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After 25 years's more like sunrise and sunset. We see eye to eye when she says so...And I just smile and say ok dear.

No really. we have our differences, (which I won't list in case she walks in and sees this and sets me straight). But all in all...Life works out ok for us. :mellow:

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and she hangs around us all the time and she just gets on everyones nerves.

What is attractive about her? Heh heh, and just what nerve of yours is she gettin on?


i don't really know. she's not that good looking and she doesn't have all that great of a body or mind but there's something about her. she's getting on all my friends nerves cause she hangs on him all the time and it's throwing our whole flow out of sync. we call her the leach.

ok after much thought i've come up with a theory. since i'm such a unique entity that there is no one like me in the world, so the only way that there can be an opposite of me is it's a female version of me made of antimatter. so if i ever touched the antimatter version of me just like the big bang collision of matter and antimatter the whole universe would be destroyed and give birth to a new universe comprised of only my matter and anti matter. :wacko: the most dangerous sex ever. :D

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I have to comment on this marriage partner thing!!!

Hubby and I are celebrating 35 years of marriage today! :wub::wub:

We are so totally opposite, and stubborn etcccccc, used to fight alot over mostly stupid stuff, that it took an act of God to fix our marriage literally!!!

But now we for the most part just laugh about how opposite we are, or 'chalk it up' as one of those 'men are from mars and women are from venus' things. Laughter is the best answer and being good friends most of all!!! We have weathered some serious storms of life together with God's help, and come out stronger and closer together.

By the way, we were married a few months after we met too (or rather after I finally noticed him). Hubby went down right after he met me, weeks before I even noticed him, and told his foster grandparents he had found the girl he was going to marry, at the time I hated men (was going through a nasty scary divorce from an abusive man), and didn't know this guy's name nor care!!! HA HA!!! But he and friends nearby kept on helping me cope with all the ex problems, and then he sat me down, with me shaking my head nooooooo all the time, telling me that I should marry him. HA!!! I kept saying no, but eventually said yes! Most talking he ever did at one time I think!!! :rolleyes: As you can probably guess I am the gabby one of the two of us.

Anyhow looking back even with the tough stretches, I am so glad I took him up on his offer!!! :wub: I sure do love this wonderful man of mine!!! :wub::wub:

Now why am I on the computer on our anniversary? So glad you asked!!! :rolleyes: FOOTBALL!!! :rolleyes: After the first game today, I put the Sunday paper away, and came in here, I don't know how many games he watched, with occasional switches to movies, but we are both content and check in on the other once in awhile too! Seee it works folks!! Let the opposites attract and then go their own direction, but not to far away!!! :wub::thumbsup::wub:

Mac, you will find the right girl, and I am betting you will know it fast!!! She might take longer to know for sure, but that's the way we girls are, we want to be friends first and make sure we know past our own sometimes volatile emotions that it this is the one we have been looking for all along as our forever real love.


God bless everyone.

Edited by thesidekickcat
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Happy Anniversary Pat and Hubby!!!!! If I knew how to post a bouqet of flowers, I would!

Our 25th Anniversary is on the 13th--It was the only date we could agree on. :D Good thing we're not superstitious, but Friday Anniversaries are a little more special. Just today my Hubby asked if he got "tenure" after 25 years. Of course I told him, "naaaaahhhhh, you'll always be on probation" Might just might keep him in line....maybe.... ;)

FOOTBALL!!!! Oh yeah, how I know that..... Hubby watched all day (Lions didn't choke! He hates it so much when I say that....But Da Bears lost) ate supper and is now asleep on the couch in front of ESPN. Like we say, those two would be Dagwood and Herb.... :)

Funny how you two got started. We were the same way! Poor Hubby asked me out 4 times before I finally agreed--mainly to shut him up. I had just been dumped (you know, nobody likes to be dumped, especially a female!!) and had declared "I'm joining a Convent (ha, not a Catholic) I'm joining the Army (I'm a pacifist) NO MORE MEN!!" Well, he sure goofed those plans up.

Well, Macmarauder, it'll be Hitest's turn in the pool tonight :pirate: 2000Post Happydance party tonight for him! I told him to blame you ;) Bring the penguins.


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Dang! My two cents. Sweet Brit and I met in IRC chat last June. Hours and hours of daily on-line time....and many hours on the phone. He said he had two weeks holiday coming and didn't know where to go. *I* said, "if you come to Michigan, I'll be your tour guide" Heh heh.. Long story short, he sold, stored, quit his job, and arrived here Dec. 30. We married on March 11 and I've never been happier in my life. As the days, weeks, months, go by, I'm more in love. It has been the adventure of my lifetime. And I can see nothing but rainbows for us in the future.

