The Ranting Game

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Okay, storytime folks:

I used to follow a fellow employee from our town to work. He has BAD driving habits, too many to list, so I generally avoid being near him as we both drive to work.

I pull into the garage at work (in my new Explorer) and he's in front of me. He always stops just inside the entrance to wait for a spot, blocking everyone else and backing up traffic until it spills into the street.

I'm extremely patient, believe it or not, having learned that lesson long ago. I wait. Patiently.

No one's pulling out and traffic's backing up all the way to the next intersection. But I wait. Umm, yeah, patiently.

A car's pulling out ... No! Phsyc! He's just getting something out of his car and going back into the building. I can see the other employee, let's call him Tom, because that's his name, BANGING on his dash and steering wheel in a fit of rage because, well, I don't understand that kind of behavior so if you ever see him, ask him yourself.

Ooo! Here's another person walking ... walking ... yes ... I think ... YES! He's getting into his car. Unfortunately, it's RIGHT NEXT to Tom's car. The guy can't get out of the parking space because Tom's car is blocking him. So ... Tom should give that one up and pull up so the guy can leave, right? If you think so you don't know where I'm goin' with this story and you obviously don't know Tom.

Tom puts his car in reverse, mind you there are probably thirty cars backed up behind him now, he's going to ... I dunno ... I guess we ALL are supposed to back up in unison so Tom can get his precious (my precious!) parking spot. Well it ain't gonna happen. Not only is it impractical, but by now my patience has worn thin and I am NOT going to budge for this idiot. I mean for Tom.

Tom starts inching backwards. I stand my ground. Tom's gettin' kinda close there ... Umm, what are you doin' Tom? Tom? Tom!?!

He bangs into my car. I'm stunned. I don't know WHAT to think. But wait! There's more!

He starts trying to PUSH me out of the way! Oh - My - God. For at least a minute, he keeps pushing against my car!

Umm, first of all, I'm not budging. Second, I have no place to go even if I were inclined to budge. Third, I'm in shock.

Tom finally pulls up, I stay put to let the other guy out, and lickety-split Tom backs into that space (heaven knows how upset he'd be if I took that spot now).

And you know what I did? I drove forward, glanced at him getting out of his car, and decided right there and then that someone THAT stupid, THAT ignorant, THAT stubborn, THAT in-human, would not benefit one iota from anything I could possibly say to him. In fact, I'm quite certain he has so much experience being accused of being an idiot he would be able to explain that he had done nothing wrong. He is simply unaware of his gigantic idiot-ness. I would accomplish nothing, I COULD accomplish nothing, by confronting him. He has more experience at being stupid and dealing with the consequences than I have in confronting stupid people. I had nothing to gain, and if I did what I WANTED to do I would lose my job (it would involve criminal damage to property and assault and battery, which would all be on videotape).

So, I parked, made sure there was no damage to my vehicle (which would have led to a confrontation for sure), there was none to speak of (my truck vs. his Grand Prix, I win), and I went to work.

All in all, it's just another brick in the wall .... of cynicism. I am slowing but surely losing faith in humanity (and the ruckus down in LA. is piling those bricks up posthaste).

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I'd be drinkin' my lunch... wondering why I didn't smash him...

So any thoughts on why/how America has gotten this way?

My thoughts are folks are more interested in their "toys", houses, jobs, and climbing the "ladder to success". Than caring about the people around them.

What's the answer?

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First off let me qualify this post by saying I am over 2000 miles away from New Orleans. And the things that are going on there could happen in any disaster emergency in any of our cities. BUT (you knew that was coming didn't you) I do not understand the seemingly lack of any emergency plan in that state either before or after the hurricane. No coordinated way to move people to higher ground that didn't have their own transportation, no stockpiles of food, water, or other necessities somewhere in state on higher ground, no notification system to call in their state's national guard ahead of time, no provision for what seems to me to be something that happens on regular basis...bad weather from hurricanes to tornadoes etc. And the severe lack of planning, judgement, good sense, etc by the people who stayed is overwhelming to me.

Now with that said, I have to say I don't think my state, or many others, have such plans in place either, even though they talk about it and have drills to prepare for it, I doubt we would pass muster if a real (big) disaster hit us. So this terrible disaster has proved to the nation that not only do we need governments of all levels, Red Cross, and other relief agencies to truly prepare themselves and the citizens for disaster, but individuals need to take more responsibility for their own survival plans ahead of time and then follow evacuation orders or other mandates for survival. If evacuating, whole family should go and not leave someone behind to take care of house or belongings...IT IS JUST STUFF FOLKS!!!!, not worth losing life over it so leave already!!!

