vette's and rebuilds them in a one car garage. B)

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Tenmm, you're right! You have no idea how many uses a butter knife actually has! :D But tools are fun, even if you have no use for them.

Speaking of tools (this should go in the random thread, but it relates better here) a kid's plastic lunchbox is a perfect toolbox for "minor household jobs". The only thing that doesn't fit is the hammer and it stores perfectly in a kitchen drawers.


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i know your right Tenm. it just erks me when these guys brag and really. just how much skill dose it take to build these fast engines when you start off with racing crate engines from speed shops and then you buy the best parts that money can get and then instead of tuning like in the old days. you just plug in your laptop and let the computer do all the work for you.

OK i'm done ranting now. there's no need to get the rolled up news paper out.

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[rant] Damn, went to the docs... (for those of you that don't know I had a slip and fall on ice accident in Feb. cracked two places and crushed one end of the "rubbing" end of my radius. [wrist]) Well, I'm kinda chomping at the bit to get 100% and wondering why I still hurt and don't have full range of motion yet.

The doc said it's gonna be at least 8 more months and maybe never 100%. WTF???? All this pain, maybe never right again for 50 cents of rock salt?

I wanna sue the sum-na-guns arse off!

I have been starving on 65% of my pay for 6 months. Had a 10% raise in March that I can't collect on. I am sure thinking 1-800-CALL SAM... #^@%$@(*#&$^(@#^&& ! There, I feel better. [/rant]

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there there bozodog.

(adds another pillow behind her back in the rocking chair)

i kinda know who you feel. if you reeeeeally want, with his name i can hack a few records and have him declared dead. that's always fun. was it his fault or was it just and accident or an act of god like when god falls on his ass.

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Fault was with the business I was dispatched to, for a package pick-up. Their recieving dock area was always a nitemare of ice. I pointed it out to them earlier in the winter. That morning we had a light dusting of snow that covered a mirror-like sheet of ice. Zip, bang, down I went. Then he couldn't even stand up to help me up. I had to crawl to the edge to get a grip before he fell on me. I didn't fall on my wrist like most do. (I know to tuck and roll) So when I hit the ground, my arm flung out and crashed on a lump of ice. ~CRACK~ I heard. All this pain and bother for 50 cents worth of rock salt.

Mmmmm, that pillow feels just right, thanx Mac. We'll talk about the hack later. :ph34r:

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Ok whats up with this??

I drive all the way to Arizona and the internet looks the same.... :wacko:

It should look different,I mean the stars are,the land looks different,the water does not taste the same.

The internet did not move or change one bit,I HAVE BEEN ROBBED!!!!!

Call teh internet police hurry......... :huh:

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  bozodog said:
*gives tenmm a node threw Michigan.... Please suck some of this humidity outta here?

Temperature: 94F 

Feels like: 106F 

Humidity: 58%


Close to that here 90F

humiidity 46%

Had thunder and rain storm early this morning. :blink:

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Whew, its even hot up here at the lake--90 degrees--but we have a nice stiff breeze. :)

I'm sorry, Tenmm that you got the same internet in AZ. You must have gotten the cloned version. Are you in AZ now?


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  blim said:
Whew, its even hot up here at the lake--90 degrees--but we have a nice stiff breeze. :)

I'm sorry, Tenmm that you got the same internet in AZ.  You must have gotten the cloned version.  Are you in AZ now?



Yep got here in time for saterday night dinner then went outside and watched the storm roll in from down Mexico way(20 minuets)

As for the cloned internet I did have cable,now using dialup,did not know there was a "crossover" :huh:

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Pshaw, we have the "slowest speed cable". Still a million times better than what we used to have.....(coughAOLcough) Gaaad, I hated that.

Dialupzilla ate littleTimmy? At least he got out of the well. (if you say "littleTimmy's in the well" to my dog, she runs to the front door and perks her ears up. Too funny)

Wait, this is the rant forum.....hmmmmm....a nottin....How about Trying to cancel AOL? We were successful, (although they still send "please come back for 3 free month disks") but I've heard some horror stories out there.


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Oh, AOheLL. Dunno, I had two choices when I bought my machine, AOL and Earthlink. Followed the advice of friends and went with earthlink. :(:glare:

It's almost as bad. Too dang expensive, difficult to cancel, and hides in all the dusty corners of Windows.. Took me forever to find all of it.

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