Emmanuel Goin Pro

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Thats right Folks, my flagship machine will get a much needed upgrade to Windows XP Professional sometime tomorrow if all goes right. I decided to make this change to allow me to communicate with machines that run Professional versions of windows - D&K runs Windows 2K3 SBS, and my older machine runs 2KPRO, so this was a no brainer.

This way, all machines on my network will have professional flavors of the OS, which will allow me to more easily connect to them - I can't run Vista, and really don't want to at this point, so I would rather run an OS I trust - and now I will have it.

Wish me luck with this, hopefully, all I need to do is slide the CD in and have it upgrade all the way ;)


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Well, here's an update on my progress:

I started this at about 7PM EDT Yesterday Evening, and figured I'd have like 14 gigs - I was close.......I backed up what I wanted, and went to bed by 9:30 - I was wiped after driving around all day :) *ZZZZZZZ*

At 3:30AM this morning, I was able to grab a couple more files off my machine, and complete the backup operation. At 6:25AM EDT, I was running the Win XP Pro Setup Wizard, and by 2PM EDT, had Windows XP Pro Installed enough to download my Panda AV to protect my system while online catching up on forum posts.

Here is a surprise: Panda Must Have upgraded me, because they gave ne Panda Internet Security 2007, which has AS/AV/Firewall/Spam/Fish/Fraud blocking and a whole host of things - NICE :)

Now, I have to restore 13.77 gigs of files, and I should be fully restored, but have to also reinstall a few programs, including Office XP, and I should be golden ;)

Wish me luck - will update when next phase complete - 81 updates ;)


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Panda Internet Security found 18 threats and I cleaned up 12 of them......some of these were caused by antispyware tools such as smitfaudfix - I now have all current Windows Updates, and can now selectively install needed programs ;)


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Panda Internet Security found 18 threats and I cleaned up 12 of them......some of these were caused by antispyware tools such as smitfaudfix - I now have all current Windows Updates, and can now selectively install needed programs ;)


Here is another update:

I apparently have been having problems with Panda Internet Security 07 - It contantly says that my protection level is "LOW" and it insists on blocking access to the internet with an "content filter" which I need to give a password to access when I want to reboot the system. This was OK until I tried to send email with Outlook 2003 - It would not allow me to connect to the mail server, and I believe that it had something to Internet Security 07. I downgraded to Panda Platinum 7, and will stay there until I can figure out what in the devil is going on here ;)

Other than that, system appears stable, and things are moving faster - gonna restore music next :)


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