Server Move Info

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I know we just moved to a new server - however, I was able to negotiate with another host for a better server for a pretty great price. The new server is US based and the companies offices are actually on Long Island so I can always drive over there and bop them on the head if need be. ;)

Server Specs (of new server)

>>P4 2.4GHz


>>120GB HD

>>1000GB Transfer TIER1 Bandwidth

>>11 IPs inlcuded

>>24x7x365 Live Person Support

>>Fully Managed Server

>>100mbps connection

Anyway, I will probably move BT sometime in the near future. The move shouldn't be more than I'd say 20 mins to an hour assuming everything goes as planned. It could even possibly be less. I've already configured the new server, uploaded most of the stuff that needs to be there except for the databases and anything I've changed recently so that really cuts back on time. I have everything pretty much down to a science the way I want to get it done so hopefully everything will work out the first time. Things will take place in the order they are written.

Here's how it's going to happen: Todo List


Check new server config files mainly lighttpd and backup script


Create in VirtualMin - make sure mail, dns, ftp were setup properly

Also, create in VirtualMin for the Name Servers


Download /forums and upload to new server


Put forums offline while downloading database and transfering everything


Download back ups of all MySQL databases (.sql file)

1. forums

2. marcin

3. wp1

4. wpmu


Delete databases on new server and then upload the latest database and load it in MySQL

mysql -uuser -ppass db < database.sql


Change the IP's of Name Servers


Future: Upgrade forums to IPB 2.3.0


If you have any questions or comments please post there here.



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Can I keep the lederhosen? :)

I didn't understand anything you wrote, except the ability to head-bop, so good for you, Jeff! And hoping the move goes smoothly.


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I plan to do this move sometime this week - most likely within the new few days. I'll post back with more details when I have more a definite idea.


I assume that blogs will be moved as well? Good Luck with the Move Jeff - we are behind you all the WAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!

All the best,


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Alright, I think I'm going to do the move tomorrow (Wednesday the 20th) or if I can't get to it tomorrow then I'll do it Thursday the 21st.

The site will probably go down around 10:30 - 11:00 AM East Coast time and will hopefully be back by 11:30AM - 1PM.


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