Is A Firewall Really Neccessary?

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I agree with what has been said so far, for the most part. One hardware and one software firewall works very well. I use ZoneAlarm but there are people on the board who are happier with others like Sygate or Tiny Personal Firewall. But, try running one of each (hardware and software, that is, not more than one software...don't run any more than one software firewall.

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A software firewall helps keep tabs on your system. Take ZA for example. It monitors traffic both ways. (windows firewall one way). You install a couple of programs and ZA starts asking you if you want to allow a program access to the net. Thats a good thing. Now if a program (or spyware) gets installed without your knowedge, ZA is right there asking if you want to allow something new, and if you never installed anything you knew about. You know to start looking for what's wanting to get access.And get it cleaned out.

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Well since what I was going to say has already been said above, I guess all that's left is just to pipe in with another agreeance.

I, too am a Zone Alarm user.

Not to mention that wireless is less secure that wired. (Even with the WEP encryption.)

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" is a firewall really neccessary when I have a wireless router"

since a router is not a firewall I would say you need at least one. i use m0n0wall as my router and firewall and wireless router.. have stateful package inspections vpn access from the outside.

as for software verses hardware (in case some one asked which is better) ..its all software its where you install it. at your gateway a firewall stops (or slowes down) people from searching your network. a router does not do that (not even with NAT). the firewall on your system stops programs from getting out side your computer. as a unix/linux unser mostly I don't have such problems, but work is a great example. while the boarder firewall stops most viruses from contacting the outside world it does not stop your ystem from spreading the infection to systems inside your network. a local system firewall will do that better.

you should have at least one firewall. and unless you added zonealarm or something to your router a router is no firewall.

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