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I am happy that everything is going good for you

Have one question though, How did the Brit get an entire soccer team to advertise his nick. :lol::lol::lol:

Was watching the Sunderland / Fulham game on fox sports net and all the Fulham players had Pipex on their shirts



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Thanks everyone for anniversary greetings for us, and Liz right back at you with a bouquet of flowers for yours for the 13th!!! Now that's a date I think even I'd remember Ha!!!

I have always had a hard time with dates, he picked out the date to be day after his birthday but then I forget that too...oh my!!! :blush: He thinks it is hilarious!!! :rolleyes:

Now I think maybe it would have been easier for me if it had been day before his bd, for 9th month 9th day thing, but who knows???? :unsure::rolleyes:

And it is so neat to have a newly-wed here too!!! Now Bozodog, that's more risk than most of us took in leaping into marriage!!! Wow!!! But then you two may know more about each other than any of us? All that great communication!!! Do you guys find it easy to talk face to face, or better by phone or online? Hubby is shy and likes to talk by phone, but I need to be able to read body/face language. Yep one more opposite for us!!! Here is hoping for the pots at the end of those rainbows to be filled with true gold and good wishes for your continued happiness my friend.

And here is wishing plenty more happy years to all of you other happily marrieds too!


God bless everyone.

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Have one question though, How did the Brit get an entire soccer team to advertise his nick.

Very funny Robroy. :D You did know about his ISP help forum didn't you? PipexSupport That's his baby.

And yes our marrage is going very well. I'm sure we both found it surprizing but, it had to be all the quality time we spent with each other on-line. (no hormones in the way :P )

Pat, we talk eye to eye. Although some times I chicken out and express my displeasure in a e-mail. But once it's been said we have a talk about it. That way I can cool down a bit, and he can take the time to think about the problem before we talk. Works for us. We've only had one row, and after I walked away to avoid the arguement, he approched me a few hours later and asked softly if we could talk it out. :wub: Now "that" moved him up a few pegs on my respect scale. Bare in mind though, we are still newlyweds.

Chocolate covered graham crackers, milk, and gourmet coffee on me today.

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Yawn....need another cup of coffee. Normal day at the crazyhouse. I ended up staying up until 3am because the dog decided she needed to "protect me" from the wind. She sleeps through thunderstorms but is scared of wind.....

Then this morning I had a 9am dentist appointment, but of course!

After the dentist, I turned on the idiot box, went to grab a third cup of coffee, walked in the room and the monitor screen was black- mouse light worked, monitor light was green (it turns yellow when it's off) and said, "hmmmm, I broke it!"

Turned it off, tried again, got a "Please excuse the inconvenience, but I had a case of obstinence last time you turned me on" message and ended up doing the same thing.

Realized Son had left his Flash Drive Thingy plugged into the back of the idiot box. Guess what? Computers don't play nice when those things are left plugged in. They should put that info in the directions!!! That durned Flash Thingy is still haunting me.....

Then went into town and almost got hit twice--it's Senior Citizen Day for the Grocery Store and town was thick with 'em....took the "back roads" home ;)

Well, at least the vacuum cleaner worked! The dog thought it was paybacks for last night :)


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Naming is hard, what kind of "huge" dog? My big one is a Great Dane. (120 pounds) Then I have a boxer/shep mix that's 80. (see them in my sig.) Gypsy isn't afraid of anything she has already encountered. But when something new comes along she turns into a trembling sissy wanting in my lap! Bozo, the boxer, thinks the whole world is an adventure or Disneyland. He ain't afraid of nuffin' (has the scars to prove it) He's my "crash" dummie. Like that lil' kid all banged up, brused and scaby from playing hard at the playground.

So Blim, dog keeps you awake when the wind blows... and you tramatize it with the vac? I don't know who to feel sorry for, you or the pooch.

BTW, on the sys tray. (lower right) you should see an icon that "highlites" Remove hardware safely Click that and then take that dang flashey thing out.

Man! I don't know what's worse, Old folks day or driving in our downtown. I ran the downtown route yesterday and heard breaks screeching behind me twice, almost lost the 35 pounds I'm dieting for off my behind 3-4 times. I even saw a gal with a cell phone in her ear and a burger in her hand, speeding.... DOES EVERYONE OUT THERE KNOW AN EXPRESS DELIVERY VAN MAKES FREQUENT STOPS? Four way flashers, slow down, and hand signals, HELLOOOO? And my dang van is OSHA yellow with red lettering! stupidpeoplePMO.gif

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you are expecting people to be smart. Ain't gonna happen. I see the dhl or fedex or ups vans and know they make frequent stops, but I still see people tailgating then then bitching when they stop.Saw two ups trucks rearended the same day because of the idiots following too close. I live on a one way street and still have to be very careful because every day people pull out of the store parking lot on the corner and turn the wrong way. Ok enough ranting about bad drivers, whats left to eat around here?

