Ttv To G4 1yr Anniversary

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This is for all the TTV family.

I thought you might like to check in on this thread at G4.

It was on something called the Oats board, now is on Tech Support, and Pete will leave it there a few days, then on Sat? he will move it to Social Forum he said.

It seems like a homecoming reunion type thread of sorts, along with the usual one year anniversary talk (which I think is the end of this month?). And what would the family be like if it didn't have it's dysfunctional element too. Sigh! :unsure::rolleyes:

So something for everyone from old TTV boards. So if you are from the TTV family, then please do go over and post on the thread.

Pass the word around to former TTV people on other boards too.

One year on the G4 forums (to TechTVers)

God bless everyone.

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This is for all the TTV family.

I thought you might like to check in on this thread at G4.

It was on something called the Oats board, now is on Tech Support, and Pete will leave it there a few days, then on Sat? he will move it to Social Forum he said.

It seems like a homecoming reunion type thread of sorts, along with the usual one year anniversary talk (which I think is the end of this month?). And what would the family be like if it didn't have it's dysfunctional element too. Sigh!  :unsure:  :rolleyes:

So something for everyone from old TTV boards. So if you are from the TTV family, then please do go over and post on the thread.

Pass the word around to former TTV people on other boards too.

One year on the G4 forums (to TechTVers)

God bless everyone.

(Que. the original terminator music)

it's been a year since D-day. Since the day that we couldn't stop the robots and G4 took over. skynet! ... i mean G4 has bombed and consumed most of every major country. The United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, TechTv. even thou few of us survived we have banded together and take safe haven in bunkers like BestTechie. some of us still venture out to the battlefield once in a while in hopes of finding lost friends and comrades. the largest and most dangerous place for this is the G4 forums, very dangerous and covered with robotic trolls. i dare not venture there for i would not survive. but just maybe someday we the robotic army has been defeated i can return to repair what small part of TechTv survived.

(fade out)

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