Wordpress Hell: Cannot Install 2.8.4

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Hello all:

I would like to have some help installing wordpress 2.8.4 - I try to install using the 5 minute install process, but when I go to my website (buddy-baker.us/wp-admin/install.php), she wont install. I KNOW I have the wp-config.php file right, and she still cant find the files...........can someone help me with this - Did it before on etch, but darned if I know why I cant install it......

I may have a apache problem or a permission problem, but I need some help to fix this.......

Any help would be appeciated :)


Edited by baker7
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I have followed the instructions word for word and have attempted to inatall on the root of the server by editing wp-config.sample.php and I changed the name as directed, then uploaded all the files to a directory called /blog - Then I go to the server via VNC and type in http://localhost/blog/wp-admin/install.php and she says:

"The URL /blog/wp-admin/install.php was not found on the server" - Does NOT matter where I put the thing, it just wont install - I think I need an assist from BT community linux experts cause the apache2 directives and such may be messed up - If anyone wants to take a shot, let me know by PM ;)



Edited by baker7
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