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You're hungry, Robroy? Sigh, OK, I'll whip up some Mexican Food, how's that? :)

I'm stuffed. Hubby and I went to the local steakhouse and I pigged out. I completely overate, but can't have leftover steak!! Sure was nice to go out, though. Since I quit working, that's something we never do.

Bozodog, you need to feel sorry for both Sandy and me--it's another windy night--but I won't need to vacuum tomorrow. I know that lap thing. Sandy won't hop on my lap, but she sure uses Hubby and Son's laps. When she's scared, she wants the biggest human in the room.

And thanks for telling me about that thing on the task bar. Now the trick will be to notice it before I turn the computer off!!!! :D


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Hello everyone,

Anyone want a bacon, tomato, egg, sweet onion sandwich??? We had them again tonight. We tend to eat them a lot during fresh tomato season.

Also have extra tomatoes if anyone wants some. They are huge for Early Girls, and delicious!

For the gardeners out there, here are some fun to read gardening columns (from Oregonian paper) links you might like.

Down to Earth

Free Association...salvage art for gardens

Body Check...Gardening realities

For the book lovers, here's a story about our world famous Powell's bookstore biggest bookstore in the country.

Powell's turns pages

You need a map to get around in the main store. I love the place, and have spent the whole day there many times.

These links may not last long as Oregonian website doesn't keep stuff on it for very long.


God bless everyone.

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Good articles, Pat. Thank you. Gosh, Dulcy Mahar sure makes me laugh, she's a regular Erma Bombeck! And I laughed at the lady who "plants rocks" My flower gardens are edged with fieldstones that I collected in the Spring from the farmer's fields. One house had a pile of these rocks and a young man was outside. I pulled over and asked if I could take a few. He said, "I don't know why in the world you would want old rocks, but help yourself" :D


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Awwww, Pat. Those were just great links. I really liked the garden sculptures. I'm going to do more of them. Err, slugs and snails? Shucks, I'd just get a few Guinnie hens (spl?)... They like ticks too. Toads are great slug eaters. Now about the goldfish... heh heh, Herons? Bet the eggs came in on their feets.. Kinda a cultivation of a food pantry?

I have Green frogs in my pond. They are so cute, because if you walk up on them sunning on the bank they "scream" as they leap into the water. EKKKK!!

Edited by bozodog
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Glad you folks liked the articles, I thought you might.

Kind of pooped out tonight, helped hubby with redoing back deck steps' handrails. Old ones to old and rotted to use as a template, and then we decided to change things a bit which may or may not work out. You never can tell if something will actually work/fit anywhere on old house or even newer stuff we added on many years ago like deck due to settling and quakes and even train vibrations jostling things off kilter etc. (never mind the fact we have always jerryrigged things to fit house, not necessarily true to square etc.) So after trying repeatedly to do it the way we wanted with what we had, and it not working, we gave up and went down to the local small mill nearby to get new boards. So that will be tomorrows project, though still haven't figured out how to fit the new handrail at the top to the good but oddball beveled deck rails. So a project that shouldn't have taken more than a couple or three hours is now going for two days. Believe me a bowed board, especially one bowed on two different sides is only good for using as firewood, or since it is a three sides round one flat closet rod type pole, I might use it in yard or garden for something (which is probably why we still have it, I may have given up on it years ago and said same thing and then forgotten it, so maybe firewood is a better idea so we wont try it yet again the next time for closet or stair handrail. Ha!) So it was hot, muggy, and I forgot to eat of those come look at this for a minute honey projects...I should know better after all these years that it is never a just a minute job!!! Ha!!! :rolleyes:

So just checking the boards and then early to bed tonight. I know hubby will want to start in on project early tomorrow, and I have to get my coffee down first!!!! maybe even get breakfast too I hope!!!

Take care folks.


God bless everyone.

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*Waves to Macmarauder*

Oh, Pat, I sure know about new construction on old houses....Square? What is square? And jerryrigging is the key (Believe it or not, check plumbing and electrical supplies for the "joiner piece", I've had good luck with those items!) Just make sure you keep nagging Hubby to "measure carefully before cutting". Make me proud. (*Hugs to Hubby*, you know I couldn't resist!)


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