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What about Spybot and Trend Micro 2007? Since I installed TM 2007 computer very slow. So found this at TM site:

Trend Micro 2007

I never had any trouble with Spybot, but do with TM 2007. The only fix that they suggest is to disable immunization :unsure: If I do that, what is the point of having Spybot?

If you google this, you will find a lot of complaints of "pcscnsrv.exe" in Task Manger using CPU about 50% at times. Looks like "pcscnsrv" means pc scan service.

I've done all scans for spyware......NOTHING. I'm clean. It sounds like a conflict TM 2007 with Spybot. Both are aware of it.

I had TM 2006 and had no slow down at all. I may uninstall 2007 and install 2006. I'll wait a while.

Just wanted to give out this info in case anyone else has TM 2007.

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If is far better to dump or disable SpyBot than remove TM 2007 and revert to TM 2006. When is the last time SpyBot found or blocked anything bad on your PC?

Good point TT on Spybot. I scan and it comes up clean all the time, so I thought it was blocking the bad stuff. Am I misunderstanding it's use?

I also have AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 (Ewido) which is probably sufficient.

Thanks for your input. I am open to all ideas and suggestions.

Edited by bar5
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TM 2007 contains an anti-spyware feature. It probably protects the same way as SpyBot's immunize feature.

So does TM 2006, but after that runs I;;l run Ewido and still come up with stuff.


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