Now Cold Water Causes Cancer!

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Came home from work yesterday and turned on the local news. Caught a segment they do with a doctor who answers viewer questions. Someone wrote in and said they read that drinking cold water congeals the junk in your trunk (I'm paraphrasing), making it stick, which leads to cancer. The doctor said she knew where they must have read that information, an ad for herbal tea. The idea is bunk, it's just a made-up scare to get you to buy their tea.

Today I get an e-mail forward saying if you drink cold water it congeals the junk in your trunk, making it stick, which leads to cancer! Ha!

Interesting to see an urban legend take shape, and sad to see it started with an ad for herbal tea. <_<

By the way, you can disprove this yourself: Drink a large quantity of any cold beverage, stick your finger down your throat, and see if what comes up is still cold. It's 98 degrees down there for Pete's sake!

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Came home from work yesterday and turned on the local news. Caught a segment they do with a doctor who answers viewer questions. Someone wrote in and said they read that drinking cold water congeals the junk in your trunk (I'm paraphrasing), making it stick, which leads to cancer. The doctor said she knew where they must have read that information, an ad for herbal tea. The idea is bunk, it's just a made-up scare to get you to buy their tea.

Today I get an e-mail forward saying if you drink cold water it congeals the junk in your trunk, making it stick, which leads to cancer! Ha!

Interesting to see an urban legend take shape, and sad to see it started with an ad for herbal tea. <_<

By the way, you can disprove this yourself: Drink a large quantity of any cold beverage, stick your finger down your throat, and see if what comes up is still cold. It's 98 degrees down there for Pete's sake!


Anyone who says cold water causes cancer must have something up. Water only causes problems if the water you are drinking is contaminated at or by a SOURCE. There are so many things these days that they say doesn't cause cancer, and that you should eat more of this, or more of that, and then they turn round and say that they think that it may not be as good for you.

As far as I am concerned, a glass of COLD water is good for almost anything that ails you, and it helps you to do so many things - Water is a temperature regulator as well, so of course, water helps your body, as most of our bodies are made up of water (80% I think).

Water is Good - Keep Drinking it :)


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Came home from work yesterday and turned on the local news. Caught a segment they do with a doctor who answers viewer questions. Someone wrote in and said they read that drinking cold water congeals the junk in your trunk (I'm paraphrasing), making it stick, which leads to cancer. The doctor said she knew where they must have read that information, an ad for herbal tea. The idea is bunk, it's just a made-up scare to get you to buy their tea.

Today I get an e-mail forward saying if you drink cold water it congeals the junk in your trunk, making it stick, which leads to cancer! Ha!

Interesting to see an urban legend take shape, and sad to see it started with an ad for herbal tea. <_<

By the way, you can disprove this yourself: Drink a large quantity of any cold beverage, stick your finger down your throat, and see if what comes up is still cold. It's 98 degrees down there for Pete's sake!

Well, Vitamin E can cause it too.

Probably just about anything can taken to excess. Moderation is the key.

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Well, it IS a fact that drinking water to excess, whatever the temperature, can kill you.

Hey, the fact that drugs wind up in the water supply might mean anti-cancer drugs too, so drinking water can CURE cancer!

Yes there are probably thousands of death worldwide due to DiHydrogen Oxide poisoning.

We need legislation to protect people from this caustic, hazardous chemical which has been known to be deadly in doses as small as one tablespoon. Notify your legislator immediately that they should make DiHydrogen Oxide a restricted controlled chemical.

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Well, it IS a fact that drinking water to excess, whatever the temperature, can kill you.

Hey, the fact that drugs wind up in the water supply might mean anti-cancer drugs too, so drinking water can CURE cancer!

Yes there are probably thousands of death worldwide due to DiHydrogen Oxide poisoning.

We need legislation to protect people from this caustic, hazardous chemical which has been known to be deadly in doses as small as one tablespoon. Notify your legislator immediately that they should make DiHydrogen Oxide a restricted controlled chemical.

That's a good idea.

We also need to notify our legislators and ask them to protect us from caustic hazardous legislators. :D

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