Now folks, don't give me no lip about being to poor to leave, I know a lot of poor people, was very poor myself in a poor rural community for a good share of my early years, and I KNOW that if they want to do something they can and will do it no matter what or how, whether it is buying cigarettes or alcohol, or drugs, or bailing a family member out of jail, or going to this or that welfare office, or other place of aid or buying stuff I can't or wont buy because of how much it costs or that it isn't worth it etc. I know one way below poverty level disabled gal right now that drives about 30 miles across town to get second harvest gleaners goods instead of her local one because she doesn't like the ethnicity of customers at nearby one, and also once a month she drives more than that in other direction to get the thrown out newspapers with it's coupons sheets so she can buy more of the junk food with the coupons, and to get the other junk mail paper trash to burn from a tiny town public post office recycle bin which is probably illegal, instead of asking for coupons and trash papers from people or stores nearby her home. I used to help her pay various bills when she got shut off notices, but got tired of being taken for a sucker after years of watching and listening to her and finally realized she is very good at manipulating people to get what she wants. Just one example of many I could give.

We turned out to be very bad at being landlords (to soft hearted!!! or maybe we just trust to much!!!) because we fell for the various renters' (including one relative at one time) hard luck stories then saw them destroy parts of the house (which now needs repairs to get it ready to sell) as they abused their children and unauthorized pets,, and drank, smoked, and I think some may have also been on drugs So due their bad life style choices and our ineptitude of being tough enough, they always had a major problem paying their rent or utility payments to us, and then the ones we evicted fought us in this liberal state of landlord always mean and wrong, and renters always mistreated liberal laws favoring renter over landlord mentality so the judge ordered mediation which was a joke as all renters had to say was they couldn't find a place to live, and our information of what they were doing was ignored, so back to judge to try to explain it was one sided, he said they can stay another 45 days. Then they tried to get that extended, until I threatened to turn them in for various things such as to children's services for abuse and neglect. Of course they left a disaster in house for us to clean up, as did the previous and following renters. So we quit helping people directly, let the agencies do it. Our church at the time even recommended one family, who tried to tear out walls to remodel without permission. So when we kicked them out actually before they had moved in, they took us to church as bad Christians, and pastor praised them for how good they were at being drug counselors (found out later they were chairing the local drug equivalent to AA, so not counselors but former? drug addicts.)

So all this to say, I think we have some knowledge from both of us being raised poor, and for what we have observed and learned about many poor people in our lives past and present, to comment on the news media and so many people who say that "those people" that stayed in NO, did so because they couldn't get out of town. I am sure that was so for some, but for others no. In fact some say so on news interviews they could have and should have left, but didn't. I know this is a long and not particularly nice post, but I guess I have overdosed on the news media saying they had no choice but to stay. I wonder why they didn't just start walking to higher ground if no other way out. I wonder why they didn't beg for rides, or organize church and other bus transportation out of town. I wonder why they didn't take some emergency supplies to shelters, why they didn't make plans ahead of time to provide some way of survival for themselves. Am I just not getting this or what? If I am wrong please help me understand. How can people take guns and knives but not some food and water to a shelter? This is hurricane season, so why didn't they plan to be without electricity, food and water supplies, ahead of time, or think about the likelihood of being flooded out in a lower than lake/river/ocean level place??? I don't think it is just up to governments or agencies to take care of us, it up to each of us to plan ahead to take care of ourselves as much as it is within our power to do so. That is how I was raised, not to take welfare or expect people to take care of us, it is up to us to do so with God's help.

I guess I should have put this in the rant thread, but it landed here instead. Sorry.

And I am sorry if I offend anyone by my somewhat cynical views on this. I even offend my inner giving heart at times, but have learned for every one that wants to help others there is someone that will abuse that help to the point it is tough to not be cynical. And should or shouldn't we ask tough questions, and look at world as it is? I don't know the answers, only that I keep on giving but also get lots of heartache and grief at times over that help being abused.

Sadly, I probably should delete this whole post but....??? Reread it, and still unsure if I should post it, but here it goes anyhow. Then I changed my mind again, edited it out of "batten down the hatches" thread and am putting it here in rant thread.


God bless everyone.

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Agree with you Pat. I was in the grocery store one time and a woman in front of me was buying some stuf with food stamps. She was wearing expensive clothing, had a lot of good jewelry on and walked outside ,got into a brand new car, still had the temp tags on.

