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I have thought about this for sometime and I think I will start to use Linux the one where you put the CD in and use it. Now my question is, is there alot of code typing involved? I.E. to open something or move a folder or do you jut drag and drop that? and installing something is that hard, whats the process?

plz don't laugh at me :( I know I'm a linux noob so maybe you guys/gals can help me.

THX X-Cannon

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Well, about the distro, there are a few that you can run off a cd. Knoppix, based off Debian, is a great choice. There is also Morphix, Slax-Live and a variety of others you can find here.

Don't worry about not knowing how to program; I even started using knoppix, and i don't really know any programming either. It's a great tool to use to begin learning, and its pretty straight forward.

Good luck with linux, you'll have a lot of fun with it!

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If you want to use a live CD I'd go with Knoppix it has excellent hard ware detection.

You can download Knoppix here.

Make sure you download the English version :D

Knoppix is very easy to use. Just pop the CD into your windows machine. If your BIOS is set so that your CD ROM drive is the first bootable device then you're all set. If your computer doesn't boot from your CD ROM drive you'll need to go into your BIOS settings and set the CD ROM drive as first bootable device.

Power down your computer. Turn on computer. Your computer will boot from the live CD and then Knoppix will auto detect all of your hard ware and you'll be running Linux.

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the ones you listed are all good enough.. ADIOS is based on Red Hat.. I have never seen the others.. But any Cd will teach you something

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