Martymas..... Rock And Roll

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Marty... Everything o.k. ?+

I know it's quite a ways from you to the west-south-west Map.............. but I pray all is well with family and friends who may be nearby.



Geographic coordinates: 44.713S, 167.464E

Magnitude: 6.8 Mw

Depth: 25 km

Universal Time (UTC): 15 Oct 2007 12:29:37

Time near the Epicenter: 16 Oct 2007 01:29:37

Local standard time in your area: 15 Oct 2007 12:29:37

103 km (64 miles) WNW (291 degrees) of Queenstown, New Zealand

200 km (124 miles) NNW (339 degrees) of Invercargill, New Zealand

270 km (168 miles) WNW (297 degrees) of Dunedin, New Zealand

707 km (439 miles) SW (235 degrees) of WELLINGTON, New Zealand

Edited by bobbynichols
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hi bobby thanks for your concern

the city i live in had a short sharp jolt

but we are on a fault line

and any thing can happen

we havent had a major shake for 35 years

but over the years

i think every 49yrs

somewhere her we get a major shake were lives are lost

tho these days we have warning sys's

where as in the past they didnt have the safety

every person in this country has to have some sort of


which helps

the city ilive in is in a basin

which i believe was once

a crater

from a past molten mountain

million years ago

yes that jolt was a good shake

but it wasent so bad as others places

again thanks for your concern

i worry when i see other parts of the world get hit by

big shakes

and to make matters worse

many citys have become concrete jungles

which endangers the population

the last time we had a los of life

was in 1979

and before that 1935

the problem is the after shakes

once i counted 35 after shakes

i nearly did it in my pants when i first shifted to this city


sorry for the strong words

ive edited my text

some times i get carried away

had another jolt to night

and my it was a sort of a rock to the side

but that was all



hey that is a great map of the affected areas

when ever there is a shake any where the whole country feels

no matter where you are


Edited by martymas
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  martymas said:
hi bobby thanks for your concern

the city i live in had a short sharp jolt

but we are on a fault line

and any thing can happen

we havent had a major shake for 35 years

but over the years

i think every 49yrs

somewhere her we get a major shake were lives are lost

tho these days we have warning sys's

where as in the past they didnt have the safety

every person in this country has to have some sort of


which helps

the city ilive in is in a basin

which i believe was once

a crater

from a past molten mountain

million years ago

yes that jolt was a good shake

but it wasent so bad as others places

again thanks for your concern

i worry when i see other parts of the world get hit by

big shakes

and to make matters worse

many citys have become concrete jungles

which endangers the population

the last time we had a los of life

was in 1979

and before that 1935

the problem is the after shakes

once i counted 35 after shakes

i nearly shit my self when i first shifted to this city



hey that is a great map of the affected areas

when ever there is a shake any where the whole country feels

no matter where you are



Glad that you are indeed OK: had a quake in the North East a few years ago that shook me a little, but nothing big ;)


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checking in on the quakes

we had a series of shakes

which i believe are called hives

in the city i live in it was a small jolt

but i have relitives in queens town

who had to get out side incase the building callapsed

poor buggers

tho these are small quakes

unlike places like indinesia

they are constant

i believe

in new zealand

every year about 1000

shakes of some sort accur every year

i remember when i was a kid new zealand

was known as the shaky isles

by the world media

luckly for me my city

is not on the shaky line


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thanks all for your

kind words

unlike some parts of new zealand our jolts are small in the city i live in

but i see they have had shakes every day for 7 days

the area were the quakes are centered

is a world famous ski resort

and many people from all over the world

come here

this is were the bungy jumping originated from

a man called AJ HACKET

saw this in one of the pacific islands

jumping off platforms

and brought it back to nz

then went world wide

he is now a billionaire

i know him very well

he isnt like many millionires

he is down to earth

he drinks beer swears

likes woman

all that stuff

funny thing he shifted from queentown

because of the quakes

but jumps off those dam bungy platforms

human nature


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