I have another rant, which I haven't confirmed yet but if it is true ....... Apparently the Prez asked Carnival Cruise lines to help by sending a couple of their ships to the gulf. They declined. If this is true then everyone should blacklist them

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TO be the devils advocate.

Her car was new, so maybe she just got a job and hadnt had to report her new income yet.


Nicely said "thesidekickcat".

I agree with you.

I cant belive that all these people are so poor, and ALL of their freinds are so poor that they cant leave! Good greif, write a hot check if it gets you out of the flood zone!

I dont live in NO, but i know the dangers of living there! It would make sence to me that someone that lives there would know the dangers and details like the back of there hand!

They sit there expecting the government to hand feed them. Taxes are high enough already. Im sick of paying for everyone else's wrong choices.

Edited by Bubba Bob
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:D I'm playing Devil's Advocate to the Devil's Advocate (does that even make sense???)

I spent many years working in a grocery store and got to know the Food Stamp System quite well...In order to qualify for Food Stamps, you need a certain balance in the bank, along with income requirements. A surprising number of folks use up their bank accounts on cars, jewelry, fine clothes, etc, to draw their balances down low enough to qualify for Food Stamps. Sort of "cutting your nose off to spite your face", in my opinion, but many people do just that.

Sort of the same reason Senior Citizens are targets for purse snatchers and burglars. In order to qualify for the extra low income benefits, you can't have over $2000 in the bank. So these Seniors stash cash instead of depositing it in the bank. The "Nut with a Walker" (her term, not mine!) I take out weekly has at least $1000 in her purse at any given time (she has told me this) and who knows how much stashed in her firebox. And she bellyaches because Seniors are targets for thieves. Well, the thieves know they're taking advantage of SS, so they're easy targets, they have cash. I keep telling my "nut" this, but she won't give up that extra $400 month paycheck, she'd rather be a target.

Phew,this wasn't meant to be a rant :o.

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Just a few thoughts on the mess down South: I'm betting a lot of people didn't take the time and effort to evacuate because no one ever believes that a disaster will strike them . I'm quite certain poor people have friends and families, when our family needed help we asked for and received help, and vice versa when we were able to supply assistance, why are so many people saying it's the Federal Government's job to take care of them? I have my theories on that one. I'd bet more people reacted with dignity and compassion than you'll ever see on the evening news. People turning this into a political discourse are despicable, and wrong as the dangers have been known for far longer than the last eight years (and, IMO, anyone blaming the current administration must be ignorant of the history and geography of NO and of meteorology). As for the shooting, looting, rape and murder I'll quote Justice Thurgood Marshall:

Lawlessness is lawlessness. Anarchy is anarchy is anarchy. Neither race nor color nor frustration is an excuse for either lawlessness or anarchy.

--Thurgood Marshall

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good rant JDoors..I might add this. I was watching a reporter talking to "victims" and one of the "victims" was standing there smiling, smoking a cigarette. can't get out of town but can afford to smoke? a lot of people were in their house clothes with no shoes. they had no intention of leaving. pity the nurses at the hospital who had to hand ventilate the patients. try hand ventilating a patient for 10 minutes and you'll see what I'm talking about. if there are any nurses here you know about pulling a double shift. I think most of the fault lies with the residents AND the governer. government aid doesn't come unltil the governer requets it. by the way, the government chartered three cruise liners for 6 months. how do you find a job by going on a 6 month cruise? I better quit now before I really get started.

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Well, they ain't goin' on no cruise, those ships (I presume) will simply be used as refugee 'storage' until better and more permanent shelter is found. That certainly could take six months or more so it seems like a wise decision to me.

I didn't notice the smoking, damn people, if THIS isn't the time to stop scrounging for cigarettes I don't know WHAT it would take!

I wondered about the hand ventilators, they spoke about them but I didn't see them actually using them (understandably, it is medical care and deserves privacy). However I tried to imagine having to pump them throughout the night, and for several or even dozens of patients, and I couldn't imagine the manpower, and dedication, that must have taken.

OK, [rant] "Fires! Arson! Looting! Corpses!" (endless clips shown over and over) --doctors saved some lives (five second clip)-- "People left behind! Shooting! Total destruction! Moore's Minions blame Bush!" (more clips repeatedly shown) --a judge died (ten second clip)-- "No medical supplies! Gas prices rise! Some stations have no gas! Republicans are to blame!" (even more clips repeatedly shown) "More alarming news after a word from our sponsor ... " [/rant]

An aside: Have they started showing clips of dogs and cats yet? That's usually the sign reporters are running out of bad news to beat us over our heads with.

Edited by JDoors
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Oooh man. You said that so well JDoors, my sentiment exactly. My momma used to say... "s#it or get off the pot" I also figure many, many of them stayed behind to loot and steal. Surprize! It flooded too!


Hey, my Momma use to say the same thing.

Jdoors, we are on the same wave length. Here we have a tragedy, and we have some people coming on TV with the blame game. It is so easy to "Monday morning quarterback" as they say.

Unfortunately, the people that made the decision to stay, was the wrong one.

I don't want to get started on politics. Sidekickcat, you think you write a long post, I'd probably use up all of Jeff's bandwidth. Haha :lol:


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Awwww, puppies and kittens.... I don't have much means, but I could find room for needy lil' critters.

BTW, I have donated all of my motorhome's kitchen. Pots, pans, dishes, and knives, spoons, and forks... Dish towels, pot holders, etc.. A whole kitchens worth. When I dropped them off, the folks decided to add that sort of stuff to the list.

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Hey, i got this in my e-mail and thought it was interesting.


Cindy Sheehan

>Read about her background and who raised her soldier son.....




>What is most interesting is that the press gives this little bunch of

>people who are protesting with Cindy so much air time without discussing

>Cindy's background.


>This is a case of more press bias. It has been pointed out on just a couple

>of media outlets that Cindy divorced her first husband and left her son

>with him to be raised while she became a political activist for the

>Democratic Party.


>She had very little to do with her son in his growing years. She remarried.

>The 1st husband remarried. The original father raised the son with his new

>wife. They miss their son and mourn the loss of his life. They have stated

>that they are very proud of their son and that they agree with the stance

>of America in Iraq and on terror. They said that their son was eager to

>serve and to go fight the terrorists in Iraq. He volunteered.


>He volunteered. How many news stations carried their interview? Not many.

>So the son dies in Iraq and then Cindy shows up to make a stink. She gets

>an audience with Bush. That was not enough. She goes to Cra! wford and

>demands another audience. How many news stations carry the ongoing saga of

>Cindy? Practically all of them. Cindy didn't care about her son. She let

>another woman raise him.


>Cindy doesn't care about the other soldiers in Iraq. Cindy cares about her

>liberal, feminist agenda and about using the death of her son to lobby

>against Republicans and Bush. And the press is helping her. Why? Then 2

>days ago, Cindy's 2nd husband filed for a divorce from Cindy. Cindy sounds

>like a feminist opportunist who did not have the sense of responsibility to

>even raise her own son.


>Sheehan's sister-in-law

>On 11 August 2005 Matt Drudge made public an email he had received from

>Sheehan's sister-in-law (and Casey's paternal aunt), Cherie Quartarolo, in

>which she was quoted as saying:


>"We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of

>Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and

>notoriety at the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of

>the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President,

>silently, with prayer and respect."


>************************* same site





>Linda Ryan, mother of Corporal Marc T. Ryan, a Marine who was killed in

>Ramadi, says of Sheehan:




>"She's going about this not realizing how many people she's hurting. When

>she refers to anyone killed in Iraq, she's referring to my son. She doesn't

>have anything to say about what happened to my son." [56] On August 15,

>2005, Matt and Toni Matula, parents of Matthew Matula, a Texas Marine

>killed in Iraq, requested that the white cross representing their dead son

>as a victim of the war in Iraq be removed, stating that they did not wish

>their son's name to be part of an anti-war demonstration. Mr. Matula said:




>"It's fine for people to grieve their own way. It aggravates me to see them

>using other people's names to further their cause."[57] Natalie Healy,

>mother of Dan Healy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in the line of duty in

>Iraq, organized a rally on August 20, 2005 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in

>order to counteract Sheehan's message, stating:




>"We just want to let the fellas know that we're supporting them and that

>we're not going to wimp out on them." [58] Gary Qualls, whose son, Marine

>Corporal Louis Wayne Qualls, died in Iraq, started what was dubbed "Fort

>Qualls" in Crawford, Texas to counter the "Camp Casey" protests. Qualls has

>repeatedly removed the white cross bearing his son's name from the

>Arlington West display set up by "Camp Casey." [59]


> ________________________________________________________________








>It appears Sheehan embraces the anti-American views of the far-Left,

>possibly even advocating that soldiers disobey their officers.






>Next week Move America Forward will be leading a caravan to Crawford, Texas

>- to present an alternative voice to that of Cindy Sheehan, who has become

>the heroine of the "Blame America First" crowd.


>The Move America Forward's caravan (the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy"

>tour) will consist of family members who have loved ones fighting in the

>war against terrorism - stationed in either Iraq or Afghanistan. The truth

>is that the men and women in military and their families are the strongest

>supporters of the war on terrorism, and they do not agree with the message

>or antics of Cindy Sheehan. Their voices must now be heard - and with your

>help we will make sure they ARE heard.


>It is also important to note that every time there are stories that

>Americans do not support the troops fighting in Iraq it emboldens the

>terrorist insurgents fighting there. We cannot allow MoveOn. org, Michael

>Moore and Cindy Sheehan communicate a false sense of weakness to the

>terrorists overseas.










>In an August 15, 2005 interview [26] on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris

>Matthews, Sheehan told Matthews that she thought she would not have

>responded differently to her son's death had he died in Afghanistan rather

>than in Iraq. Sheehan argued that the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan was

>"almost the same thing" as the Iraq war and that in both cases it was wrong

>to invade an entire country to fight an ideology that did not necessarily

>represent all of the people of that country.




>When Matthews pointed out that "... Afghanistan was harboring, the Taliban

>was harboring al-Qaida which is the group that attacked us on 9/11.",

>Sheehan replied, "Well then we should have gone after al-Qaida and maybe

>not after the country of Afghanistan." Sheehan also argued that American

>efforts in Afghanistan were not "having any success" and that "our troops

>should be brought home [from both Iraq and Afghanistan.]"




>Casey initially signed up in May 2000 and voluntarily re-enlisted in the

>service in August 2003, knowing he would likely be called into active duty

>in Iraq. Secondly, as a mechanic in the 1st battalion, 82nd Field Artillery

>Regiment, Casey did not have to go into the battle that claimed his life.






>The fact that Cindy Sheehan has used her son's coffin as a political

>soapbox has not set well with many members of Sheehan's extended family. In

>a backlash, patriotic members of Casey's father's family have distanced

>themselves and their late, heroic relative from Cindy's anti-American ways.

Edited by Bubba Bob
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blah blah blah

poor cindy.

First is she not proud of the work her son did. By volunteering for the military, he showed that he was not selfish.

I will not go on about the war in Iraq.

But I will thank any service man and woman that haas served for me to be able to sit in comfort and complain.


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Very informative, Bubbabob!! Even though I would never, ever want to lose a child due to any circumstances, I couldn't really support her because her son enlisted--it was his choice. Had there been a draft, she might have a valid point. And reading that he re-enlisted, (I didn't know that, thanks!) knowing he would go to Iraq, she should have supported his decision and be proud of his sacrifice.

*sub rant* Son has a couple of friends who enlisted. The recruiters promised them they would be stateside. Guess where they are? I know the recruiters have to play every trick in the world to meet quotas, it is their job (and a job that keeps them stateside) but shame on them for making false promises and shame on these kids (and their parents) for believing them, and shame on all parties for not getting the promises in writing and checked by a lawyer for validity. :(

I've become "gunshy" with making political statements and I'm probably uninformed---so please, if I'm making wrong statements, correct me, I won't get mad, that's how we learn!!! and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, these folks over there have all my respect, what a brave thing they're doing. Its just that I love these boys as my own and it's heartbreaking to hear their courageous dismay when they are sent to Iraq, they don't complain, but when you know someone since they were 5, you know when they're putting up a brave front.


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*sub rant* Son has a couple of friends who enlisted. The recruiters promised them they would be stateside. Guess where they are? I know the recruiters have to play every trick in the world to meet quotas, it is their job (and a job that keeps them stateside) but shame on them for making false promises and shame on these kids (and their parents) for believing them, and shame on all parties for not getting the promises in writing and checked by a lawyer for validity. sad.gif

Wow. What a great first impression that must have been for those kids.

IMO that's a bit more than just a "trick", that's a life altering lie. But, like you said, they made the mistake of believing him.

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One of my daily news sources also revealed Cindy's background. I'm sure the reporters you read were being rhetorical when they asked why the mainstream (liberal) press has yet to do so. We all know why.

[rant] Someone asked me about her story when it first appeared and I said LOUDLY (at work, all eyes turned toward me), "It's disgusting the way she is dishonoring her son and the other men and women in the military!" I then explained the obvious for those who get their news spoon-fed to them.

After finding out what a little propagandist she has been it made it all the more disgusting, she's not just 'misguided,' she is literally using the death of her son to express her political views without regard to his life and wishes.

Like I said, it's disgusting. [/rant]

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